In Memoriam. Сборник воспоминаний, статей, иных материалов. Сергей Лебедев
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СКАЧАТЬ смена формаций. В общении друг с другом мы находили большое удовольствие: не в споре, но в согласии… – такое нечасто бывает! Нас объединяло то, что мы были патриотами Института: мы из МГИМО! С годами наша взращенная на профессиональной ниве дружба крепла. У людей, познакомившихся в наступающей юности или, как говорится в «Золотом теленке» Ильи Ильфа и Евгения Петрова, «в последнем приступе молодости», дружба крепка.

      Хотя наши интересы пересекались довольно часто, работать вместе нам не приходилось. Наше деловое сотрудничество сводилось к тому, что мы были членами одного дачного кооператива и жили по соседству. Будучи председателем этого кооператива, я звал преподавателей Института строить там загородные дома. Вечерами мы собирались у камина и обменивались впечатлениями от прожитого дня. С нами была и супруга Сергея Николаевича – Ася Николаевна, заботливая и поистине любящая и любимая жена. Сергея Николаевича мы называли Сережей. Он был очень воспитанным и деликатным человеком. Его воспитанность была не нахватанная, а врожденная. Человек с глубокими знаниями. Он умел радоваться жизни и привносил радость в жизнь сам.

Александр Иосифович Медовой, кандидат экономических наук, профессор кафедры мировой экономики МГИМО МИД России

      Gustaf Möller. Some Recollections of Contacts with Professor Sergei Lebedev

       1. Introduction

      The first time I met Professor Sergei Lebedev was at a meeting of the Working Group preparing the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration. His name had, however, become well-known to me already about a decade before UNCITRAL entrusted its Working Group on International Contract Practices with the mandate to prepare a draft Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (Model Law). This was due to the fact that the civil procedure in general and in particular commercial arbitration had for a long time been one of my main interests. It goes without saying that nobody who is sincerely interested in international commercial arbitration could have avoided coming across the name Sergei Lebedev, since he was already in the Soviet-era probably the internationally best known Russian expert in international commercial arbitration. He had written extensively on the subject also in English. For me as a lawyer from a country with a long common border with Russia of course Russian law, as well as an authoritative Russian view, on international commercial arbitration was of particular interest.

       2. Working with professor Lebedev in UNCITRAL

      When I had been appointed as a representative of Finland to participate in the work on the Model Law, I was looking forward to working with some of the foremost experts in international commercial arbitration, among those Professor Lebedev. He did, however, not attend the first meetings of the working group but he played later a very active and constructive role in particular at UNCITRAL’s 18th session, where the work was finalised and the Model Law was adopted on 21 June 1985. In particular I remember that he, in despite of his hesitations, in the spirit of compromise accepted the provision in Art. 1(3)(c) of the Model Law according to which an arbitration is international and thus the Model Law is applicable, if the parties have expressly agreed that the subject matter of the arbitration agreement relates to more than one country.

      On its 31st session, which was held in 1998, i.e. forty years after the adoption of the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (Convention), UNCITRAL held a special commemorative New York Convention Day in order to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the Convention. Speeches were first given by Professor Pieter Sanders and Dr. Ottoarndt Glossner who had participated in the diplomatic conference that adopted the Convention. In addition leading experts, among those of course Professor Lebedev, gave reports on matters relating to the significance of the Convention; its promotion, enactment and application; the interplay between the Convention and other international legal texts on international commercial arbitration (such as the Model Law and the European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration) and legal issues that were not covered by the Convention. In the reports, various suggestions were made for presenting to UNCITRAL some of the problems identified in practice so as to enable UNCITRAL to consider whether any work by UNCITRAL would be desirable and feasible. The topic of Professor Lebedev’s report was “Court Assistance with Interim Measures”. When the Model Law was amended in 2006 the most important amendments concerned the interim measures.

      The Commission considered at its 31stsession that it would be useful to engage in such a consideration of possible future work at its 32th session in 1999 and requested the Secretariat to prepare, for that session a note that would serve as a basis for the consideration of the Commission.

      At its 32nd session in 1999 the Commission had before it the requested note. The Commission generally considered that the time had come to assess the extensive and favourable experience with national enactments of the Model Law as well as the use of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules and the UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules, and to evaluate in the universal forum of the Commission the acceptability of ideas and proposals for improvement of arbitration laws, rules and practices. The Commission entrusted the work to one of its working groups, which it named Working Group on Arbitration (later renamed, Working Group on Arbitration and Conciliation; Working Group II Arbitration and Conciliation and now called Working Group II Dispute Settlement) and decided that the priority items for the Working Group should be conciliation, requirement of written form for the arbitration agreement, enforceability of interim measures of protection, and possible enforceability of an award that had been set aside.

      The Working Group prepared the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation (2002), the amendments to the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985) adopted in 2006, the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (as revised in 2010), the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (with new Article 1(4) as adopted in 2013), СКАЧАТЬ