Жизнь на скорости света. От двойной спирали к рождению цифровой биологии. Крейг Вентер
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СКАЧАТЬ (2005). Hill and Wang.


      Книга была опубликована в 1627 году, через год после смерти Бэкона.




      With the new knowledge acquired by science, the enlightened mind no longer needs to see the fabrication of protoplasm in order to be convinced of the absence of all essential difference and all absolute discontinuity between living and not-living matter.


      Некоторые описывают Берцелиуса как виталиста, но, как указывает Джон Брук, с этим утверждением надо быть поосторожнее. John H. Brooke: “Wöhler’s Urea and its Vital Force – a verdict from the Chemists.” Ambix 15 (1968), 84.114.


      Цитата из The Life and Work of Friedrich Wöhler (1800–1882). Edited by Johannes Buttner. Edition Lewicki-Buttner, vol. 2. Verlag T. Bautz GmbH. E-book.


      “…denn ich kann, so zu sagen, mein chemisches Wasser nicht halten und mus Ihnen sagen, das ich Harnstoff machen kann, ohne dazu Nieren oder uberhaupt ein Thier, sey es Mensch oder Hund, nothig zu haben.” Otto Wallach, editor, Briefwechsel zwischen J. Berzelius und F. Wöhler (Leipzig: Engelmann, 1901), vol. 1, стр. 206.


      The Life and Work of Friedrich Wöhler (1800–1882). Edited by Johannes Buttner. Edition Lewicki-Buttner, vol. 2. (Kindle Locations 1927–1933.) Verlag T. Bautz GmbH. Kindle Edition.




      Ramberg, Peter J. “The Death of Vitalism and the Birth of Organic Chemistry: Wöhler’s Urea Synthesis and the Disciplinary Identity of Organic Chemistry.” Ambix, Vol. 47, Part 3, ноябрь 2000, стр. 174.


      Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie (Учебник по органической химии).




      Brooke, John H. “Wohler’s Urea and its Vital Force – a verdict from the Chemists.” Ambix 15 (1968) 84.114.


      Brooke, John H. “Wohler’s Urea and its Vital Force – a verdict from the Chemists.” Ambix 15 (1968) 84.114.


      Waller, John. Fabulous Science: Fact and Fiction in the History of Scientific Discovery (Oxford University Press, 2010), стр. 18.


      Le Dantec, Felix Alexandre. The Nature and Origin of Life. Trans. Stoddard Dewey. New York: A. S. Barnes, 1906.


      Turing, A. M. Phil., Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B237, стр. 37–72 (1952).


      Moreno, Jonathan D., Editor-in-Chief of Science Progress: http://scienceprogress.org/2010/05/synbio-ethics/.


      Dyson, George. Turing’s Cathedral: The Origins of the Digital Universe (Allen Lane, London, 2012), стр. 284.


      Schrodinger, Erwin. What is Life? (1944), стр. 20–21.


      Brenner, Sydney, Nature, 482, 461 (2012).


      Watson, J. D., and F. H. Crick (April 1953). “Molecular structure of nucleic acids; a structure for deoxyribose nucleic acid.” Nature, 171 (4356), стр. 737–738.


      Turing, A. M. “Computing Machinery and Intelligence.” Mind, New Series, Vol. 59, № 236, октябрь 1950, стр. 433–460.




      Bedau, Mark A. “Artificial life: organization, adaptation and complexity from the bottom uстр.” Trends in Cognitive Sciences (November 2003). http://people.reed.edu/~mab/publications/papers/BedauTICS03.pdf


      Dyson, George. Turing’s Cathedral: The Origins of the Digital Universe (Allen Lane, London, 2012), стр. 3.






      Dyson, George. Turing’s Cathedral: The Origins of the Digital Universe (Allen Lane, London, 2012), стр. 336.




      Dyson, George. Turing’s Cathedral: The Origins of the Digital Universe (Allen Lane, London, 2012), стр. 233.


      Avery, O. T. Letter quoted by R. D. Hotchkiss. “Gene, transforming СКАЧАТЬ