Название: One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest / Пролетая над гнездом кукушки. Книга для чтения на английском языке
Автор: Кен Кизи
Издательство: КАРО
Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература
Серия: Modern Prose
isbn: 978-5-9925-0682-2
Harding looks about at the other Acutes around the card table. “Gentlemen, already I seem to detect in our redheaded challenger a most unheroic decline of his TV-cowboy stoicism.”
He looks at McMurphy across the table, smiling, McMurphy nods at him and tips his head back for the wink and licks his big thumb. “Well sir, of Professor Harding sounds like he’s getting cocky. He wins a couple of splits and he goes to comin’ on like a wise guy. Well well well; there he sits with a deuce showing and here’s a pack of Mar-boros says he backs down.… Whups, he sees me, okeedokee, Perfessor, here’s a trey, he wants another, gets another deuce, try for the big five, Perfessor? Try for that big double pay, or play it safe? Another pack says you won’t. Well well well, the Perfessor sees me, this tells the tale, too bad, another lady and the Perfessor flunks his exams…”
The next song starts up from the speaker, loud and clangy and a lot of accordion. McMurphy takes a look up at the speaker, and his spiel gets louder and louder to match it.
“…hey-ya hey-ya, okay, next, goddammit, you hit or you sit… comin at ya… !”
Right up to the lights out at nine-thirty.
I could of watched McMurphy at that blackjack table all night, the way he dealt and talked and roped them in and led them smack up to the point where they were just about to quit, then backed down a hand or two to give them confidence and bring them along again. Once he took a break for a cigarette and tilted back in his chair, his hands folded behind his head, and told the guys, “The secret of being a top-notch con man is being able to know what the mark wants, and how to make him think he’s getting it. I learned that when I worked a season on a skillo wheel in a carnival. You fe-e-el the sucker over with your eyes when he comes up and you say, ‘Now here’s a bird that needs to feel tough.’ So every time he snaps at you for taking him you quake in your boots, scared to death, and tell him, ‘Please, sir. No trouble. The next roll is on the house, sir.’ So the both of you are getting what you want.”
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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admission – зд. новенький
mothah = mother (Здесь и далее многие персонажи (как и сам рассказчик) употребляют разговорные выражения и изъясняются с грамматическими ошибками.)
pinochle – вид карточной игры
stompdown dadgum – самым отъявленным
Sitting Bull – Сидящий Бык (1834–1890) – вождь индейцев племени Сиу, воевавший с белыми. Убит полицией.
Kleenex – бумажная салфетка
EST (Electro-Shock Therapy) – электрошоковая терапия
Seconal – зд. снотворное
Punch and Judy acts – кукольные представления
in spades – разг. чрезвычайно
id – подсознание
superego – сверх-я (часть психики, являющаяся посредником между сознательными влечениями и социальными идеалами)
whambam – (вульг.) трах
get a bone up – (вульг.) отыметь
ruba-dub – (разг.) рукомойник