SARA. Laws are keeping silence during the war. Elena Fishtik
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СКАЧАТЬ went out on the street, he spent an hour in the yard and watched the sky.

      He watched the disc of the Moon that slowly hid the solar disc – this beautiful new formation enraptured him.

      The sky got dark and the bright stars appeared on it.

      And suddenly, around the solar disc that was hidden by the Moon, he noticed the bright solar crown.

      Feelings were inexpressible.

      It continued only a few minutes but it was enough for Boris.

      As if he discovered something essential for himself.

      As if he got to know the Great Secret.

      His face was calm and unruffled.

      He looked at the sky one more time, smiled and went home, lay on his bed and… died.

      This mysterious death of a young and healthy boy shocked the whole family, and Ziama closed for a few days, he couldn’t communicate with anyone, and when his stress has gone away he announced to everybody that in memory of his brother he would take his name.

      And from that time he is Boris.

      The hold of the ship was impossibly full.

      People were sitting, lying and staying, yawning with boredom.

      Sara’s pregnant neighbor name was Maria.

      She was going to Kiev to her parents for childbirth as her husband was taken to the army.

      She was afraid a little bit because it was almost the time for childbirth, but it was much more awful to stay alone in Zaporojye where there weren’t any relatives at all, where there wasn’t any help, and this one was her first child, she didn’t know what to do and how, she hadn’t any experience, that’s why she made so desperate decision.

      The first day of the journey was quiet.

      The weather was fine. Passengers were eating and drinking, the food was not so good but still passable.

      Sara spent a lot of time on the deck watching the changing pictures of the nature.

      There, on the coast, thick trees that was brightly shined by the sun lights were gently swaying on the wind as if they were saying goodbye with their branches.

      On the other side of the Dnepr voices of children were heard, they greeted the next vessel and immediately said him goodbye.

      The night was coming: the fantastic sunset, the singing of birds, that was heard from the coasts of the Dnepr, quiet lullaby for a little girl, the smooth surface of water and shadows of trees that were reflecting in it – this all made Sara so calm, appeased her…

      Day by day, night by night, the vessel was slowly going to the final destination.

      It was seven and the last day of the way, it was dark and suddenly the thunder and lightning appeared in the sky and a heavy rain poured.

      The vessel was so poor that it became clear immediately as water with high speed appeared in the hold, people worried, the ship was swaying from side to side because of strong wind, it was impossible to stay, and to sit on the floor was more impossible, as water appeared very fast and all things: wallets, suitcases, bags almost everything was under the water.

      Everybody panicked.

      People ran by the ship and nobody knew what to do.

      Boris shouted to Mum and Sara:

      – Go upstairs quickly.

      Sara just made a step and she felt that someone seized her leg, she turned and she saw the frightened eyes of pregnant Maria, she murmured something pleading about the help.

      Sara called her Mum:

      – Mother, quickly, here… – Sara showed on Maria, she couldn’t speak because of fear, she was shivering and her leg was in tenacious hand of Maria.

      – Maria, stand up quickly, let’s go upstairs, – the mother leaned forward to help but at that moment Maria screamed and she writhed in pain. It was clear for everybody – the contractions began.

      – Boris, mother turned, she was looking for the son.

      – I’m here. What’s going on? – Boris helped an elderly people to climb on the board.

      – Maria is giving birth.

      Boris immediately appeared beside, with very fast and resolute movement he caught Maria and went upstairs.

      All passengers were frightened because of heartbreaking scream of Maria.

      Sara was shocked and she couldn’t move faster, it seemed that her legs clung to stairs, people lined up behind her, pushed each other, hurried the girl, pushed her in the side and back with accusations and shouting.

      The wind got stronger, the rain lashed people with a violent force, sometimes it knocked them down, sobs and wailing, the scream of children, women’s crying mixed in with the thunder, and shrill, the unbearable scream of pregnant Maria.

      Boris carried Maria upstairs, covered her with a sailcloth that he discovered in the fore ship, the mother settled beside, she was stroking Maria and saying to her:

      – Be patient girl, everything will be good, you need to be patient.

      Maria was keeping silence for some time and then she began moaning, and again it was a terrible cry.

      The pain didn’t give her relax for a long time.

      And the rain got stronger and stronger.

      The hold was almost flooded.

      There is inexpressible fear in people’s eyes.

      Sailors are going back and forth down the vessel trying to patch holes in some way.

      The frightened voices are heard:

      – I can’t swim!

      – God, help me!

      – Semyon, where in my Semyon?

      – Alyosha, go here quickly, leave your bale.

      – Somebody help, here is a granddad!

      – Mum, Mum, I am afraid… – children are crying.

      The lightning flashed menacingly across the sky, it was impetuous thunder, it seemed that the sky was burst, nobody could remember such rain in his lifetime. Old people were praying and begging for mercy.

      The vessel became more and more unstable, the wind threw it from side to side, people were clinging ropes, cuts on palms from coarse rope immediately revealed themselves, many people couldn’t endure the pain and let off the rope, they were immediately cast on the opposite side and they saved themselves only with the СКАЧАТЬ