Никола Тесла. Изобретатель будущего. Бернард Карлсон
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СКАЧАТЬ 334,823; 335,786; 335,787; 336,961; 336,962; 350,954; и 359,748. Они удобно обобщены в TCM, Inventions, Researches and Writings, 451-64.


      Tesla Co., R. G. Dun & Co. Collection.


      NT, Edison Medal Speech, 12.


      Seifer, Wizard, 40-41; NT, Motor Testimony, 193-95, 209; Tesla Electric Light and Manufacturing Company, advertisement, Electrical Review, 4 September 1886, p. 14.


      Вейл и Лейн не слишком эффективно эксплуатировали станцию; к 1890 году они вышли из бизнеса. См.: Tesla Co., R. G. Dun & Co. Collection.


      NT, My Inventions, 72.


      O’Neill, Prodigal Genius, 65; NT to Institute of Immigrant Welfare, 12 May 1938 in John T. Ratzlaff, comp., Tesla Said (Millbrae, CA: Tesla Book Co., 1984), 280.


      Israel, Edison, 234.


      NT, «Thermo-Magnetic Motor», U. S. Patent 396,121 (filed 30 March 1886, granted 15 January 1889); TCM, Inventions, Researches, and Writings, 424-28.


      Century Electric Company and Edwin S. Pillsbury vs. Wagner Electric Manufacturing Co., US Circuit Court of Appeals, 8th District, No. 3419, May 1910, transcript, vol. 2, p. 932 [Item 342, NTM]; O’Neill, Prodigal Genius, 65-66; «Alfred S. Brown», [obituary], New York Times, 26 September 1891.


      John B. Taltavall, comp., Telegraphers of To-Day: Descriptive, Historical, Biographical (New York: John B. Taltavall, 1893), 19-20.


      Norvin Green to A. S. Hewitt, 1 September 1887, Western Union Collection, Series 4, Box 204A, National Museum of American History Archives, Washington, DC. I am grateful to Joshua Wolff for sharing this item with me. See also Arthur J. Beckhard, Electrical Genius Nikola Tesla (New York: Julian Messner, 1959), 120, 125.


      См. следующие документы: The Papers of Thomas A. Edison, ed. Robert A. Rosenberg et al. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991–): «Multiple Telegraph» [notebook entry], Summer 1873, 2:50-52, esp. note 2; «Automatic Telegraphy», December 1873, 2:119-20; «Article in the Operator», 15 July 1874, 2:239-41; and «Speaking Tel [e] g [rap] h», 20 March 1877, 3:271-74, esp. note 1.


      «William Orton», Chicago Daily Tribune, 26 April 1878, p. 2; Seifer, Wizard, 42.


      James D. Reid, The Telegraph in America and Morse Memorial, 2nd ed. (New York: John Polhemus, 1886), 601–2; Entries for Mutual Union Telegraph Co., 5 November 1880 and 4 March 1881, New York City, vol. 391, p. 2625, R. G. Dun & Co. Collection.


      Richard R. John, Network Nation: Inventing American Telecommunications (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010), 149-70, on 158.


      Reid, Telegraph in America, 603–4; Israel, From Machine Shop to Industrial Laboratory, 127; Maury Klein, The Life and Legend of Jay Gould (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986), 310-11.


      Reid, Telegraph in America, 604; Entry for Mutual Union Telegraph Co., 27 June 1882, New York City, vol. 391, p. 2625, R. G. Dun & Co. Collection.


      Reid, Telegraph in America, 605; Entry for Mutual Union Telegraph Co., 1885, New York City, vol. 391, p. 2625, R. G. Dun & Co. Collection.


      NT, Motor Testimony, 196. С учетом того, как сильно Тесла уважал Пека и Брауна, весьма любопытно, что он не упомянул их имен в автобиографии или других воспоминаниях. См.: NT, My Inventions, 72 and NT to Institute of Immigrant Welfare, 12 May 1938, in Ratzlaff, Tesla Said, 280.


      NT, Motor Testimony, 196, 210-12, 247, 325-26; Szigeti, 1889 deposition, A398.


      Адрес компании Mutual Union взят из New York City, vol. 391, p. 2625, R. G. Dun & Co. Collection. См. также: William B. Nellis testimony, NT, Motor Testimony, 122-23, 132.


      Parker W. Page testimony, NT, Motor Testimony, 415-16. Though the motor was never patented, Tesla did file U. S. Patent 382,845, «Commutator for Dynamo-Electric Machines» (filed 30 April 1887, granted 15 May 1888). См. также: Martin, Inventions, Researches and Writings, 433–37.


      NT, Motor Testimony, 212.


      NT, «Our Future Motive Power», Everyday Science and Mechanics, December 1931, pp. 26–28ff., in Ratzlaff, Tesla Said, 230–36.


      TAE, «On the Pyromagnetic Dynamo: A Machine for Producing Electricity Directly from Fuel», Electrical World 10 (27 August 1887): 111-13.


      TCM, Inventions, Researches, and Writings, 429–31.


      NT, Motor Testimony, 207.
