Fundamentals of UML. Educational manual. Sholpan Jomartova
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Название: Fundamentals of UML. Educational manual

Автор: Sholpan Jomartova

Издательство: КазНУ

Жанр: Техническая литература


isbn: 978-601-04-2181-3


СКАЧАТЬ 23. Sending and receiving signals

      In this case, the input and output collections same number of elements. However, the output may be a collection of elements less than the input; in this case acts as an extension area of the filter.

      In Figure 24, all of the articles written and reviewed in parallel, noted that the key word «concurrent». Area expansion can also be iterative. Iterative region should fully process each input element at a time. If there is only one operation, you need to call several times, then use the notation shown in Figure 28. This method of recording involves the expansion of a parallel because it is most common.

      Ending the flow

      Upon receipt of multiple markers, as is the case with the extension area, the flow stops frequently, even if all the activity is generally not complete. Ending the flow (flow fіnal) marks the completion of a specific stream without completion of the entire activity.

      Figure 26 shows a modified version of Figure 25, in which the articles can be rejected. If the article is rejected, then the marker is liquidated ending stream. Unlike the closure of activity, in this case the remaining activity may continue. This approach allows the spreading domain act as filters whereby the output will be less than the input collection.

      Figure 24. Area expansion

      Figure 25. The notation for a single procedure in the field of expansion

       Descriptions associations

      By default, the union allows the execution of the output stream when all input flows reach unification. (Or, more formally, it generates a token output stream when coming handles all input flows.) In certain cases, particularly when there is a stream with multiple markers, it is useful to have a more complex rule.

      Description of the association (joіn specіfіcatіon) – alogical expression attached to the association. Every time the union comes marker calculated description of association, and if its value is true, then the token is generated. Therefore, the figure of 30, regardless of whether the chosen beverage (Select Drіnk) or throws a coin (Іnsert Coіn), automatic identification of association estimates. Automatic thirst quencher only if made enough money. If, as in this case, we need to show that each input stream received by a marker, it is necessary to refer to streams and included in the description of the association.

      Figure 26. End of stream activity

      Figure 27. Description association

       When used activity diagrams

      The biggest advantage of activity diagrams is that they support and encourage the use of parallel processes. Precisely because of this they are a powerful tool for modeling workflows.

      You can also use the chart activities as consistent with language UML block diagram. While this allows you to develop a block circuit close to UML, but it is unlikely it is very exciting process. In principle, you can take advantage of the branching and the union, to describe parallel algorithms for concurrent programs.

      Often, activity diagrams are used to describe the use case. The danger of this approach is that often the domain experts can hardly follow them. If this is the case, it is best to avoid plain text form.

      1. What are synonyms for term describing a connection between activities:

      a) transition and flow;

      b) relationship and flow;

      c) connection and transition;

      d) action and event.

      2. In general, activity diagrams are made up of:

      a) nodes and transitions;

      b) activities and transition connections;

      c) branch points and transitions;

      d) characters and lines.

      3. An exception can be shown on activity diagram using a zigzag line:

      a) true;

      b) false.

      4. Decision point and merging point are marked:

      a) with different symbols;

      b) with the same symbol;

      c) with the same or different symbols depending on the context.

      5. If multiple transitions enter an activity, they are:

      a) implicit merging point;

      b) implicit connector.

      6. Any transition that came in merging point or connector waits for remaining transitions:

      a) true;

      b) false.

      7. Term "swim lane" is no longer used:

      a) because swim lanes are no longer elements of the UML;

      b) because role separation can be multidimensional and then it is not similar to swimming lanes;

      c) the term "swim lane" is still used, d) both b and c.

      8. Activities can belong to two roles, if they are members of multidimensional separation:

      a) true;

      b) false.

      9. Branching and merging points are shown with:

      a) oval;

      b) circle;

      c) square;

      d) rhombus.

      10. Activity diagrams are different from flowcharts, because they support:

      a) swim lanes;

      b) parallel workflow;

      c) branching points;

      d) activity states.

      CHAPTER № 7

      Cоmpоnеnt Dіagram. Dеplоуmеnt Dіagram

      Brief content:

      Elements of cоmpоnеnt dіagram

      Elements of dеplоуmеnt dіagram

      Elements of cоmpоnеnt dіagram

      In UML, 1 was a separate symbol for the component (Figure 28). In UML 2 the icon, but you can designate a rectangle like the class icon. Or you can use the key word «component» (component).