Rancho Del Muerto and Other Stories of Adventure from «Outing» by Various Authors. Various
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Название: Rancho Del Muerto and Other Stories of Adventure from «Outing» by Various Authors

Автор: Various

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика


isbn: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/51919


СКАЧАТЬ that one time – understand everybody – atter that no bussin’ kin take place, red yeer ur no red yeer. I advocate moderation in all things, especially whar’ a man an’ woman’s mouth is con-sarned.”

      While the musical tones of the familiar song were rising, and the straw beneath the feet of the human chain was rustling, Bagley called aloud the word: “Halt!” and all sat down immediately and went to work with a will. Song after song was sung. The hard, pearly silk-tipped ears of corn flew through the air and rained into the crib near at hand, and billows of husks rolled up behind the eager workers and were raked away by negroes who were not permitted to take part in the sport.

      “Here’s a red un, by hunky!” yelled out a sunburnt, downy-faced youth, standing up and holding aloft a small ear of blood-red corn.

      “Hold on thar!” shouted Bagley in commanding tones. “The rules must be enforced to the letter. Jim Lash, ef yore yeer measures full six inches ye’re the lucky man, but ef it falls short o’ that size its a nubbin an’ don’t count.”

      An eager group encircled the young man, but soon a loud laugh rose and they all fell back into their places, for the ear had proved to be only five inches in length.

      “Not yit, Jimmy Lash; not yit,” grunted Dick Martin, as he raked an armful of unhusked corn into his and Melissa’s laps. Then to Melissa in an undertone: “Ef wishin’ ‘u’d do any good, I’d be the fust to run acrost one, fur, by jingo! the’ ain’t a livin’ man, Melissa, that could want it as bad as I do with you a-settin’ so handy. By glory! [aloud] here she is, as red as sumac an’ as long as a rollin’ pin. The Lord be praised!” He had risen to his feet and stood holding up the trophy for Bagley’s inspection, fairly aglow with triumph and exercise.

      The rustling in the corn husks ceased. All eyes were directed upon the erect forms of Dick Martin and Farmer Bagley. The clear moonlight revealed an unpleasant expression on the older man’s face in vivid contrast to the cast of the younger’s. Bagley seemed rather slow to form a decision; all present suspected the cause of his hesitation.

      “Fair’s fair, Bagley!” called out an old farmer outside of the circle. “Don’t belittle yorese’f by ‘lowin’ anything o’ a personal natur’ to come in an’ influence you ag’in right. Dick Martin’s the fust an’ is entitled to the prize.”

      “Yore right, Wilson,” admitted Bagley, with his eyes downcast. “Dick Martin is the winner an’ kin proceed; howsomever, thar’s some things that – ”

      Salute yore bride an’ kiss her sweet,

      Now you may rise upon yore feet!

      sang the leader of the singers, completely drowning the remainder of Bagley’s sentence. As quick as a flash of lightning Dick had thrown his arm round struggling Melissa and imprinted a warm kiss on her lips. Then the workers applauded vociferously, and Melissa sat, suffused with crimson, between sullen Bill Miller and beaming Dick Martin. Bagley showed plainly that Dick’s action and the applause of all had roused his dislike for Dick even deeper than ever.

      “I’m knowed to be a man o’ my word,” he fumed, white in the face and glancing round the ring of upturned faces. “I’m firm as firm kin be, I mought say as the rock o’ Bralty, when I take a notion. I’ve heerd a leetle o’ the talk in this settlement ‘mongst some o’ the meddlin’ sort, an’ fur fear this leetle accident mought add to the’r tattle I’d jest like to remark that ef thar’s a man on the top side o’ the earth that knows what’s to be done with his own flesh an’ blood it ort to be me. What’s been the talk ain’t so, not a speck of it. I’ve got somethin’ to say to – ”

      “Paw!” expostulated Melissa, almost crying.

      “Mr. Bagley – I say, Abrum Bagley, don’t make a born fool o’ yorese’f,” broke in Mrs. Bagley, as she waddled into the circle and laid her hand heavily upon her husband’s arm. “Now, folks, it’s about time you wuz gittin’ somethin’ warm into you. You kin finish the pile atter you’ve eat. Come on, all hands, to the house!”

      A shadow of mortification fell athwart Dick’s honest face as soon as Bagley had spoken. His sensitive being was wounded to the core. As he and Melissa walked back to the farm house together, Bill Miller having dropped behind to gossip with someone over Bagley’s remarks, he was silent, and timid Melissa was too shy to break the silence, although it was very painful to her.

      Reaching the entrance to the farm house, Dick held back and refused to enter with the others.

      “Ain’t you gwine to come in an’ have some supper?” Melissa asked, pleadingly.

      “I ain’t a-goin’ narry nuther step. Anything cooked in this house would stick in my throat atter what’s been said. He struck me a underhanded lick. I won’t force myse’f on ‘im nur to his table.”

      “I think you mought, bein’ as I axed you,” said she tremblingly, as she shrank into the honeysuckle vines that clung to the latticework of the entry.

      “No, blame me ef I do!” he answered firmly. “I’m of as good stock as anybody in this county; nobody cayn’t run no bull yearlin’ dry shod over me.”

      All Melissa could do could not induce him to join the others in the dining room, and when he walked angrily away she ran into her own room, and sitting down in the darkness alone she burst into a flood of tears. After supper the guests repaired again to the corn heap, but Melissa was not among them, and the spirits of all seemed somewhat dampened.

      After that night Dick Martin and Melissa Bagley did not meet each other for several days. However, on the Sunday following the corn shucking, as Melissa was returning from meeting through the woods alone, the very one who was uppermost in her troubled mind joined her. He emerged from the thick-growing bushes which skirted her path, with a very pale face and unhappy mien.

      “I jest couldn’t wait another minute, Melissa,” he said, standing awkwardly before her, “not ef I had to be shot fur it.”

      “Paw’s mighty stubborn an’ contrary when he takes a notion,” she said, with hanging head and an embarrassed kick of her foot at a tuft of grass. “I think he mought let me alone. You ain’t the only one he hates. Thar’s ol’ man Lawson; law, he hates him wuss’n canker! I heerd ‘im say tother day ef somebody ‘u’d jest beat Lawson shootin’ next match he’d be his friend till death. He ain’t never got over his lawsuit with Lawson over the sheep our dog killed. Paw fit it in court through three terms, an’ then had to give in an’ settle the claim an’ all the costs besides. It mighty nigh broke im. Fur the last five years Lawson has driv home the prize beef from the fall match, an’ every time paw jest fairly shakes with madness over it.”

      When Dick left Melissa at the bars in sight of her house and turned toward his home a warm idea was tingling in his brain, and by the time he had reached his father’s cottage he was fairly afire with it. The shooting match was to take place in a month – what was to prevent him from taking part in it? He had an excellent rifle, and had done some good shooting at squirrels. Perhaps if he would practice a good deal he might win. Lawson was deemed the best marksman in all the Cohutta valleys, and frequently it had been hard to get anyone to enter a match against him. Dick at last decided to enter the forthcoming match at all events. He went into his cottage and took down his rifle from its deer-horn rack over the door. While he was eyeing the long, rusty barrel critically his old mother entered.

      “Fixin’ fur a hunt, Dick? Thar’s a power o’ pa’tridges in the sage field down the hollar. A rifle ain’t as good fur that sort o’ game as a shotgun; suppose you step over an’ ax Hanson to loan you his’n?”