The Theory of State and Law (elementary course). Aigul Karatayeva
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Название: The Theory of State and Law (elementary course)

Автор: Aigul Karatayeva

Издательство: КазНУ

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 978-601-04-2101-1


СКАЧАТЬ – the form of the ability to exercise a certain influence on the essence of the phenomenon.

      In science established views on the form of the state as a complex structure a systemic phenomenon, consisting of several interconnected elements. Most scientists believe such elements are: a form of government, form of state-territorial structure and form of public-political regime. The form of the state as well as a theoretical concept is a complex, composite, brings together the content of three distinct theoretical abstraction: 1) The form of government – a form element of the state, which characterizes the features of the organization and functioning of state power bodies. The form of all the states are divided into the monarchy and republic; 2) the form of public-territorial devices – cell form of the state, describing the specifics of the territorial organization of power and administration. On this basis distinguish unitary and federal state; 3) the form of public-political regime – an element of the form of the state, reflecting the system of means and methods of the state power. Depending on the specifics of such a regime is isolated state democratic, liberal, authoritarian, and totalitarian and others.

      The ratio of the type and form of the state state form does not take place among the main characteristics of the state organization. The main thing – is the essence of the state, its content, which defines a particular type of state forms. However, the shape of the state may have a reverse effect on its substance. So the authoritarian and totalitarian forms of strengthened anti-democratic nature of the state, democratic forms reveal their capabilities general social state.

      The ratio of historical type and form of the state lies in the following points. On the one hand, the state of historical type can have many different forms. Thus, the slave states existed in the form of monarchies (Egypt, Babylon, China, India), and in the form of republics (Rome, Athens); under feudalism were monarchical state and urban republic (Novgorod, Pskov, Venice and so on.). The bourgeois state is also clothed in the monarchical and republican forms. On the other hand, it should be noted that the state of a certain historical type have some forms that are unique to them. For example, a class-representative monarchy – the characteristic shape of a feudal state type, a constitutional monarchy and a presidential republic only appear under the bourgeois type of state.

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