The Love-Tiff. Жан-Батист Мольер
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Название: The Love-Tiff

Автор: Жан-Батист Мольер

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная драматургия




СКАЧАТЬ you are no longer in love, or do you jest?

      ERAS. I have been informed that your master is but too fortunate in his amours; I should be a fool to pretend any longer to gain the same favours which that lady grants to him alone.

      MASC. Certainly, you please me with this news. Though I was rather afraid of you, with regard to our plans, yet you do wisely to slip your neck out of the collar. You have done well to leave a house where you were only caressed for form's sake; I, knowing all that was going on, have many times pitied you, because you were allured by expectations, which could never be realized. It is a sin and a shame to deceive a gentleman! But how the deuce, after all, did you find out the trick? For when they plighted their faith to each other there were no witnesses but night, myself, and two others; and the tying of the knot, which satisfies the passion of our lovers, is thought to have been kept a secret till now.

      ERAS. Ha! What do you say?

      MASC. I say that I am amazed, sir, and cannot guess who told you, that under this mask, which deceives you and everybody else, a secret marriage unites their matchless love.

      ERAS. You lie.

      MASC. Sir, with all my heart.

      ERAS. You are a rascal.

      MASC. I acknowledge I am.

      ERAS. And this impudence deserves a sound beating on the spot.

      MASC. I am completely in your power,

      ERAS. Ha! Gros-René.

      GR. – RE. Sir?

      ERAS, I contradict a story, which I much fear is but too true. (ToMascarille). You wanted to run away.

      MASC. Not in the least.

      ERAS. What! Lucile is married to…

      MASC. No, sir, I was only joking.

      ERAS. Hey! you were joking, you wretch?

      MASC. No, I was not joking.

      ERAS. Is it true then?

      MASC. No, I do not say that.

      ERAS. What do you say then?

      MASC. Alas! I say nothing, for fear of saying something wrong.

      ERAS. Tell me positively, whether you have spoken the truth, or deceived me.

      MASC. Whatever you please. I do not come here to contradict you.

      ERAS. (Drawing his sword). Will you tell me? Here is something that will loosen your tongue without more ado.

      MASC. It will again be saying some foolish speech or other. I pray you, if you have no objection, let me quickly have a few stripes, and then allow me to scamper off.

      ERAS. You shall suffer death, unless you tell me the whole truth without disguise.

      MASC. Alas! I will tell it then; but perhaps, sir, I shall make you angry.

      ERAS. Speak: but take great care what you are doing; nothing shall save you from my just anger, if you utter but one single falsehood in your narration.

      MASC. I agree to it; break my legs, arms, do worse to me still, kill me, if I have deceived you in the smallest degree, in anything I have said.

      ERAS. It is true then that they are married?

      MASC. With regard to this, I can now clearly see that my tongue tripped; but, for all that, the business happened just as I told you. It was after five visits paid at night, and whilst you were made use of as a screen to conceal their proceedings, that they were united the day before yesterday. Lucile ever since tries still more to hide the great love she bears my master, and desires he will only consider whatever he may see, and whatever favours she may show you, as the results of her deep-laid scheme, in order to prevent the discovery of their secrets. If, notwithstanding my protestations, you doubt the truth of what I have told you, Gros-René may come some night along with me, and I will show him, as I stand and watch, that we shall be admitted into her house, after dark.

      ERAS. Out of my sight, villain.

      MASC. I shall be delighted to go; that is just what I want. (Exit).


      ERAS. Well?

      GR. – RE. Well! Sir, we are both taken in if this fellow speaks the truth.

      ERAS. Alas! The odious rascal has spoken the truth too well. All that he has said is very likely to have happened; Valère's behaviour, at the sight of this letter, denotes that there is a collusion between them, and that it is a screen to hide Lucile's love for him.


      MAR. I come to tell you that this evening my mistress permits you to see her in the garden.

      ERAS. How dare you address me, you hypocritical traitress? Get out of my sight, and tell your mistress not to trouble me any more with her letters; that is the regard, wretch, I have for them. (He tears the letter and goes out).

      MAR. Tell me, Gros-René, what ails him?

      GR. – RE. Dare you again address me, iniquitous female, deceitful crocodile, whose base heart is worse than a satrap or a Lestrigon?

      [Footnote: See Homer's Odyssey, X., v. 81-132.]

      Go, go, carry your answer to your lovely mistress, and tell her short and sweet, that in spite of all her cunning, neither my master nor I are any longer fools, and that henceforth she and you may go to the devil together. (Exit).

      MAR. My poor Marinette, are you quite awake? What demon are they possessed by? What? Is it thus they receive our favours? How shocked my mistress will be when she hears this!

* * * * *

      ACT II


      FROS. Thank Heaven! I am a girl who can keep a secret, Ascanio.

      ASC. But is this place private enough for such a conversation? Let us take care that nobody surprises us, or that we be not overheard from some corner or other.

      FROS. We should be much less safe within the house; here we can easily see anybody coming, and may speak in perfect safety.

      ASC. Alas! how painful it is for me to begin my tale!

      FROS. Sure, this must be an important secret then?

      ASC. Too much so, since I even entrust it to you with reluctance; even you should not know it, if I could keep it concealed any longer.

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