Ireland under the Tudors, with a Succinct Account of the Earlier History. Vol. 2 (of 3). Bagwell Richard
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СКАЧАТЬ John Alen to Cecil, Dec. 16, 1558; Staples to same, Dec. 16; T. Alen to same, December 18. Harris’s Dublin, chap. ii.


      Ancient Laws and Institutes of Ireland, vol. iii.; Preface to Book of Aicill, p. cxlviii.; Shane O’Neill to Queen Elizabeth, Feb. 8, 1561; Campion’s History; Four Masters, 1558. Maine’s Early History of Institutions, chap. ii.


      See the arguments in Carew, 1560, vol. i. p. 304.


      There is an account of the interview in Hooker.


      Instructions to Sussex, 1559, in Carew, pp. 279 and 284.


      Mant from Loftus MS.; Ware’s Annals.


      Memorial of answers by the Queen, July 16, 1559, and Instructions to Sussex, July 17, both in Carew; note of the Earl of Clanricarde’s wives and concubines now alive, Feb. 1559 (No. 18).


      The list of this Parliament is in Tracts relating to Ireland, vol. ii., Appendix 2; Printed Statutes, 2 Elizabeth; Collier, vol. vi. p. 296 (ed. 1846); Ware’s Annals; Leland, book iv. chap. i.


      Fitzwilliam to Sussex, March 8 and 15, 1560.


      Fitzwilliam to Cecil, April 11, 1560; Advertisements out of Ireland, May (No. 15), and many other papers about this time.


      Memorial by the Earl of Sussex for the Queen, May 1560 (No. 21).


      See the two sets of Instructions in Carew, vol. i. May 1560, Nos. 223, 225.



Sir John Alen to Cecil, Dec. 16, 1558; Staples to same, Dec. 16; T. Alen to same, December 18. Harris’s Dublin, chap. ii.


Ancient Laws and Institutes of Ireland, vol. iii.; Preface to Book of Aicill, p. cxlviii.; Shane O’Neill to Queen Elizabeth, Feb. 8, 1561; Campion’s History; Four Masters, 1558. Maine’s Early History of Institutions, chap. ii.


See the arguments in Carew, 1560, vol. i. p. 304.


There is an account of the interview in Hooker.


Instructions to Sussex, 1559, in Carew, pp. 279 and 284.


Mant from Loftus MS.; Ware’s Annals.


Memorial of answers by the Queen, July 16, 1559, and Instructions to Sussex, July 17, both in Carew; note of the Earl of Clanricarde’s wives and concubines now alive, Feb. 1559 (No. 18).


The list of this Parliament is in Tracts relating to Ireland, vol. ii., Appendix 2; Printed Statutes, 2 Elizabeth; Collier, vol. vi. p. 296 (ed. 1846); Ware’s Annals; Leland, book iv. chap. i.


Fitzwilliam to Sussex, March 8 and 15, 1560.


Fitzwilliam to Cecil, April 11, 1560; Advertisements out of Ireland, May (No. 15), and many other papers about this time.


Memorial by the Earl of Sussex for the Queen, May 1560 (No. 21).


See the two sets of Instructions in Carew, vol. i. May 1560, Nos. 223, 225.


Memorial of such charge as the Queen’s Majesty has given by her own speech to the Earl of Sussex, &c., May 27, 1560, in Carew.


Orders taken by the Lord-Lieutenant and Council, Aug. 1, 1560. Award for the Earl of Desmond, Aug. 23.


The Queen to Sussex, Aug. 15, 1560, and Aug. 21; list of plain rebels, July 19. Gerrard, A.G., to Cecil, Sept. 5.


Sussex to Cecil, Oct. 24 and Nov. 2.


Ware’s Antiquities, by Harris, chap. xxiii.; ‘Le case de mixt moneys’ in Davies’s Reports. There are a great many letters on this subject in the R.O., 1560 and 1561. See particularly the valuation of silver coins, &c., Dec. 1560 (No. 62), several of Feb. 23, 1561; Fitzwilliam to Cecil, May 4; to the Queen May 5; and the Queen’s letter of June 16. See also Queen’s Instructions to Sussex, May 22, 1561, in Carew, and the proclamations near the end of the last volume of that collection.


Queen to Sussex, Dec. 15; to Ormonde, Dec. 16, 1560. Examinations of Donell MacVicar, Jan. 14, 1561.


The whole of Shane’s statements are from his letter to the Queen, Feb. 8, 1561. For the refutation of his charge against Sussex, see the Queen to the Nobility and Council of Ireland, May 21, and the Council’s answer, June 12.


Lord Justice Fitzwilliam to Cecil, Feb. 8, 1561; Jaques Wingfield to Sussex, Feb. 23.


Protection for Shane O’Neill, March 4, 1561; Fitzwilliam to the Queen, April 5, 8, and 26.


Sir William Cecil to Argyle, April 2, 1561 (not sent till the 27th); Instructions by Sussex to William Hutchinson, sent into Scotland, April 27.


Sir Henry Radclyffe to Cecil, May 3. The lines from Ovid are: —

Cuncta prius tentanda, sed immedicabile vulnusEnse recidendum est, ne pars sincera trahatur. —Met. i. 190.

They were quoted by Sir Edward Dering in his speech against Bishops, &c., in the Long Parliament. The Queen to the Nobility and Council of Ireland, May 21. Sussex to Cecil, July 17.


Wingfield to Sussex, Feb. 23; Fitzwilliam to Cecil, April 5, and the enclosures.


Fitzwilliam to Cecil, May 30, 1561, and to Sussex same date. The Four Masters incorrectly place the event under the year 1559.


Shane O’Neill to the Lord Justice, June 8. He calls his messenger ‘nebulo,’ and says ‘diversis torquidibus torturavi eum et auriculam ejus fidi.’ Campion. Four Masters, 1561.


Sussex to the Queen, July 16, and the enclosures there; to Cecil, June 23. In his letter of June 28 to Sussex, Shane talks of the Queen’s ‘suavissima et benevola et gratiosa responsio;’ as to the libels he says, ‘si scriberem non renuntiassem meæ sententiæ.’ Fitzwilliam to Cecil, June 22. Four Masters, 1561.


Lord-Lieutenant and Council to the Queen, July 31, the official account for Elizabeth’s eye. The fuller and truer account is in a letter of the same date from Sussex to Cecil. Four Masters, 1561.


Instructions to Sussex in Carew, СКАЧАТЬ