Preston Fight: or, The Insurrection of 1715. Ainsworth William Harrison
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Название: Preston Fight: or, The Insurrection of 1715

Автор: Ainsworth William Harrison

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ He instantly flung himself from his horse to pay homage to him whom he regarded as his king.

      But the prince was as quick as himself, and anticipating his design, dismounted and embraced him, expressing the greatest delight at beholding him.

      Lord Widdrington had quite the air of a country gentleman. About five and thirty, he was well-made, though somewhat robust, with good features, lighted up by grey eyes, and characterised by a frank, manly expression. He wore a blue riding-dress trimmed with silver, a blonde peruke and riding-boots.

      By this time Lord Derwentwater had come up, and explanations were quickly given as to the position in which the prince was placed.

      Lord Widdrington looked grave, and after a few moments’ deliberation said:

      “Your majesty must be certain that nothing would gratify me more than to receive you as my guest, but your safety is the first consideration. I am bound, therefore, to state, that in case of pursuit, you would not be as safe here as at Bamborough.”

      “Such is my own opinion,” remarked Lord Derwentwater.

      “There are a hundred hiding places in the old castle,” pursued Lord Widdrington; “and besides, a boat can be always in readiness, so that your majesty could be taken to Lindisfarne, where you might be concealed for a month.

      “Whatever course you advise, my lord, I will adopt,” said the prince. “But I must not be deprived of the power of retreat.”

      “‘Tis therein especially that Bamborough has the advantage over this mansion, my liege,” said Forster, who had come up. “I will answer with my life that you shall not fall into the hands of your enemies.”

      “And I dare not assert as much, since I might not be able to make good my words,” said Lord Widdrington.

      “That decides me,” cried the prince. “I shall take up my quarters at Bamborough.”

      “I trust your majesty will tarry awhile, and accept such hospitality as I am able to offer you,” entreated Lord Widdrington.

      “How say you, my lord?” cried the prince, appealing to Lord Derwentwater. “Shall I stay? I am in your hands.”

      His lordship thought an hour’s halt might be risked, so the whole of the party dismounted, and were conducted to a large antique dining-hall, adorned with portraits of the family, commencing with Gerard de Widdrington, who flourished in the time of Edward the Third.

      Here a goodly repast was served with remarkable promptitude. Of course, the viands were cold, but those who partook of them were too hungry to care for that – for they had breakfasted but slightly before starting, – and even the two fair damsels had gained a good appetite by the ride.

      Claret there was in abundance, and a goblet was devoted to a young pair of whose recent betrothal Lord Widdrington had just heard. The health of King James was drunk at the close of the repast, which was not prolonged beyond an hour. At the expiration of that time the horses were brought round.

      After glancing round the entrance-hall, which was panelled with oak, and decked with trophies of the chase and ancient weapons, and admiring the carved oak staircase, the prince went forth, and mounted his steed – Lord Widdrington holding the bridle. With graceful gallantry, his lordship next assisted the two fair equestrians to the saddle. This done, he mounted his own horse, with the purpose of attending the prince to Bamborough. Moreover, he had ordered half a dozen well-armed men to follow at the rear of the troop.

      With this additional force the party proceeded on its way – though not at the same rapid pace as heretofore.


      No longer feeling any uneasiness, the prince greatly enjoyed the ride along this remarkable coast, which, besides being studded with ancient castles, commands unequalled sea-views.

      The day was fine, with a fresh breeze blowing from the North Sea. Many vessels were in sight, giving life to the picture.

      Before them lay Warkworth Castle, finely situated on a peninsula, at the mouth of the lovely river Coquet, and the sight of the tall grey towers of this imposing structure so full of historical recollections, greatly moved the prince.

      “From that proud castle of the Percys I should like to be proclaimed,” he cried aloud.

      “Your wish shall be gratified, my liege, that we promise you,” rejoined Lord Widdrington and Mr. Forster, who overheard the exclamation.

      And they fulfilled their promise, but not till a later date.

      An ancient stone bridge across the Coquet brought the prince in front of the castle, and he paused for a few minutes to gaze at it. Fain would he have visited the Hermitage, but the wish could not be gratified, and he rode on through the little town. No interference was offered to the party since Lord Widdrington and Mr. Forster were at its head.

      To Warkworth quickly succeeded a still finer castle – Alnwick; and the prince was again lost in admiration of the second magnificent feudal structure reared on a height above the town, and lording it over the surrounding country.

      Guessing his highness’s thoughts, Lord Widdrington said:

      “Had your majesty these two castles, with Dunstan-borough and Bamborough, and all four well garrisoned, you might hold your own till an army could be raised, that should win you your kingdom.”

      “Bamborough is yours already, my liege,” added Forster. “And doubt not the others will be gained.”

      Several fresh objects interested the prince as he rode on. Amongst them was Howick Tower, now destroyed.

      Soon afterwards Dunstanborough Castle could be descried on the right. As the prince advanced, it was easy to perceive that the enormous pile was in ruins, but it still looked strong, and its position on a ridge of rocks overlooking the sea was strikingly grand.

      Several towers and a large portion of the walls were left; but that the castle could be rendered capable of defence seemed very doubtful to the prince, though both Lord Widdrington and Mr. Forster were of a different opinion.

      “If your majesty had time to inspect the stronghold, I would convince you of its importance,” said Lord Widdrington. “Ruined as it is, it is so immensely strong that I would undertake to hold it for a month, and with a few large guns it would command the sea.”

      “There are some extraordinary caverns beneath the castle, where any amount of arms and ammunition sent from France could be stored,” observed Forster.

      “Obtain possession of the place as soon as you can,” remarked the prince. “It ought to belong to us.”

      “It shall belong to your majesty,” said Lord Widdrington.

      During the ride along the coast, Lord Derwentwater had not deemed it necessary to pay especial attention to the prince, since Lord Widdrington was better able than himself to furnish any information his highness might require.

      The enamoured earl, therefore, felt at liberty to devote himself exclusively to the object of his affections. To enjoy greater freedom, the young pair separated themselves from the troop, and pursued their course along the turf that skirted the road – halting, occasionally, to gaze at the sea.

      Attracted by Dunstanborough Castle, they galloped towards the grand old СКАЧАТЬ