A Synopsis of the Birds of North America. John James Audubon
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СКАЧАТЬ icterocephala, Bonap. Syn. p. 80.

      Chestnut-sided Warbler, Sylvia icterocephala, Nutt. Man. v. i. p. 380.

      Chestnut-sided Warbler, Sylvia icterocephala, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. i. p. 806.

      82. 7. Sylvicola pinus, Lath. Pine-creeping Wood-Warbler

      Plate CXI. Male and Female. Plate XXX. Young Male.

      Wings of moderate length, with the outer three quills almost equal, the first and second longest; tail emarginate. Male with the upper parts light yellowish-green, inclining to olive, the rump brighter; a streak over the eye, the eyelids, throat, breast, and sides, bright yellow, with a greenish tinge, the rest of the lower parts white; wings and tail blackish-brown; secondary coverts and first row of small coverts largely tipped with dull white; primaries edged with whitish, secondaries with brownish-grey; outer two tail-feathers with a patch of white on the inner web near the end. Female with the upper parts yellowish-brown tinged with grey, the lower parts of paler and duller tints than in the male. Young similar to the female.

      Male, 5, 8.

      From Texas to Maine. Very abundant. Resident in the Southern and Middle States.

      Pine Creeping Warbler, Sylvia pinus, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. iii. p. 25.

      Sylvia pinus, Bonap. Syn. p. 81.

      Pine Warbler, Sylvia pinus, Nutt. Man. v. i. p. 387.

      Pine Creeping Warbler, Sylvia pinus, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. ii. p. 232.

      Vigors's Warbler, Sylvia Vigorsii, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. i. p. 153. Young.

      83. 8. Sylvicola parus, Wils. Hemlock Warbler

      Plate CXXXIV. Male and Female. Plate LXXXVIII. Young.

      Wings of moderate length, with the outer two quills almost equal, the first longest, the third little shorter; tail very slightly emarginate. Male with the upper parts yellowish-green, spotted with dusky, the head greenish-yellow; secondary coverts and first row of small coverts largely tipped with white; quills and tail-feathers blackish-brown; primaries narrowly edged with greenish-white, secondaries broadly with white; outer two tail-feathers with the greater part white; a bright yellow streak over the eye; a dusky band on the lore and behind the eye; fore neck and breast bright yellow, the rest of the lower parts white, the sides streaked with black. Female similar to the male, but rather paler. Young with the upper parts light olive-brown; a pale line over the eye, which is encircled by a narrow line of whitish; wings and tail dark brown, the former with two brownish-white bands, the quills edged with brownish-white, the two outer tail-feathers with a white patch on the inner web; the lower parts dull white, tinged on the neck with yellow, on the sides with greyish-brown.

      Male, 51/2, 81/2.

      Middle districts. Rather common. Migratory.

      Hemlock Warbler, Sylvia parus, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. v. p. 114. Male.

      Autumnal Warbler, Sylvia autumnalis, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. iii. p. 65. Young.

      Sylvia parus, Bonap. Syn. p. 82.

      Sylvia autumnalis, Bonap. Syn. p. 74.

      Hemlock Warbler, Sylvia parus, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. ii. p. 205. Adult.

      Autumnal Warbler, Sylvia autumnalis, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. i. p. 447.

      84. 9. Sylvicola virens, Lath. Black-throated Green Wood-Warbler

      Plate CCCXCIX. Fig. 1. Male. Fig. 2. Female.

      Outer three quills almost equal, second very slightly longer; tail slightly emarginate. Male with the upper parts very light yellowish-green; the anterior part of the forehead, a band over the eye, the cheeks, and the sides of the neck, bright yellow; the fore part of the neck, anterior part of the sides, and some spots on the hind parts of the latter, black; the rest of the lower parts white, partially tinged with yellow; quills and tail-feathers brownish-black; secondary coverts and first row of small coverts largely tipped with white, quills margined with greyish-white, as are the tail-feathers, of which the greater part of the outer three, and a patch on the inner web of the fourth, are white. Female with the upper parts similar, but with less yellow on the forehead; ear-coverts greenish; the yellow band over the eye less bright, the yellow on the sides of the neck of less extent; the lower parts dull yellowish-white, the sides streaked with dusky.

      Male, 410/12, wing, 21/2. Female, 41/2, wing, 25½/12.

      From Texas to Newfoundland. Abundant. Migratory.

      Black-throated Green Warbler, Sylvia virens, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. ii. p. 127.

      Sylvia virens, Bonap. Syn. p. 80.

      Black-throated Green Warbler, Nutt. Man. v. i. p. 376.

      Black-throated Green Warbler, Sylvia virens, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. iv. p. 70.

      85. 10. Sylvicola maritima, Wils. Cape May Wood-Warbler

      Plate CCCCXIV. Male and Female.

      Wings pointed, first quill longest, the second a quarter of a twelfth shorter, the third a twelfth shorter; tail slightly emarginate. Male with the upper part of the head and fore part of the back yellowish-olive, streaked with black; the rump, throat, and a collar scarcely meeting behind, yellow; ear-coverts and a band over the eye yellowish-red, loral space paler; a white patch on the wing, formed by the first row of small coverts and the outer edges of the secondary coverts; quills and tail-feathers blackish-brown, edged with dull greyish-white, the secondaries more broadly; tail-feathers edged with yellow at the base, the outer three with a white patch on the inner web near the end; lower parts yellow, streaked with black, abdomen and lower tail-coverts white, the latter tinged with yellow. Female similar to the male, with the tints duller, the dusky streaks on the upper parts very faint, the rump greenish-yellow, the ear-coverts dull yellow, the white of the abdomen more extended, and the black streaks on the breast less distinct.

      Male, 51/2, 81/2.

      New Jersey, and Blue Mountains of Vermont. Exceedingly rare.

      Cape May Warbler, Sylvia maritima, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. iv. p. 99.

      Sylvia maritima, Bonap. Syn. p. 79.

      Cape May Warbler, Sylvia maritima. Nutt. Man. v. i. p. 156.

      Cape May Warbler, Sylvia maritima, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. v. p. 156.

      86. 11. Sylvicola cœrulea, Wils. Cœrulean Wood-Warbler

      Plate XLVIII. Males. Plate XLIX. Young Male.

      Wings long, with the outer three quills nearly equal, the first and second longest; tail slightly emarginate, upper parts of a fine light blue, brighter on the head, the back marked with longitudinal streaks of blackish; a narrow band of black from the forehead along the lore to behind the eye; two conspicuous white bands on the wings, formed by the tips of the secondary coverts and first row of small coverts; quills black, margined with pale blue; tail-feathers black, edged with blue, all with a white patch on the inner web near the end; lower parts white, with a band of dark bluish-grey across the fore neck, and oblong spots of the same along the sides. Female with the upper parts light bluish-green, the lower and a streak over СКАЧАТЬ