The Lean Entrepreneur. Vlaskovits Patrick
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СКАЧАТЬ and think, “I would love to do something about creating a better prosthetic leg.” I could think about it and think about it and I wouldn’t get anywhere. It wasn’t until the technologies matured to the point where they became viable that I could start putting different elements together in the right way. Then I could start thinking differently and say, “Okay, now we look at prosthetics and don’t think of them just as technology solutions, but think of the problem of a missing limb and whether there is a way to incorporate design and the arts and human emotion into the solution.” It invites us or it challenges us to see problems and solutions in an entirely different light.


      Whether you are a startup or a big business trying to revitalize growth, save your company, or protect against the future; whether you are high-tech, low-tech, or somewhere in between; whether you are business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), or business-to-business-to-consumer, you are at the mercy of the value-creation economy.

      To succeed, grow, and thrive, you must be focused on creating real value for known customers. You must be fast, agile, quick-thinking, and quick-acting. You must continually improve your output, along with your output process. You must be a leader and a fast follower. You must be like a basketball point guard shadowing your opponent, anticipating moves, and reacting fast.

      In other words, you must be able to innovate sustainably and disruptively.

      Clearly, this is no small task. While lean startup principles can be applied across the innovation spectrum, they are geared toward uncertainty and therefore optimized for entrepreneurial endeavors tending toward the disruptive end. Traditionally, business advice – be it journalistic or the kind offered at business schools – has tended toward sustaining.

      We have learned how to conceptualize and implement the lean startup based on our myriad experiences. You may be thinking: The principles of lean startup aren’t new. True, you can find similar elements in design thinking, user experience (UX) design, and discovery-driven planning, to name a few.

      But we believe that the current economy, along with major changes in the marketplace, and the implications of the digital age make the principles of lean startup more learnable, applicable, and measurable than ever before.

      You may also be thinking: The principles are great, but they don’t apply to my business, such as with a large enterprise, hardware products, services, health care, life sciences, nonprofits, and so on. But we urge you to think back to any failed endeavor: Was there something you could have tested that might have provided you with an early indication that you were on the path toward failure?


      The lean in lean startup does not mean a small startup, or a skinny one. It doesn’t mean a lack of raising or spending money. It doesn’t reflect on the ambition of the founders or whether or not they’re “thinking big.”

      The term lean comes from lean manufacturing, as represented by the Toyota Production System, or how Toyota began manufacturing cars in Japan in the 1950s. Basically, lean manufacturing is about optimizing efficiency in all value-adding activities, and minimizing or eliminating all non-value-adding activities, where value-adding means providing value to customers. Customers include both the final user of the product and internal customers who link activities through the life cycle of product development and delivery.10

      Value-adding activities are those that directly contribute to the production or delivery of value – for example, assembling part of a car. Non-value-adding activities are those that don’t contribute to the value being produced – for example, forklifting parts from one side of a warehouse to another.

      Critically, optimization that adversely affects the value being provided is not lean. We’re not being efficient for efficiency’s sake. Some have criticized American automobile manufacturers for believing that lean was primarily about replacing employees with robots. That may have increased labor productivity, but it also, some would argue, destroyed a portion of the value being created for car buyers. That was perhaps a conscious trade-off, but would not be considered lean.

      Some private equity firms have been criticized for taking over struggling companies, dramatically cutting costs by eliminating plant locations and cutting thousands of jobs, only to turn around and sell the companies when the books looked better. That may be wealth creation, but it’s not value creation, and hence it isn’t lean.

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      To view this list of names online, please visit


      We’ve licensed the illustrations with We’d love for you to use and share them, just remember to attribute “The Lean Entrepreneur by Brant Cooper and Patrick Vlaskovits with illustrations by Fake Grimlock” with a link to Thanks!


      Seth Godin, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?


To view this list of names online, please visit


We’ve licensed the illustrations with We’d love for you to use and share them, just remember to attribute “The Lean Entrepreneur by Brant Cooper and Patrick Vlaskovits with illustrations by Fake Grimlock” with a link to Thanks!


Seth Godin, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? Kindle ed. (New York: Penguin Group, 2010), 8.


Thomas Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population, 1st ed., unrevised (1798).



Jeffrey K. Liker, The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World’s Greatest Manufacturer (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003).