Название: Human Design: How to discover the real you
Автор: Chetan Parkyn
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр: Личностный рост
isbn: 9780007387496
If your Crown is defined
Rattle, rattle, rattle goes your head, pondering all sorts of ideas, truths, doubts and possibilities. I suspect you catch yourself saying, ‘I don’t know where the inspiration comes from – it just does!’
When the Crown is defined, it follows that the Mind will be also. The Crown can only be defined through its link to the Mind, meaning you’re someone who is always thinking, reviewing and searching for exciting insights and fresh realizations. You can be of high intellect but need to understand that intellect and intelligence are not one and the same, because you must learn how to use that intellect. That’s why the CIA should be called the Central Intellect Agency, because until its agents actually think outside the box and process the facts, figures, data and tips, it cannot become intelligence.
If you have the Crown defined, you’ll intrigue others with your mentally active way. That’s because you induce deep thought with your take on the world. This can mean you’re either received as scintillating company or regarded as dull as ditchwater, dependent on how you put yourself across.
The Crown is one place where the sense of spirit can be found within you, whispering, wanting to be heard. It is the nature of the Crown to handle lofty concepts and this can, sometimes, lead to great stress about how to make these concepts practical or communicate them to others in a coherent manner. There is a deep – seated need to understand and explain everything, which, if unchecked, has the potential to send even you round the bend. I always say it can be mentally exhausting to have the Crown defined, and yet highly rewarding when inspiration leads to satisfaction.
If your Crown is undefined
You are open to all sorts of inspirations that seem to pop into your head at odd times. Wherever you go, you find inspiration in all sorts of different company and situations, because you’re open to the conditioning of other designs. This is why you love to immerse yourself in inspiring environments such as art galleries and movie theatres and connect with artistic people. You yearn to be inspired in this way.
This can, however, leave your head spinning with a kaleidoscope of thoughts and inspirations triggered by other people. The risk here is that you’ll be so influenced by other people’s thoughts, issues and puzzles that you’ll act on them. People can end up carrying someone else’s flag their whole life and living in someone else’s shadow. Ask yourself this question: ‘Why do I spend so much time thinking about the dilemmas or ideas of others?’
Refuse to get caught up in the highbrow conceptualizing flooding your Crown from outside designs and allow your centre to act as a receiving dish to the thoughts of others. This is how you turn a conditioning influence into the impassive wisdom that will give you the objectivity to untangle others’ convoluted thought streams and convey them with clarity. An example would be a student understanding a professor’s complex take on a subject and writing it out in a more simple way.
Remain wary about committing to flash – in – the – pan inspirations which can be a waste of energy. Use this openness to remain wise.
The Mind
The Mind distils information being pumped in from the Crown and is always filtering and rationalizing to reach an understanding. It’s as if the Crown pressurizes it, saying, ‘Work it out, work it out, work it out.’
As one of our three ‘awareness’ centres, the Mind is in a permanent state of ‘work in progress’. Worries and agitations can fester within this centre. The Mind can trap deep thinkers into an endless loop because the mental wheels never cease as it ponders the past and attempts to relate to the present and future.
This centre relates to the pituitary gland, which is located in the front of the brain. Eastern cultures refer to this gland as ‘the third eye’ or as ‘the mystical eye of knowledge’. It is no surprise, therefore, to see it associated with a centre which interprets inspiration to make you ‘see’ something you need to learn or grasp.
If your Mind is defined
Your in – built hard drive never stops whirring, processing and backing up its information. Your mind is a human computer, forever comparing, reviewing and researching. In school or at work, you may have had the sensation that your head was about to burst with all the facts and knowledge overloading you. But when you ‘put your mind to something’, you’ll work it out and race on to the next thing.
Many trouble – shooters and consultants come armed with such a make – up. You can also be a professional worrier and nitpicker, looking for problems that do not exist. Expressions such as ‘You’re worrying about nothing!’ or ‘Will you stop worrying about things that haven’t happened yet?’ tend to suggest that a person with a defined Mind is in the room. You just cannot turn off your thoughts and worries. Meditation can quiet your mind, allowing you to distance yourself from racing thoughts, but you have a consistent way of thinking and will find you approach an issue or question in exactly the same way each time.
If your Mind is undefined
You can be open – minded and absent minded at the same time. You are open to contemplating anything, but also prone to be forgetful and easily distracted. You might go to your car and forget your keys or leave the house and forget to turn the iron off. I always say that keeping a diary or journal is a good medium for you, because you can make a date or have a conversation and then forget its details within 24 hours.
I don’t intend to paint you as ditzy. Far from it. The great mind of Albert Einstein had this centre undefined, and the reason his mind was so great was because this granted him a detached objectivity which allowed the impassive wisdom of finding clarity amid life’s complexities. You, too, must learn to step away from the mental activity of defined Minds. That way, you really can make sense of the thoughts and confusions that others are grappling with. I always tell people with an undefined Mind that they have a gift for resolving other people’s issues, for being able to see the wood, not the trees.
You can also walk into a room and sense what everyone is thinking, because you’re capable of tapping into the thoughts of others. People may even say, ‘You always seem to know what I’m thinking.’ Such is the wisdom of the undefined Mind. Its beauty is that you have a choice: be contemplative and still when alone, or become engaged and thoughtful when interacting with others. The potential of your mind knows no bounds! If you learn to accept this glorious uncertainty, life can be viewed as a mental adventure.
The Throat
Expression and Manifesting
Below the Mind is the Throat, the centre that creates and makes things happen with its powers of manifestation and expression. It is both the voice – box and main hub of your Human Design, where all deeds and dreams seek reality and where all voices strive to be heard. It is the centre where everything can happen.