Herbarium. Klaus H. Carl
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Название: Herbarium

Автор: Klaus H. Carl

Издательство: Parkstone International Publishing

Жанр: Иностранные языки

Серия: Mega Square

isbn: 978-1-78160-963-7, 978-1-78042-212-1


СКАЧАТЬ the extensive private collection of Dr. Ernest Cosson. In Geneva are three large collections – Augustin Pyramede Candolle’s, containing the typical specimens of the Prodromus, a large series of monographs of the families of flowering plants, Benjamin Delessert’s fine series at the Botanical Garden and the Boissier Herbarium, which is abundant with Mediterranean and Oriental plants. The largest collection ever made by a single individual (exceeding 40,000 specimens), that of Professor Griesbach, was bequeathed to the University of Göttingen. At the herbarium in Brussels are the specimens obtained by the traveller Karl Friedrich Philipp von Martius, the majority of which formed the groundwork of his Flora Brasiliensis. The Berlin herbarium is especially rich in more recent collections, and other national herbaria sufficiently extensive to meet the requirements of the systematic botanist exist in St. Petersburg, Vienna, Leiden, Stockholm, Upsala, Copenhagen and Florence. Of those in the United States of America, the chief herbarium, formed by Asa Gray, is the property of Harvard University; there is also a large one at the New York Botanical Garden. The herbarium in Melbourne, Australia, under Baron Müller, is of large proportions, and that of the Botanical Garden of Calcutta is noteworthy as the repository of numerous specimens described by writers on Indian botany.

      I. Malus specie

      Double-flowered Apple


      II. Lychnis viscaria

      Sticky Catchfly


      III. Campanula patula

      Spreading Bellflower


      I. Staphylea pinnata



      II. Vinca minor

      White-flowered Lesser Periwinkle


      III. Vinca minor

      Lesser Periwinkle


      IV. Vinca minor

      Mauve-flowered Lesser Periwinkle


      V. Vinca minor

      Double-flowered Lesser Periwinkle


      I. Laburnum anagyroides

      Common Laburnum


      II. Laburnum alpinum

      Alpine Laburnum


      I. Viburnum opulus

      Snowball Bush [Guelder-rose]


      II. Cytisus sessilifolius

      Stalkless-leafed Laburnum


      III. Cytisus ciliatus

      Small Alpine Laburnum


      I. Dorycnium hirsutum

      Hairy Canary Clover


      II. Cytisus supinus / Cytisus hirsutus

      Clustered Broom [Hairy Broom]


      III. Cytisus scoparius

      Common Broom


      IV. Jasminum fruticans

      Shrubby Jasmine


      I. Ribes alpinum

      Alpine Currant


      II. Ribes rubrum

      Common Redcurrant


      III. Ribes nigrum



      IV. Ribes rubrum



      V. Ribes rubrum



      I. Lathraea squamaria

      Common Toothwort


      II. Erythronium dens-canis

      White-flowered Dog’s Tooth Violet


      III. Erythronium dens-canis

      Mauve-flowered Dog’s Tooth Violet


      IV. Pulmonaria officinalis



      V. Primula vulgaris

      Mauve-flowered Common Primrose


      I. Primula auricula

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