Astronomy For Dummies. Maran Stephen P.
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Название: Astronomy For Dummies

Автор: Maran Stephen P.

Издательство: Автор

Жанр: Зарубежная образовательная литература


isbn: 9781119374381


СКАЧАТЬ Objects, 2nd Edition (Cambridge University Press).

      Since Messier’s time, astronomers have confirmed the existence of thousands of other deep sky objects, the term amateurs use for star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies to distinguish them from stars and planets. Because Messier didn’t list them, astronomers refer to these objects by their numbers as given in other catalogues. You can find many of these objects listed in viewing guides and sky maps by their NGC (New General Catalogue) and IC (Index Catalogue) numbers. For example, the bright double cluster in Perseus, the Hero, consists of NGC 869 and NGC 884.

The smaller, the brighter: Getting to the root of magnitudes

      A star map, constellation drawing, or list of stars always indicates each star’s magnitude. The magnitudes represent the brightness of the stars. One of the ancient Greeks, Hipparchos (also spelled Hipparchus, but he wrote it in Greek), divided all the stars he could see into six classes. He called the brightest stars magnitude 1 or 1st magnitude, the next brightest bunch the 2nd magnitude stars, and on down to the dimmest ones, which were 6th magnitude.

      Notice that, contrary to most common measurement scales and units, the brighter the star, the smaller the magnitude. The Greeks weren’t perfect, however; even Hipparchos had an Achilles’ heel: He didn’t leave room in his system for the very brightest stars, when accurately measured.

      So today we recognize a few stars with a zero magnitude or a negative magnitude. Sirius, for example, is magnitude –1.5. And the brightest planet, Venus, is sometimes magnitude –4 (the exact value differs, depending on the distance Venus is from Earth at the time and its direction with respect to the Sun).

      Another omission: Hipparchos didn’t have a magnitude class for stars that were too dim to be seen with the naked eye. This didn’t seem like an oversight at the time because nobody knew about these stars before the invention of the telescope. But today astronomers know that billions of stars exist beyond our naked-eye view. Their magnitudes are larger numbers: 7 or 8 for stars easily seen through binoculars, and 10 or 11 for stars easily seen through a good, small telescope. The magnitudes reach as high (and as dim) as 21 for the faintest stars in the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey and about 31 for the faintest objects imaged with the Hubble Space Telescope.


      The 1st magnitude stars are about 100 times brighter than the 6th magnitude stars. In particular, the 1st magnitude stars are about 2.512 times brighter than the 2nd magnitude stars, which are about 2.512 times brighter than the 3rd magnitude stars, and so on. (At the 6th magnitude, you get up into some big numbers: 1st magnitude stars are about 100 times brighter.) You mathematicians out there recognize this as a geometric progression. Each magnitude is the 5th root of 100 (meaning that when you multiply a number by itself four times – for example,

– the result is 100). If you doubt my word and do this calculation on your own, you get a slightly different answer because I left off some decimal places.

      Thus, you can calculate how faint a star is – compared to some other star – from its magnitude. If two stars are 5 magnitudes apart (such as the 1st magnitude star and the 6th magnitude star), they differ by a factor of 2.5125 (2.512 to the fifth power), and a good pocket calculator shows you that one star is 100 times brighter. If two stars are 6 magnitudes apart, one is about 250 times brighter than the other. And if you want to compare, say, a 1st magnitude star with an 11th magnitude star, you compute a 2.51210 difference in brightness, meaning a factor of 1002, or 10,000.

      The faintest object visible with the Hubble Space Telescope is about 25 magnitudes fainter than the faintest star you can see with the naked eye (assuming normal vision and viewing skills – some experts and a certain number of liars and braggarts say that they can see 7th magnitude stars). Speaking of dim stars, 25 magnitudes are five times 5 magnitudes, which corresponds to a brightness difference of a factor of 1005. So the Hubble can see

, or 10 billion times fainter than the human eye. Astronomers expect nothing less from a billion-dollar telescope. At least it didn’t cost $10 billion.

      You can get a good telescope for well under $1,000, and you can view the billion-dollar Hubble’s best photos on the Internet for free at

Looking back on light-years

      The distances to the stars and other objects beyond the planets of our solar system are measured in light-years. As a measurement of actual length, a light-year is about 5.9 trillion miles long.

      People confuse a light-year with a length of time because the term contains the word year. But a light-year is really a distance measurement – the length that light travels, zipping through space at 186,000 miles per second, over the course of a year.

      When you view an object in space, you see it as it appeared when the light left the object. Consider these examples:

      ❯❯ When astronomers spot an explosion on the Sun, we don’t see it in real time; the light from the explosion takes about 8 minutes to get to Earth.

      ❯❯ The nearest star beyond the Sun, Proxima Centauri, is about 4 light-years away. Astronomers can’t see Proxima as it is now – only as it was four years ago.

      ❯❯ Look up at the Andromeda Galaxy, the most distant object that you can readily see with the unaided eye, on a clear, dark night in the fall. The light your eye receives left that galaxy about 2.5 million years ago. If there was a big change in Andromeda tomorrow, we wouldn’t know that it happened for more than 2 million years. (See Chapter 12 for hints on viewing the Andromeda Galaxy and other prominent galaxies.)

      Here’s the bottom line:

      ❯❯ When you look out into space, you’re looking back in time.

      ❯❯ Astronomers don’t have a way to know exactly what an object out in space looks like right now.

      When you look at some big, bright stars in a faraway galaxy, you must entertain the possibility that those particular stars don’t even exist anymore. As I explain in Chapter 11, some massive stars live for only 10 million or 20 million years. If you see them in a galaxy that is 50 million light-years away, you’re looking at lame duck stars. They aren’t shining in that galaxy anymore; they’re dead.

      If astronomers send a flash of light toward one of the most distant galaxies found with Hubble and other major telescopes, the light would take billions of years to arrive. Astronomers, however, calculate that the Sun will swell up and destroy all life on Earth a mere 5 billion or 6 billion years from now, so the light would be a futile advertisement of our civilization’s existence, a flash in the celestial pan.


      Earth is about 93 million miles from the Sun, or 1 astronomical unit (AU). The distances between objects in the solar system are usually given in AU. Its plural is also AU. (Don’t confuse AU with “Hey, you!”)

      In public announcements, press releases, and popular books, astronomers state how far the stars and galaxies that they study are “from Earth.” But among themselves and in technical journals, they always give the distances from the Sun, the center of our solar system. This discrepancy rarely matters because astronomers can’t measure the distances of the stars precisely enough for 1 AU more or less to make a difference, but they do it this way for consistency.

Keep on moving: Figuring the positions of the stars

      Astronomers СКАЧАТЬ