Нации и этничность в гуманитарных науках. Этнические, протонациональные и национальные нарративы. Формирование и репрезентация. Сборник статей
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      Medieval people shared perceptions about divinity of the governor – the bearer of the idea of the order, the participant of cosmological actions. Deification of the heads of the state was the important collective-psychological prerequisite of the processes of integration in Central Asian nomad societies. In our opinion, Turkic and Kirghiz governors possessed similar sacral positions. However, sources do not contain direct and solid description of the system of such perceptions. At the same time, the tradition of interpreting power in the categories of «sacred», as well as any other phenomenon of culture, could not disappear, not having left any information. Modern researchers should pay great attention to decoding such information.

      Obviously, the titles of governors played a special role in the attitude towards sacralization, which was inherited and, thus, the title became sacral, which should be noted as far as the titles «tegin», «tarhan», «jabgu» are concerned. Besides the function of denomination of the occupied position in the Khaganate, these titles had sacral meaning, making their owners more significant in the environment of Turkic elite. From the first steps of the history of the Turkic state the Turkic society was strictly hierarchical. The place and political heft of a member of society were in many respects defined by his title, quite often hereditary, which strengthened the position of its bearer in the system of social communications.

      It is evident that Turkic and Kirghiz titles are closely connected with each other. The acquisition of the title was a very important moment in the life of a representative of a ruling layer of the state. This event and the description of merits were frequently recorded in the epitaph. The acquisition of the khagan title by Kirghiz governor meant not only the political art, but also the claim for possession of sacrality of the khagan in all its completeness.

      Keywords: the Middle Ages; Turkic people; the power; religion; sacralization; the governor.


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      7. Lui Mau-tsai. Die chinesischen Nachrichten zur Geschichte der Ost-Turken (T'u-kue). Wiesbaden: О. Harrassowitz, 1958. 831 s.

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      German, Roman and Frankish: the national narratives of the early Hohenstaufen era (1138–1190) and their Influence on high Politics

      Vedran Sulovsky

      Shortly after the end of the investiture controversy, Henry V (1106–1125), the last emperor of the Salian dynasty, died childless. While Lothair III of Supplingenburg (1125–1137) succeeded him at first, at his death it was Conrad III of Hohenstaufen (1138–1152), who was elected king. His position was very weak: Saxony and Bavaria were his open enemies, while Italy fell into complete disarray. The new ruler desperately needed to boost his legitimacy, but he never really achieved this. It is difficult to tell how Conrad would have portrayed himself as a legitimate ruler, as no source commissioned by him remains. However, Otto of Freising s Chronica sive historia de duabus civitatibus, written in 1146 was revised in 1153 in order to be presented to Frederick Barbarossa (1152–1190), Conrad’s nephew and heir. However, only a small part of the text was actually revised. Otto of Freising, who was a close relative to the СКАЧАТЬ