Marketing For Dummies. McMurtry Jeanette
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Название: Marketing For Dummies

Автор: McMurtry Jeanette

Издательство: Автор

Жанр: Зарубежная образовательная литература


isbn: 9781119365556


СКАЧАТЬ tap into the power of authority in your marketing plan, you need to first do the following:

      ❯❯ Determine which authorities have the most influence in your product category.

      ❯❯ Find out what expertise they share that makes them an authority and how this expertise is related to your brand values, attributes, and so on.

      ❯❯ Identify how you can align with authorities to validate your category and your brand. Some methods might include asking them to write a guest blog for your website, inviting them to speak at your events, or even paying them to be a spokesperson for your products.

      Another way to tap into the influence of authority is to cite research reports, statistics, and testimonials from experts in your communications to validate your product claims and add strength to your messaging.

       Social proof

      No matter how sophisticated, intelligent, accomplished, or otherwise your customers are, they’re still driven by social proof, whether they admit it or not. It aligns with the human need for survival as, unconsciously, people feel weak or disadvantaged when others have something they don’t or are achieving something they haven’t yet. In these cases, people often feel inferior, a contrast to the feelings that they unconsciously seek to feel fulfilled and secure.

      Robert Cialdini, a psychologist and author, has done many experiments to see how this plays out in various settings. He found that by telling customers that their neighbors, friends, peers, and so forth were doing something worthwhile, like reusing towels at a hotel or participating in an environmental program, they were much more likely to do so as well than if he just told them it was a good thing to do to support a good program.

      This is where testimonials play a strong role. Numbers like a 98 percent customer satisfaction rate, a high NPS, or Net Promoter Score, and like attributes show consumers that others are like you and substantially increase their willingness to try your product and/or brand.

      When trying to influence behavior, let consumers know that others are engaged in the desired behavior, and watch your response take off. Note that on pages like, there’s a list of like products that other “customers reviewed.” Most people don’t want to miss out on a good thing, so many will review them, too.


      No matter how much we accept the notion that life is not fair, we still hope it will be. At least when it comes to how people treat us. We thrive when one good deed creates another and embrace those who treat us reciprocally. This applies to our personal and professional relationships. Brands that understand that “giving back” is not just about their corporate social responsibility efforts but about giving back to the individuals who give their business loyalty to them are the ones with the most sustainability in good times and bad.

      When people feel recognized and appreciated by businesses they patronize, their satisfaction is higher and so is their repeat business and referrals.

      A favorite example of reciprocity for marketers is a campaign conducted by a regional bank called First Bank. It ran a billboard campaign with nothing more than the words math tutor, dog walker, wedding singer, and a name with a phone number below each title. Nothing more about the bank’s offerings, advantages, and so on. It was truly running a campaign to help its customers. It really did have customers with those names and jobs, and when the phone rang, they really did refer people to that bank. This was a brilliant campaign because it showed customers that the bank truly cared about giving back to them, no matter how big or small, and instead of just using words to make that point, it used actions and a lot of its advertising budget. According to the VP of marketing at the time, it was highly successful in stopping attrition at a time when most banks were losing customers and also in gaining new customers.


Reciprocity is a simple and very affordable marketing program. It doesn’t take a lot to give back to customers through better service, reward points, free gifts, mentions in your newsletters, content marketing, social posts, and so on. But the payback can be huge. When you develop your customer surveys, as discussed in Chapter 4, add a question asking customers to tell you how they would like to be rewarded.


      A few years ago, Hostess Brands got in trouble and had to shut down, discontinuing some of America’s favorite snack foods, including the Twinkie, almost overnight. Suddenly, people had to have what they hadn’t even wanted in years. Adults who remembered the Twinkie from their youth stormed stores and bought boxes of Twinkies before they could no longer even buy one. Sales went up 31,000 percent (not a typo) in just days. This is a strong example of the huge power that scarcity has on consumers’ thoughts and behavior. It’s true. People often don’t want or value something until they can’t have it anymore. Then they can’t get it fast enough or enough of it.

      You see this all the time in marketing: “One seat left at this price,” “One left in stock,” and so on. Whether it’s true or not and whether people believe it or not, they’ll often buy it, just in case.


These psychological and social elements apply to all your customers generally and specifically. To be most effective, you need to identify your brand’s “umbrella” position and then positions that are specific to the values, aspirations, and ESP profiles for each segment.

      For example: If you’re a retailer of organic, toxic‐free household items, your ESP may read like this:

      We deliver confidence knowing that your home is free from toxins that affect your health and the joy of knowing your children are protected from issues that could affect their quality of life. Families that use our products can relax and focus on other life issues, knowing that they are protected at home.

      Your ESP now involves creating messaging and positioning around confidence, joy, and relaxing as a result of using a product that delivers all three.


Here’s a real‐world example of how ESPs can work in the B2B world: I (Jeanette) once worked with a financial firm that was trying to get people to invest in their real estate fund by telling them how lucrative and smart real estate investing was. No one was buying it, especially since the big Madoff investment fraud scandal had just been exposed, and real estate had not performed well in recent years. So we changed the ESP of his sales presentation. Instead of walking in with a presentation about how solid real estate was and trustworthy my client was, we started off by talking about the potential clients’ fears and their preconceived attitudes or schema about real estate. We actually said things like, “You know, real estate has had its challenges and has been risky. And we can see why investors have been leery.” We just validated their feelings, confirmed their schema, and established trust. They listened, and they listened all the way to yes. My client closed four accounts with whom he had struggled to get a meaningful conversation.

Appealing to Consumers’ Happiness and Purpose

      Daily, we humans constantly strive to find and associate with happiness. Happiness is not only the greatest achievement we seek in life, but it’s also a magnet for brands that truly understand its power. Coca‐Cola has emerged as the beverage company in a league all its own and also one of the top brands globally for sales, loyalty, and brand respect. As of this writing, Coke has more than 100 million followers on its Facebook page. It became the leader of the happiness movement with its “Happiness” campaign that focused on delivering happiness to people in surprising ways around the СКАЧАТЬ