Cultural DNA. Bains Gurnek
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Название: Cultural DNA

Автор: Bains Gurnek

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Зарубежная образовательная литература


isbn: 9781118928936


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      American leaders wrestling with lower economic growth at home must think globally, now more than ever before. However, they can no longer go around the world simply teaching other people how to sing the American business tune. They have to adjust to a multipolar business world with all its complexities and contradictions. This requires American leaders to understand other cultures and flex their own approach as never before. On a day-to-day level, an American executive has to deal with a bewildering range of nationalities either within a firm or in global markets. Increasingly there is a good chance your boss will be from a culture with which you have had only fleeting experience before.

      More generally, America has lost its sense of omnipotence. People around the world instinctively recognize that other ideologies and values for how life should be organized are now on offer. In America itself, this has created a sense of ambivalence and uncertainty. American exceptionalism has always been deeply rooted in the national psyche; as such, the idea that others could genuinely overtake the country – rather than pretend to and then fade away, as did the Soviet Union or Japan – causes disquiet. America is in an uncertain mood where, psychologically, a lot of things are up in the air. The rest of the world is equally uncertain as to how Americans will adjust to a new multipolar world. Which of the myriad of potentially conflicting values that constitute its cultural soup will get stronger and which will get weaker?

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