Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease For Dummies. James M. Rippe
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СКАЧАТЬ the artery walls cracks or ruptures. Other, much more rare causes of acute blockages in arteries, such as a severe coronary artery spasm, can also cause heart attack.

       Recognizing the symptoms of a heart attack

      Different people experience the symptoms of a heart attack in different ways. However, typical symptoms include some or all of the following symptoms (as described by the American Heart Association):

      ✔ Uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing, or pain in the center of the chest lasting more than a few minutes

      ✔ Pain spreading to the shoulders, neck, or arms

      ✔ Chest discomfort with lightheadedness, fainting, sweating, nausea, or shortness of breath

      In an individual who has angina, symptoms may be particularly difficult to differentiate from the chest discomfort of angina. However, when a heart attack is occurring, chest discomfort usually is more severe and may occur while the individual is at rest or less active than usual.

      The signs of a heart attack often are subtle, particularly with individuals who have diabetes. People with diabetes may not have the classic symptoms of chest, shoulder, or arm discomfort. Chest pain experienced by many women likewise may not present the classic symptoms.


Coronary heart disease (CHD) is extremely common in men and women in the United States and particularly in men in their 40s and older and postmenopausal women. Even if you’ve never had a single sign of trouble, you need to call 911 and go straight to the hospital for prompt evaluation whenever you experience any of the preceding warning signs. Do not take a meeting. Do not put it off for an hour … just call 911 and go!


About two-thirds of the individuals who experience an acute heart attack also experience some warning symptoms in the weeks or days preceding the acute event. They often don’t realize what the warning signs were until after the event – with keen hindsight. So work on your foresight. That way you’ll know the warning signs of heart attack and take them seriously.

       Differentiating between heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest

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