Explore it. The USA. Д. С. Ведунова
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Название: Explore it. The USA

Автор: Д. С. Ведунова

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях


isbn: 9785449007407


СКАЧАТЬ of tropical fish adjoin the turtles.

      Save a huge species diversity of the animal kingdom of the United States help the extensive national parks and reserves. The largest species diversity of mammals, birds, fish and insects can be found in the national parks of Yellowstone, Everglades, Zion (about 300 bird species), Bryce Canyon (60 mammal species and 160 bird species), Santa Ana (the largest bird sanctuary). In the world-famous Yellowstone Reserve, the largest populations of bison, grizzly bears, pumas and wolverines have been preserved. In the Everglades National Park, where tropical marshes are preserved, there are co-existing Mississippian alligators and sharply crocodiles, as well as numerous bird species, including exotic ones.

      Natural wonders of the USA


      One of the most unusual, deep and beautiful canyons of the world more than deserves a visit. It is located on the territory of the National Park of the same name in Arizona and attracts about 4 million tourists every year. We recommend climbing the observation deck «Grand Canyon Skywalk», which provides an excellent overview of this natural wonder – not least thanks to the glass floor. The main thing – not to dizzy, because the depth of the canyon in some places reaches 1800 meters.


      One of the most beautiful and majestic waterfalls in the world is a must on the list of «must see» American natural attractions. There is nothing to talk about here, because this is a beautiful sight to see with your own eyes.


      The place is not for the faint-hearted, and it’s not just a rather ominous name. This is an incredibly hot place, where the highest temperature in the world was recorded at one time, so it’s better to plan a visit to the Valley from November to February, when it’s cooler here. It is here that the famous Moving Stones are located, in addition, thanks to a truly alien landscape, here were shot episodes of many films, including the fourth part of the «Star Wars».


      In fact, this is a whole cave system, which is considered to be the longest in the world, so if the speleologist is drowsy in you – here. To the mammoths, this cave, which appeared as much as 10 million years ago, has no relation – this name appeared due to the play of words in the English language, according to which one of the meanings of the word «mammoth» is huge. Earlier on the underground river Echo, which is located on one of the lower levels, excursions were conducted on boats, but now this practice is a thing of the past. Although this underground kingdom may seem somewhat eerie, it definitely has a unique beauty.

      5. FLY GEYSER

      Fly is a geyser that has become one of the most famous in the world, despite the rather small height, which jets of water rises (it is only 1.5 meters). The geyser is surrounded by very beautiful stone formations, the color of which, due to mineral layers and algae, is very unusual, and represents a single natural ensemble.

      6. LAKE CASCO

      Lake Caddo Texas

      Considering the photos of this unusual lake, you might think that it is straight from a mystical film – it has such an unusual atmosphere. The labyrinth of the channel, surrounded by rare Arizona cypresses, attracts travelers: when going for a walk along this water system, it is worthwhile to be cautious, because sometimes people are lost here (however, they are found alive and unharmed). At first sight, because of the countless number of water lilies and covered with duckweed lawns, Caddo resembles a swamp, but the water here is clean and fresh, and the natural complex is very beautiful.


      This lake is the deepest in the United States, and its distinctive feature is the perfect round shape. Its presence is explained by the fact that the lake is located in the crater of an inactive volcano, which, however, can not be called completely extinct.


      From other deserts, this is distinguished by an amazing white color – because almost entirely this area consists not of sand, but of… gypsum! There are very few gypsum deserts in the world, and White can be rightfully considered one of the most beautiful.


      In this valley, not one miracle of nature is collected, but many miraculous monuments, so similar to the bizarre castles and unearthly structures of stone. They appeared due to a change in the landscape – when there was a sea, at the bottom of which slate accumulated, but after a sharp change in the earth’s crust, land was formed instead of water, and with it intricate stone figures over which sand, wind and precipitation work.


      This rainbow does not appear after the rain – it is carved from stone, and has been on the American soil for many, many years. For the Navajo Indians, it was a sacred place, and they can be understood. The wide stone bridge really shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, representing an unforgettable sight.

      The population of the USA

      The population of the United States as of April 2015 was 325.7 million people. For ten years (from 2000 to 2010), the US population increased by 9.7%.

      The population density is 34 people / km² (2015). Urban population – 81.4% (2014)

      The US population is very diverse on ethnic and national grounds, so the US is reasonably called the nation of immigrants – from 1790 to 1994. almost 64 million immigrants arrived from Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa.

      August 1, 1790 – the first federal census of the US population, which resulted in a population of 3.9 million people.

      In 1915 there were 100 million people in the United States.

      In 1967, the US overcame the threshold of 200 million people.

      According to the US Census Bureau, on October 17, 2006, at 7.46 Eastern Time, a 300 million inhabitant was born in the country.

      308 million 745 thousand 538 people lived in the United States according to the Universal Population Census in April 2010. This is 9.7% more than during the previous census, which took place in 2000. The population of the United States of America as of January 1, 2016 is 323 341 000 people.

      The American nation is a relatively young, formed during a long cultural, economic, social and domestic interaction, as well as confusion and assimilation of descendants of people of different ethnic origins, representing all three major races of mankind – Mongoloid, Caucasian and Negroid.

      The racial makeup according to the US Census for 2010.

      Ethnicity Number Percentage

      Americans 308 745 538 100.00%

      White Americans 223 553 265 72.40%

      African-Americans 38 929 319 12.60%

      Americans of Asian descent 14 674 252 4.80%

      Native Americans or Native Alaskans 2,932,248 0.90%

      Indigenous Hawaiians or other inhabitants СКАЧАТЬ