Protecting Your Practice. Vessenes Katherine
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Название: Protecting Your Practice

Автор: Vessenes Katherine

Издательство: Автор

Жанр: Зарубежная образовательная литература


isbn: 9780470884676


СКАЧАТЬ are not allowed to claim the broker-dealer exclusion.38

      It has been found permissible for broker-dealers and their registered representatives to distribute to customers periodic market reports or analysis containing investment advice, provided there is no special charge for the reports and rendering this advice is solely incidental to the conduct of the broker-dealer’s securities business.39 The SEC has also indicated that investment advice offered as part of an overall financial plan for the client is not considered “solely incidental” to the brokerage business, whereas investment advice on individual securities transactions is.40


      ROGER IS A REGISTERED representative with Abundant Profits Broker-Dealer. Roger assists clients in choosing an investment adviser, and Roger monitors the adviser’s performance on a continuing basis. Frequently the adviser is given discretionary authority over the client’s funds and is required to funnel all securities transactions through the broker-dealer so Roger will receive a commission.

      Question: Does Roger have to register as an investment adviser?

       Answer: Yes. Such activity is outside the scope of normal brokerage operations.41

      In summary, to fit into the broker-dealer exclusion, securities and insurance professionals are bound by the following rules:

      • They cannot hold themselves out to the public as financial planners or investment advisers, or as persons providing those services. Instead they must hold themselves out as securities or financial services professionals, stockbrokers, or insurance agents.

      • They can provide investment advice only in the capacity of registered representative of their broker-dealer, under the broker-dealer’s control, knowledge, and approval.

      • They must disclose their dual capacities of both securities and insurance product sales when dealing with any client or potential client.

      • They are not allowed to charge nor receive any clearly definable fee other than normal and customary commissions for the provision of any investment advisory service.

      • Finally, the brokerage and insurance commissions charged to clients who obtain brokerage and insurance services are based on the same factors as those used to determine the commissions for clients who obtain only one of the services.42


      SALLY STOCKBROKER does not hold herself out as a financial planner, nor is her broker-dealer a registered investment adviser. However, as a service to her clients, she uses the firm’s computer system to do estate planning projections, retirement projections, and asset allocation models. After gathering the data from the computer, she makes written recommendations to purchase specific investment products in line with the clients’ goals.

      Question: Does Sally qualify under the broker-dealer exclusion and not have to be an RIA?

      Answer: Sally, or her firm, should register as an investment adviser. It seems the services she is performing are beyond those incidental to a stockbroker. They have definitely moved into the financial planning area as defined by the SEC, particularly because she is providing clients with a written plan. In short, if she is doing planning, she must register.

      EXEMPTED ADVISERS The following advisers are exempt from registering even if they fit the definition of investment adviser.

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      Phyllis Bernstein, Personal Financial Planning Director, AICPA, supplied the information contained in this section.


      Dick Young, General Counsel, CFP Board of Standards, supplied the information contained in this section.




      Susan Farmer, Public Relations, American Society of CLU and ChFC, supplied the information contained in this section.




      Julie Sewing, Administrative Directo


Phyllis Bernstein, Personal Financial Planning Director, AICPA, supplied the information contained in this section.


Dick Young, General Counsel, CFP Board of Standards, supplied the information contained in this section.




Susan Farmer, Public Relations, American Society of CLU and ChFC, supplied the information contained in this section.




Julie Sewing, Administrative Director, IARFC, supplied the information contained in this section.


Margery Wasserman, Executive Director, NAPFA, supplied the information contained in this section.


Investment Advisers Act Release No. IA-1092 (October 8, 1987).


32 M.R.S. § 9752 (1995).


MD. Corps. & Ass’ns. Code Ann. § 11-101 (f) (1) (ii) (3).


Minn. Stat. § 45.026 and Minn. Rule 2875.105.


News Release from Minnesota Commerce Department, May 22, 1990.


Jacquelin H. Hallihan and Robert Stirling, “Financial Planning: ‘Gray Areas’ Regarding Investment Adviser Registration,” CFP Today (October 1995): 11- 12.




Bill E. Carter, “Study Forecasts Broad Future for Financial Planning,” Journal of the American Society of CLU & ChFC (January 1996): 77.


International Association for СКАЧАТЬ




Bernzweig, 35.


Lemke and Lins, 1-9 (citing IA Release No. 471 (1975)).


Bernzweig, 36 (citing FPC Securities Corp., [1974- 75 Transfer Binder] Para. 80,072, CCH Federal Securities Law Reporter (September 9, 1974)).


The author is grateful to John McGovern, formerly of Nathan & Lewis Securities, for providing assistance with this section.