Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873. Various
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СКАЧАТЬ the closing scene of the person commemorated, followed by a short inscription. The work is done in an artistic style worthy of the publicity its location gave it. On one of these slabs you recognize the familiar full-length figure of Demosthenes, standing with two companions and clasping in a parting grasp the hand of a woman, who is reclining upon her deathbed. The inscription is, Collyrion, wife of Agathon. On another stone of larger size is a more imposing piece of sculpture. A horseman fully armed is thrusting his spear into the body of his fallen foe—a hoplite. The inscription relates that the unhappy foot-soldier fell at Corinth by reason of those five words of his!—a record intelligible enough, doubtless, to his contemporaries, but sufficiently obscure and provocative of curiosity to later generations.

      There are other noted structures at Athens, such as the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates—the highest type of the Corinthian order of architecture, as the Erechtheum is of the Ionic and the Parthenon of the Doric—but want of space forbids any further description of them. Let the American traveler visit Athens with the expectation of finding a city occupying the most charming of sites, and containing by far the most interesting and important monuments of antiquity, in their original position, to be found in the whole world.



      My little girl is commonplace, you say?

      Well, well, I grant it, as you use the phrase

      Concede the whole; although there was a day

      When I too questioned words, and from a maze

      Of hairsplit meanings, cut with close-drawn line,

      Sought to draw out a language superfine,

      Above the common, scarify with words and scintillate with pen;

      But that time's over—now I am content to stand with other men.

      It's the best place, fair youth. I see your smile—

      The scornful smile of that ambitious age

      That thinks it all things knows, and all the while

      It nothing knows. And yet those smiles presage

      Some future fame, because your aim is high;

      As when one tries to shoot into the sky,

      If his rash arrow at the moon he aims, a bolder flight we see,

      Though vain, than if with level poise it safely reached the nearest tree.

      A common proverb that! Does it disjoint

      Your graceful terms? One more you'll understand:

      Cut down a pencil to too fine a point,

      Lo, it breaks off, all useless, in your hand!

      The child is fitted for her present sphere:

      Let her live out her life, without the fear

      That comes when souls, daring the heights of dread infinity, are tost,

      Now up, now down, by the great winds, their little home for ever lost.

      My little girl seems to you commonplace

      Because she loves the daisies, common flowers;

      Because she finds in common pictures grace,

      And nothing knows of classic music's powers:

      She reads her romance, but the mystic's creed

      Is something far beyond her simple need.

      She goes to church, but the mixed doubts and theories that thinkers find

      In all religious truth can never enter her undoubting mind.

      A daisy's earth's own blossom—better far

      Than city gardener's costly hybrid prize:

      When you're found worthy of a higher star,

      'Twill then be time earth's daisies to despise;

      But not till then. And if the child can sing

      Sweet songs like "Robin Gray," why should I fling

      A cloud over her music's joy, and set for her the heavy task

      Of learning what Bach knew, or finding sense under mad Chopin's mask?

      Then as to pictures: if her taste prefers

      That common picture of the "Huguenots,"

      Where the girl's heart—a tender heart like hers—

      Strives to defeat earth's greatest powers' great plots

      With her poor little kerchief, shall I change

      The print for Turner's riddles wild and strange?

      Or take her stories—simple tales which her few leisure hours beguile—

      And give her Browning's _Sordello_, a Herbert Spencer, a Carlyle?

      Her creed, too, in your eyes is commonplace,

      Because she does not doubt the Bible's truth

      Because she does not doubt the saving grace

      Of fervent prayer, but from her rosy youth,

      So full of life, to gray old age's time,

      Prays on with faith half ignorant, half sublime.

      Yes, commonplace! But if I spoil this common faith, when all is done

      Can deist, pantheist or atheist invent a better one?

      Climb to the highest mountain's highest verge,

      Step off: you've lost the petty height you had;

      Up to the highest point poor reason urge,

      Step off: the sense is gone, the mind is mad.

      "Thus far, and yet no farther, shalt thou go,"

      Was said of old, and I have found it so:

      This planet's ours, 'tis all we have; here we belong, and those are wise

      Who make the best of it, nor vainly try above its plane to rise.

      Nay, nay: I know already your reply;

      I have been through the whole long years ago;

      I have soared up as far as soul can fly,

      I have dug down as far as mind can go;

      But always found, at certain depth or height,

      The bar that separates the infinite

      From finite powers, against whose strength immutable we beat in vain,

      Or circle round only to find ourselves at starting-point again.

      If you must for yourself find out this truth,

      I bid you go, proud heart, with blessings free:

      'Tis the old fruitless quest of ardent youth,

      And soon or late you will come back to me.

      You'll learn there's naught so common as the breath

      Of life, unless it be the calm of death:

      You'll learn that with the Lord Omnipotent there's nothing commonplace,

      And with such souls as that poor child's, humbled, abashed, you'll hide your face.





      Elise went out to gather willow-twigs, as her mother had said when her father asked for her.

      A little later in the afternoon, Mr. Albert Spener walked swiftly down the street toward the house occupied by the Rev. Mr. Wenck. While he was yet at СКАЧАТЬ