7I. The brief course. 7 roles of the team. 7 faces of the soul. 7 types of character (english edition). Nikolay Tatarov
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СКАЧАТЬ exciting for them is boring. Each teacher knows: as soon as the pupils lose interest, they immediately begin to make noise and entertain themselves. Any severity can not keep the attention of pupils – only interest.

      Where it is possible to see many Heroes? – At the playground. There are children in the continuous movement. They passionately and with enthusiasm run, play, rush…

      Tedious waiting for Heroes is unbearable. They can not stay in one place for a long time. They are impatient, restless. They say, that they are “full of beans”. They want to move constantly. Such behaviour not only small children but also many adults have. There are people who, for example, can not lie on the beach. They want to do something: to swim, to play volleyball or play football. They have to put their energy somewhere, spend it on something.

      The role of the Hero is not intended for everyday life. Therefore, people with the heroic character often do not find a place in society. They are exhausted from boredom – and here lies the most important trouble – alcohol. Alcohol temporarily activates the energy of the body, causes the feeling of excitement and inspiration, which Heroes are looking for constantly. Not finding a place in the philistine world, they drink and, alas, lose themselves into drinking.

      A heroic character formation is found in all animate creatures: men and women, humans and animals. In 1966 the Mosfilm did a movie “Wings” about a woman with a heroic character. This film is about three days from the life of a former military pilot, and now the director of the vocational training school Nadezhda Petrukhina. For a long time the war ended, but for the heroine of the film, the former pilot, only those years were filled with authentic meaning. The war for such she is, has become one of the highest manifestations of the human spirit. Therefore the heroine also remembers war with horror and at the same time as the hour of triumph. She, for her misfortune, has not been able to reorganize and now, with her maximalism and sacrifice, sometimes she looks inappropriate, or even ridiculous. She deeply experiences dissonance with reality. She does not manage to adapt to this peaceful, everyday life…


      Besides the boredom and inspiration with the role of the Hero, there is also a feeling of tenderness.

      Plots of chivalric romance are built according to the standard scheme: A hero (for example, a knight) usually wanders in search for adventures (for example, to fight with the Villain, with the dragon). At the same time the Hero, except the loyal friend, still by all means has a beloved, there is “ladylove” for whom the Hero has tender feelings.

      The feeling of tenderness generates the aspiration to fondle, caress, take pity on Therefore beloved, regardless of their real size, they are called diminutively caressing names: “baby”, “pussy”, “cutie”, “sweety pie”, “sweetie”, etc.

      The feeling of tenderness can be addressed not only to the beloved woman. With tenderness, the mother takes her child in her arms, strokes and kisses him; the dog licks his puppies, and the cat – kittens.

      Tenderness is associated with affection, a desire to take in arms and to hide from adversity. Children are taken in hands. They carry beloved in hands. The feeling of tenderness is experienced a small child when he puts to bed with him a favourite teddy bear for the night, embraces him, strokes and gently covers the blanket so that he would not “froze”.

      The symbol of the heroic desire to save, hide and protect is a monument to a warrior with a saved child in his arms, installed in the Berlin Treptow Park.

      Why does the Hero protect the weak, save them, help them in trouble? Because the Hero is pitiful to weak.

      Tenderness is called a sweet feeling or a feeling of affection. Gently beloved call darlings. “Have mercy, pity, host a favour” – that’s what they say when they turn to this part of the human’s soul. With a pity give alms.

      The feeling of pity generates such quality of soul as mercy. “Sisters of Mercy” were called nurses in the World War I. Sisters of mercy were treating to wounded with a pity.


      The souls of men and women, as well as the souls of all other animate creatures, are arranged identically. There are no exclusively male or exclusively female feelings; there are no exclusively male or exclusively female roles. There are also women with a heroic character. Such woman “… will stop the horse at a gallop, enter the burning log hut”.

      The woman with fire in a soul was sung by V. Vysotsky in one of the songs of a climbing cycle:

      I asked you “Why are you going up the hill?” —

      And you were going to the top, and you were spoiling for a fight. —

      Elbrus is seen great from the plane…

      You sniggered and took with you.

      Since you became close and affectionate…

      In the characteristic of the heroine of a song specified the qualities of soul connected with a heroic dominant of character: inspiration, tenderness, affectionateness and also charisma – ability to lead (words are turned to her: “I tried to keep step with you from the last force’).

      Women with a heroic dominant character are called “fatal women”. Because of them they “lose their heads”, “go crazy with passion”, they get carried away, they are jealous, because of them they shoot at duelling, commit suicide, let down the fortunes, rob banks, raise riots, overthrow governments and make revolutions. Meet the fatal woman – to lose half life. Will shake up all soul.

      Considering portraits and photographs of famous femme fatale women, studying the certificates of their contemporaries, it can be noticed that most of them did not differ in external beauty. Fatal femme women are attracted not by external beauty, but by an inner fire.

      The body’s energy system is responsible for sexuality and sexual ability. It is not for nothing that the chakra “svadhisthana” (the center of the body’s energy system) is called the sexual chakra. People with a heroic character are different in the irrepressible tendency to sex. Women with a developed energy system, sometimes even at a distance, have an ardour emanating from the “svadhisthana” chakra. It is not by accident the womb where women are bearing children, is located near this chakra. They say about such women that they become pregnant from the first kiss.

      Generally speaking, behind the word “love” can be hidden different feelings. Therefore, usually to the word “love” add a certain epithet – specify the hue, type, kind of love. People with a heroic character are characterized by fervent love and tender love. It not for nothing to say about the Hero-lover: “He is passionate and gentle” – cause an ardour, passion and tenderness are connected with the same role of the Hero.

      But, it is known, the Hero-lover – he is not only passionate and gentle, but also light-headed. Laura from “the Stone Guest” not for nothing called Don Guang “my light-headed lover”. “The object of passion and tender feelings” the Hero often changes. One and the same “object of love” quickly becomes boring for the Hero, it becomes boring, and people with a heroic dominant character do not tolerate boredom. The boredom drives them away. That is why their love is changeable.

      People with a heroic character sometimes meet so-called “Casanova complex”. They need to achieve the desired goal associated with danger and risk. Without the passion of sex, they are bored – after СКАЧАТЬ