Results at the Top. Annis Barbara
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      Barbara Annis, RICHARD NESBITT

      Results at the Top


      Copyright © 2017 by Barbara Annis and Richard Nesbitt. All rights reserved.

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey

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Barbara Annis:To my husband, Paul Reed Currie, whose amazing support, love, and integrity I always admire and treasure. And to my wonderful children, Lauren, Sasha, Stéphane, and Christian; my bonus children, Zachary, Kelly, and Jeremy; and my grandchildren, Colin, Cameron, Alaia, Brydan, Jake, Riley, and GraysonRichard Nesbitt:It is with deep gratitude and the utmost appreciation that I dedicate this book to the many courageous and honorable women and men whom I have had the privilege of working, learning, and growing with throughout my career. Their knowledge, integrity, and perseverance have taught me so much for which I am eternally grateful. I would like to thank my co‐author Barbara Annis, who I have known, worked with, and respected for over two decades, for helping us achieve our vision of creating a book that speaks to men and womenI am exceedingly thankful to my parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, and uncles for their many sage and critical life lessons taught to me during my developing years on the farmI dedicate this book to my exceptional daughters, Olivia and Lillian, who continue to educate and inspire me each day with their wisdom and joie de vivre. You are both a constant source of joy, wonder, pride, and inspirationAnd I am most grateful to my wife and biggest fan, Lucy, my trusted advisor and life partner of more than thirty‐four years. Her encouragement, suggestions, guidance, and enthusiasm have kept me motivated and encouraged throughout the writing of this book


      We would like to thank John Fayad, our senior editor for Results at the Top. This book is only possible through his diligent efforts and valuable advice over many months. He is a true advocate for inclusion and diversity who is making it happen in business every day.


      I wish to acknowledge the many men and women with whom I have worked closely over the years for their deep commitment to creating a more gender‐intelligent world for us, for our children, and for each succeeding generation.

      My deepest appreciation to the women leaders and staff at the Women's Leadership Board, Harvard Kennedy School. I am honored to partner with you in your commitment to creating a world where men and women are equally valued and respected in all aspects of economic, political, and social life.

      I also wish to recognize the thousands of men and women whom I have met over the years, at all levels of leadership across the globe, who want nothing more than to find ways to work together more inclusively and productively and to find greater success and satisfaction in their careers and in their personal lives.

      Finally, I must recognize the organizations, both past and present, with which I have worked so closely for their amazing, dedicated men and women in positions of leadership creating cultures of Gender Intelligence.


      My thanks go out to those who read earlier drafts of this book and provided their valuable comments. I would also like to thank my fellow professors at Rotman who gave me advice and helped me head in the right direction. In particular, I would like to thank Tiff Macklem, dean of the Rotman School of Management, and Mihnea Moldoveanu, vice dean, Rotman School of Management, for their support and guidance.

      Important parts of my education in diversity have come from my work with Women in Capital Markets. This organization continues to do tremendous work in improving our financial markets through greater inclusion.

      I would also like to thank my assistant, Bernadette Fernandes, who has supported me for many years in my various projects, including Results at the Top.

      My gratitude to all of the contributors, who are too numerous to name. They have provided their stories from their real‐world experience for inclusion in our book. From them we are able to learn about what works and what doesn't work. They are role models for all of us who seek to improve our organizations. Speaking of role models, I wish to acknowledge the visionary male leaders who have recognized the economic power of men and women leading together, and who are actively involved in advancing women in leadership.


      For decades, the burden for achieving parity in leadership, whether in business, education, or government, has been placed squarely, and wrongly, on the shoulders of women alone. There are few if any books written specifically to men on gender diversity and what men can and should do to support and champion the advancement of women into leadership roles.

      Nevertheless, we see an entirely different phenomenon that's taking place today and coming at us at a high rate of speed. We see an expanding realization СКАЧАТЬ