English for physicists. Лидия Страутман
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СКАЧАТЬ is the natural science that ____________ the study of matter and its motion and behavior.

      5. The electric ____________is a quantity of electrons flowing in a circuit per second of time.

      6. The metric system __________ powers of 10, allowing for easy conversion from one unit to another.

      7. It is important to try to___________ energy.

      (Phenomena, physics, deals with, involve, current, save, be based on)

      V. Mind the explanation of the following terms

      The Metric system is a system using meters, kilograms, grams and liters to measure things.

      Physics is the scientific study of things like heat, light and sound.

      Analysis is the process of carefully examining the different parts of something.

      Phenomenon is something that is impressive or extraordinary.

      Measurement is the size of something that is found by measuring.

      Ampere is the basic unit of electrical current in the International System of Units (IS).

      Current is a flow of electrical charge carriers, usually electrons or electron-deficient atoms.

      Radius is the length of a straight line from the centre of a circle to the outside.

      Wire is a long piece of very thin metal.

      Power is (no plural) the energy or strength that somebody or something has.

      VI. Find sentences in the Passive Voice and translate them

      VII. Read and translate the text

      Metric System

      Physics involves the study, prediction, and analysis of real-world phenomena. To communicate data accurately, we must set specific standards for our basic measurements. The physics community has standardized on what is known as the Système International (SI), which defines seven baseline measurements and their standard units, forming the foundation of what is called the metric system of measurement. The SI system is often referred to as the mks system, as the three most common measurement units are meters, kilograms, and seconds, which we'll focus on for the majority of this course. The fourth SI base unit we'll use in this course, the ampere, will be introduced in the current electricity section.

      The base unit of length in the metric system, the meter, is roughly equivalent to the English yard. For smaller measurements, the meter is divided up into 100 parts, known as centimeters, and each centimeter is made up of 10 millimeters. For larger measurements, the meter is grouped into larger units of 1000 meters, known as a kilometer. The length of a baseball bat is approximately one meter, the radius of a U.S. quarter is approximately a centimeter, and the diameter of the metal in a wire paperclip is roughly one millimeter.

      The base unit of mass, the kilogram (kg), is roughly equivalent to two U.S. pounds. A cube of water 10cm × 10cm × 10cm has a mass of 1 kg. Kilograms can also be broken up into larger and smalller units, with commonly used measurements of grams (1/1000th of a kilogram) and milligrams (1/1000th of a gram). The mass of a textbook is approximately 2 to 3 kilograms, the mass of a baseball is approximately 145 grams, and the mass of a mosquito is 1 to 2 milligrams.

      The base unit of time, the second, is likely already familiar. Time can also be broken up into smaller units such as milliseconds (10-3 seconds), microseconds (10-6 seconds), and nanoseconds (10-9 seconds), or grouped into larger units such as minutes (60 seconds), hours(60 minutes), days (24 hours), and years (365.25 days).

      The metric system is based on powers of 10, allowing for easy conversion from one unit to another. A chart showing the meaning of commonly used metric prefixes and their notations can be extremely valuable in performing unit conversions.

      VIII. Answer the questions on the text

      1. What does Physics deal with?

      2. What is known by the Système International (SI)?

      3. What is English yard equivalent to?

      4. What is the metric system based on?

      UNIT 3


      convenient a. – удобный;

      tool n. – 1) инструмент; 2) станок;

      to convey v. – 1) переправлять; 2) доставлять;

      behavior n. – 1) поведение; 2) тех. режим (работы);

      to describe v. – 1) описывать; 2) изображать;

      therefore adv. – 1) поэтому; 2) следовательно, таким образом fluent a. – 1) плавный; 2) гладкий; 3) беглый;

      to fret v. – беспокоить (ся);

      to conjure up v. – 1) явиться как по волшебству;

      2) включить воображение;

      frustration n. – 1) расстройство; 2) срыв;

      to solve a problem – решить задачу;

      to determine v. – 1) определять; 2) устанавливать;

      to substitute v. – заменять; замещать;

      final equation – окончательное уравнение;

      to distill v. – перегонять, дистиллировать, гнать, очищать;

      sine n. – синус;

      cosine n. – косинус;

      adjacent a. – смежный;

      to inverse v. – быть противоположным ч. – л.;

      I. Practice pronunciation of the following words:

      natural ['natʃ(ə)r(ə)l] strategy ['stratɪdʒi]

      algebra ['aldʒɪbrə] diagram ['dʌɪəɡram]

      trigonometry ['trɪɡə,nɒmɪtri] value ['valju:]

      knowledge ['nɒlɪdʒ] equation [ɪ'kweɪʒ(ə)n]

      successfully [sək'sesfəli] triangle ['trʌɪaŋɡ(ə)l]

      range [reɪn(d)ʒ] cosine ['kəʊsʌɪn]

      majority [mə'dʒɒrɪti] tangent СКАЧАТЬ