Leading in English: How to Confidently Communicate and Inspire Others in the International Workplace. D. Vincent Varallo
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СКАЧАТЬ behind them, listening to their conversation and smiling mysteriously.

      To be continued…



      Tango requires effort and patience and the willingness to learn. But, the rewards are awesome. A connection with another human being that some describe as…a dance of communication and connection.

– Florintino Guizar1

      Pierre, Liz, Toshi, and Wendy reflect the many faces of international professionals2 working in English. As we have seen, they encounter hurdles on the path to success because of the interplay of language and culture in global business. They want to inspire, encourage, and motivate others to reach their full abilities. They are all dedicated leaders, fast-trackers, high potentials, and star performers who share a common bond: English is driving them crazy!

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      The phrase international professionals was first used by Vince in the late 1990s after working with hundreds of native and non-native speakers of English who were struggling to communicate effectively in their respective organizations. He felt the term “ESL” (English as a Second Language) employees only referred to non-native speakers who needed baseline help in English. The term captured neither the advanced non-native nor the native speakers working in multilingual environments. Hence, he coined the phrase “international profession




The phrase international professionals was first used by Vince in the late 1990s after working with hundreds of native and non-native speakers of English who were struggling to communicate effectively in their respective organizations. He felt the term “ESL” (English as a Second Language) employees only referred to non-native speakers who needed baseline help in English. The term captured neither the advanced non-native nor the native speakers working in multilingual environments. Hence, he coined the phrase “international professionals” and has used it to help organizations identify this specific group of individuals and address their unique set of challenges.





The phrase international professionals was first used by Vince in the late 1990s after working with hundreds of native and non-native speakers of English who were struggling to communicate effectively in their respective organizations. He felt the term “ESL” (English as a Second Language) employees only referred to non-native speakers who needed baseline help in English. The term captured neither the advanced non-native nor the native speakers working in multilingual environments. Hence, he coined the phrase “international professionals” and has used it to help organizations identify this specific group of individuals and address their unique set of challenges.