The Idol. Vadim Kycherenko
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Название: The Idol

Автор: Vadim Kycherenko

Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат

Жанр: Драматургия




СКАЧАТЬ That’s true. But I don’t need it.

      Tomov. Or maybe your wife makes you save money? So, just tell me the truth, don’t wag the tail like a dog.

      Anna. Shame on you, Oleg!

      Tomov. Go, tell me!

      Vasil. Yes, a wife is a wife.

      Anna. Got it?!

      Tomov. You are such boring people. One can’t even have fun with you.

      Anna. Why can’t? You are welcome but mind your jokes. Levanchik, dear, was there some mail?

      Levan. Are you also waiting for a letter, eh?

      Anna. Don’t be so curious. It doesn’t become to you!

      Levan. What have I said? Why are you getting angry? Would you like a newspaper?

      Anna. Take a guess!

      Levan. You think I spare it, eh?

      Tomov. Anna, Levan is a good guy. Don’t beat him, you will need him in future.

      Anna. Go on, the floor is yours… (taking a newspaper).

      Vasil. What are they saying, Annuska?

      Tomov. What can they say? Just some idle things for emotional girls and old people.

      Anna. Oleg, you are a pain in the neck. How many people told you this?

      Tomov. Surprisingly, you are the only for today. Oh man! And she is my best friend’s wife!

      Alla. Aren’t you going to defend honor?

      Sumyatov. No, thanks.

      Alla. Are you consoling yourself with the thought that It wasn’t addressed to you?

      Sumyatov. It might be to me also. Whatever!

      Anna. Oh, guys, I can’t believe it!

      Levan. Hey, what’s that? Why are you shouting, eh?

      Vasil. Can I look at it?

      Tomov. It’s him! He looks so real.

      Mancev. What’s the matter?

      Anna. (reading). «On the photo: an adventurous conqueror of the forbidding Devil’s Fang mountain-climber Victor Mancev».

      Tomov. Vityok, can I shake your brave hand?

      Mancev. Why is there me only?

      Vasil. Don’t get upset, we don’t mind at all.

      Mancev. But why?!

      Anna. Oh, there is an urgent message here.

      Tomov. What’s that?

      Anna. Don’t tear up the newspaper!

      Mancev. Anna, read aloud.

      Anna. (reading). «Avalanche in Mountains».

      Tomov. Hey, everybody get silent!

      Anna. (reading). «Last night the dwellers of the local villages heard a threatening rumble…» We heard nothing didn’t we, Vasil?

      Tomov. You were sleeping like gophers in their holes.

      Anna. Hey, you!

      Mancev. Anna, go on!

      Anna. «A mighty avalanche fell down at midnight sharp. At that moment a radio connection with a group of mountaineers climbing up the Devil’s Fang broke».

      Tomov. The guys are totally screwed up!

      Vasil. Don’t croak!

      Anna. Spit three times and knock at a piece of wood right away!

      Tomov. Well, if it helps them… Vasil, where is your head to knock at?

      Anna. «By morning several rescue brigades headed for the mountains. However, the group of climbers have not been found yet. Their traces are lost».

      Levan. No wonder they are lost! The devil is going to break his neck there. Believe me or not?

      Mancev. That’ s why it is called the Devil’s Fang.

      Tomov. This peak won’t have mercy on anyone. And it won’t let anyone back.

      Anna. But we have gone through. Haven’t you forgotten?

      Tomov. It’s by a fluke. Blind luck. I wouldn’t take such a risk for the second time. (Singing). «Hey, apple, where are you rolling? Should you get to the Devil’s Fang you won’t roll back»!

      Anna. Vasil, Vitya, just tell him! Is there a hope?

      Vasil. Just a slight one.

      Mancev. In what area were they when the radio connection broke?

      Anna. It doesn’t say.

      Levan. Is there anything else?

      Anna. Yes, there is. (Reading). «Before this accident the Devil’s Fang was conquered only by a group of climbers headed by the famous mountaineer Victor Mancev…»

      Sumyatov. Alla, you see? Here is a bright confirmation of my words!

      Alla. What are you talking about?

      Sumyatov. Victor Mancev! The others are not even mentioned.

      Alla. Come on! Does it really matter now?

      Sumyatov. What about fairness? Where is fairness, I ask you?

      Anna. Vasil, from now on you won’t go to the mountains without me, got it?!

      Vasil. Without you – no way. Who am I going to look for there?

      Tomov. God, damn those mountains!

      Levan. Why are you saying that, eh? Listen, while we are coursing here they are perishing!

      Tomov. That’s true, Levan! We should go to rescue them.

      Anna. Vasil! Why are you silent?

      Vasil. What should I say? If we go, let’s go then.

      Levan. Aren’t we men, eh?!

      Anna. Sure we are! Vitya, tomorrow morning we are starting, right?

      Mancev. You know what guys… I can’t join you now.

      Anna. Why?!

      Tomov. What’s the matter Vityok? Are you crazy?

      Mancev. Crazy? No. I just need to stay at this camp for one or two days.

      Vasil. How are we going to go without you?

      Mancev. At least one day. Try to СКАЧАТЬ