Шелковый путь. Дорога тканей, рабов, идей и религий. Питер Франкопан
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СКАЧАТЬ of Heraclius (610–641): Crisis and Confrontation (Leuven, 2002), рр. 95–112.


      Dagron and Déroche, ‘Juifs et chrétiens’, рр. 240–247. Относительно достоверности большей части информации в тексте – Howard-Johnston, Witnesses to a World Crisis, рр. 155–157; о вероятной аудитории и цели текста – D. Olster, Roman Defeat, Christian Response and the Literary Construction of the Jew (Philadelphia, 1994). Главным образом, здесь Hoyland, Seeing Islam as Others Saw It.


      J. Reeves, Trajectories in Near Eastern Apocalyptic: A Postrabbinic Jewish Apocalypse Reader (Leiden, 2006), рр. 78–89; B. Lewis, ‘An Apocalyptic Vision of Islamic History’, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 13 (1950), рр. 321–330. Также см. S. Shoemaker, The Death of a Prophet: The End of Muhammad’s Life and the Beginnings of Islam (Philadelphia, 2012), рр. 28–33.


      Canonici Hebronensis Tractatus de invention sanctorum patriarchum Abraham, Ysaac et Yacob, in Recueil des Historiens des Croisades: Historiens Occidentaux 1, р. 309; перевод: N. Stillman, The Jews of Arab Lands: A History and Source Book (Philadelphia, 1979), р. 152.


      M. Conterno, ‘“L’abominio della desolazione nel luogo santo”: l’ingresso di ʿUmar I a Gerusalemme nella Cronografia de Teofane Confessore e in tre cronache siriache’, in Quaderni di storia religiosa 17 (2010), рр. 9–24.


      J. Binns, Ascetics and Ambassadors of Christ: The Monasteries of Palestine 314–631 (Oxford, 1994); B. Horn, Asceticism and Christological Controversy in Fifth-Century Palestine: The Career of Peter the Iberian (Oxford, 2006); Cameron and Hoyland, Doctrine and Debate, р. xxix.


      S. Brock, ‘North Mesopotamia in the Late Seventh Century: Book XV of John Bar Penkaye’s Rish Melle’, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 9 (1987), р. 65.


      Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, Series 3, 64, рр. 248–251; Donner, Muhammad and the Believers, р. 114.


      Qurʾān, 2.87, р. 12.


      Qurʾān, 3.3, р. 49.


      Qurʾān, 2.42–3, р. 54.


      Cameron and Hoyland, Doctrine and Debate, р. xxxii.


      Qurʾān, 3.65, р. 57


      Qurʾān, 3.103; 105, р. 62.


      Qurʾān, 2.62, р. 9, 5.69, р. 118.


      R. Hoyland, In God’s Path: The Arab Conquests and the Creation of an Islamic Empire (Oxford, 2015), р. 224–229.


      Robinson, ‘The Rise of Islam’, р. 186.


      C. Luxenburg, The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Koran: A Contribution to the Decoding of the Language of the Koran (Berlin, 2007); см. здесь D. King, ‘A Christian Qurʾān? A Study in the Syriac background to the language of the Qurʾān as presented in the work of Christoph Luxenberg’, Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture 3 (2009), рр. 44–71.


      Qurʾān, 30.2–4, р. 403.


      Qurʾān, 30.6, р. 404.


      T. Sizgorich, Violence and Belief in Late Antiquity: Militant Devotion in Christianity and Islam (Philadelphia, 2009), р. 160–161.


      R. Finn, Asceticism in the Graeco-Roman World (Cambridge, 2009).


      Qurʾān, 3.84, р. 60.


      Qurʾān, 10.19, р. 209.


      Shoemaker, Death of a Prophet, рр. 18–72. Также см. R. Hoyland, ‘The Earliest Christian Writings on Muhammad: An Appraisal’, in H. Motzki (ed.), The Biography of Muhammad: The Issue of the Sources (Leiden, 2000), esр. рр. 277–281; Cook, ‘Muhammad’, 75–76.


      Sophronius of Jerusalem, ‘Logos eis to hagion baptisma’, in A. Papadopoulos-Kermeus, ‘Tou en hagiois patros hemon Sophroniou archiepiskopou Hierosolymon logos eis to hagion baptisma’, Analekta Hierosolymitikes Stakhiologias 5 (St Petersburg, 1898), рр. 166–167.


      G. Anvil, The Byzantine-Islamic Transition in Palestine: An Archaeological Approach (Oxford, 2014); R. Schick, The Christian Communities of Palestine from Byzantine to Islamic Rule (Princeton, 1995).


      al-Balādhurī, Kitâb futûḥ al-buldân, tr. Р. Hitti, The Origins of the Islamic State (New York, 1916), 8, р. 187.


      John of Nikiu, Khronike, tr. R. Charles, The Chronicle of John of Nikiu (London, 1916), 120.17–28, рр. 193–194.