Многосторонняя дипломатия в биполярной системе международных отношений (сборник). Коллектив авторов
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      Green D. The Containment of Latin America. Chicago, 1971. P. 234.


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      Charter of the Organization of the American States. Adopted at the Ninth International Conference of American States. 30 April 1948. Bogotá, 1951.


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      Bogota Conference of American States, Charter of the Organization of American States; March 30-May 2, 1948 //A Decade of American Foreign Policy: Basic Documents, 1941–49. Prepared at the request of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations by the Staff of the Committee and the Department of State. Washington, 1950, Р. 342–343.


      См. Ганионский С. А. США и Латинская Америка, 1939–1959. М., 1960. С. 209.


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      Décima Conferencia interamericana. Compilación de las resolucions, declaraciones у recomendaciones, adoptadas por organos del sistema interamericano en relacion con el communismo internacional». Caracas, 1954. P. 12.


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      Gareau F. H. State Terrorism and the United States. From Counterinsurgency to the War on Terrorism. N.Y, 2004, Р. 44.


      U. N. General Assembly. Offcial Records (IX session). N. Y., 1954, Р. 98–174.


      См. Welch R. E. Response to Revolution: the United States and the Cuban Revolution, 1959-1961. Chapel Hill, 1985. Р. 18.


      Rodley N. S., Ronning C. N. International Law in the Western Hemisphere. N.Y, 1971. P. 188.


      Documents on International Affairs / Ed. by Wheeler-Bennett J. Oxford, 1973. P. 19, 579, 583.


      Bohning D. The Castro Obsession: U.S. Covert Operations against Cuba, 1959-1965. Dulles (Virginia). 2005. P. 89–95.


      Horowitz D. Alliance for Progress // Socialist Register, V. 1, 1964. P. 127.


      Horowitz D. Alliance for Progress // Socialist Register, V. 1, 1964. P. 130–131.


      Dobson A. P., Marsh S. US Foreign Policy since 1945. N.Y. 2006. P. 91–92.


      Magdoff H. The Age of Imperialism: the Economics of U.S. Foreign Policy. N.Y., 1969. P. 120.


      Schlesinger A. Jr. The Alliance for Progress: A Retrospective // Latin America: The Search for a New International Role. Ed. by Hellman R.G., Rosenbaum H.J. Beverly Hills (Calif), 1975. P. 68.


      См.: Пребиш Р. Периферийный капитализм: есть ли ему альтернатива? М., 1992.


      Raul Prebisch on ECLACs Achievements and Defciencies. An Unpublished Interview // CEPAL Review. Vol. 75. Dec. 2001. P. 19–20.


      Las Américas sin barreras: negociaciones comerciales de acceso a mercados/ Ed. by A. Estevadeordal, C. Robert. N.Y., 2001, P. 143–152.


      Punta del Este conferéncia de la O. E. A. VIII Reunión de consulta de Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores: Expulsión de Cuba. Montevideo, 1962.
