The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 07, May, 1858. Various
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Название: The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 07, May, 1858

Автор: Various

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Журналы




СКАЧАТЬ have but one chance left,—and that is, going to Florence.

        But it is cruel to turn. The mountains seem to demand me,—

        Peak and valley from far to beckon and motion me onward.

        Somewhere amid their folds she passes whom fain I would follow;

        Somewhere among those heights she haply calls me to seek her.

        Ah, could I hear her call! could I catch the glimpse of her raiment!

        Turn, however, I must, though it seem I turn to desert her;

        For the sense of the thing is simply to hurry to Florence,

        Where the certainty yet may be learnt, I suppose, from the Ropers.

      VI.—MARY TREVELLYN, from Lucerne, TO MISS ROPER, at Florence

        Dear Miss Roper,—By this you are safely away, we are hoping,

        Many a league from Rome; ere long we trust we shall see you.

        How have you travelled? I wonder;—was Mr. Claude your companion?

        As for ourselves, we went from Como straight to Lugano;

        So by the Mount St. Gothard;—we meant to go by Porlezza,

        Taking the steamer, and stopping, as you had advised, at Bellaggio;

        Two or three days or more; but this was suddenly altered,

        After we left the hotel, on the very way to the steamer.

        So we have seen, I fear, not one of the lakes in perfection.

          Well, he is not come; and now, I suppose, he will not come.

        What will you think, meantime?—and yet I must really confess it;—

        What will you say? I wrote him a note. We left in a hurry,

        Went from Milan to Como three days before we expected.

        But I thought, if he came all the way to Milan, he really

        Ought not to be disappointed; and so I wrote three lines to

        Say I had heard he was coming, desirous of joining our party;—

        If so, then I said, we had started for Como, and meant to

        Cross the St. Gothard, and stay, we believed, at Lucerne, for the


        Was it wrong? and why, if it was, has it failed to bring him?

        Did he not think it worth while to come to Milan? He knew (you

        Told him) the house we should go to. Or may it, perhaps, have


        Any way, now, I repent, and am heartily vexed that I wrote it.

        There is a home on the shore of the Alpine sea, that upswelling

          High up the mountain-sides spreads in the hollow between;

        Wilderness, mountain, and snow from the land of the olive conceal it;

          Under Pilatus's hill low by its river it lies:

        Italy, utter one word, and the olive and vine will allure not,—

          Wilderness, forest, and snow will not the passage impede;

        Italy, unto thy cities receding, the clue to recover,

          Hither, recovered the clue, shall not the traveller haste?


        There is a city, upbuilt on the quays of the turbulent Arno,

          Under Fiesole's heights,—thither are we to return?

        There is a city that fringes the curve of the inflowing waters,

          Under the perilous hill fringes the beautiful bay,—

        Parthenope do they call thee?—the Siren, Neapolis, seated

          Under Vesevus's hill,—thither are we to proceed?—

        Sicily, Greece, will invite, and the Orient;—or are we to turn to

          England, which may after all be for its children the best?

      I.—MARY TREVELLYN, at Lucerne, TO MISS ROPER, at Florence

        So you are really free, and living in quiet at Florence;

        That is delightful news;—you travelled slowly and safely;

        Mr. Claude got you out; took rooms at Florence before you;

        Wrote from Milan to say so; had left directly for Milan,

        Hoping to find us soon;—if he could, he would, you are


        Dear Miss Roper, your letter has made me exceedingly happy.

          You are quite sure, you say, he asked you about our intentions;

        You had not heard of Lucerne as yet, but told him of Como.—

        Well, perhaps he will come;—however, I will not expect it.

        Though you say you are sure,—if he can, he will, you are


        O my dear, many thanks from your ever affectionate Mary.



        Action will furnish belief,—but will that belief be the true


        This is the point, you know. However, it doesn't much matter

        What one wants, I suppose, is to predetermine the action,

        So as to make it entail, not a chance-belief, but the true one.

        Out of the question, you say, if a thing isn't wrong, we

             may do it.

        Ah! but this wrong, you see;—but I do not know that it matters.

          Eustace, the Ropers are gone, and no one can tell me about them.


        Pisa, they say they think; and so I follow to Pisa,

        Hither and thither inquiring. I weary of making inquiries;

        I am ashamed, I declare, of asking people about it.—

        Who are your friends? You said you had friends who would certainly

             know them.


        But it is idle, moping, and thinking, and trying to fix her

        Image more and more in, to write the old perfect inscription

        Over and over again upon every page of remembrance.

          I have settled to stay at Florence to wait for your answer.

        Who are your friends? Write quickly and tell me. I wait for your



        You are at Lucca Baths, you tell me, to stay for the summer;

        Florence СКАЧАТЬ