США и борьба Латинской Америки за независимость, 1815—1830. Андрей Исэров
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СКАЧАТЬ To the Republic of Colombia, on certain charges made against him by that government… Wash., D.C., 1830.


      [Gongalves da Cruz A.] Reply to the Author of the Letter on South America and Mexico, by an American… Philadelphia, 1817; [Monteagudo B.] An Essay on the Necessity of a General Confederation among the Spanish American States, and A Plan for its Organization. Lima, 1825; [Palacio Fajardo M.] Outline of Revolutions in Spanish America; or An Account of the Origin, Progress, and Actual State of the War Carried on between Spain and Spanish America; containing the Principal Facts which have Marked the Struggle. L., 1817; Pazos [Kanki] V. The Exposition, Remonstrance and Protest of Don Vincente Pazos, Commissioner on Behalf of the Republican Agents established at Amelia Island, in Florida, under the Authority and in behalf of the Independent States of South America. Philadelphia, 1818; Idem. Letters on the United Provinces of South America Addressed to the Hon. Henry Clay, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the U. States. N.Y., 1819; Torres M. An Exposition of the Commerce of Spanish America; with some observations upon its importance to the United States. Philadelphia, 1816.


      Irvine B. Cursory Notes on Venezuela. Baltimore, September 1819 – National Archives. RG 59, M 37, roll 4.


      Brackenridge Η. M. Voyage to South America, performed by order of the American Government in the Years 1817 and 1818, in the frigate Congress. 2 vols. Baltimore (Md.), 1819.


      Reise nach Siidamerika. Leipzig, 1821. Bd. 1–2; Voyage to Buenos Ayres: performed in the years 1817 and 1818, by order of the American government. L., 1820. Испанское издание, также сокращенное, вышло совсем недавно: La independencia argentina: viaje a America del Sud por orden del gobierno americano en los anos 1817 у 1818 en la fragata “Congress” / prologo у traduccion de Carlos A. Aldao. Buenos Aires, 1999.


      [Poinsett J. R.] Notes on Mexico: Made in the Autumn of 1822. Philadelphia, 1824 (L., 1825).


      Robinson W. D. Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution: including a Narrative of the Expedition of General Xavier Mina… Philadelphia, 1820. О планах Бентама см.: Williford Μ. Jeremy Bentham on Spanish America: an Account of his Letters and Proposals to the New World. Baton Rouge (La.), 1980.


      Duane W. A Visit to Colombia, in the Years 1822 & 1823.


      Cleveland R. C. A Narrative of Voyages and Commercial Enterprises. Cambridge (Ma.), 1842; [Coffin I. F.] Journal of a Residence in Chili. By a Young American, detained in that country, during the revolutionary scenes of 1817 – 18–19. Boston, 1823; Johnston S. B. Letters Written During a Residence of Three Years in Chili, containing an account of the most remarkable events in the revolutionary struggles of that province… Erie (Pa), 1816; [Fracker G.] A Voyage to South America, with an Account of a Shipwreck in the River la Plata, in the Year 1817. Boston, 1826. Джонстон потом поступил на службу в чилийский флот и попал в заточение в Кальяо.


      Hill Н. Recollections of an Octogenarian. Boston, 1884; Idem. Reminiscences of Dr. George Edwards of Coquimbo, Chili, South America. Weymouth (Ma.), 1890.


      [Bradley Н.] A voyage from the United States to South America, performed during the Years 1821, 1822, & 1823… Newburyport, 1823 (2 eds.; 5th ed. – Chili and Peru in 1824. Boston, 1824). В каталоге Sabin (№ 12215, 12749, 100814) в качестве вероятных авторов книги названы некие Томас Беннет или Вашингтон Чейз, Shoemaker пишет только о Беннете. Другой каталог упоминает, помимо уже указанных авторов, еще Генри Брэдли – Forster Н. The South Sea Whaler. Sharon (Ma.), 1985. № 10. На самом деле именно Генри Брэдли и был автором книги, так как на с. 38 второго издания упоминается имя повествователя на испанском языке – Энрике.


      Фрагменты Брэкенриджа о Буэнос-Айресе: Niles’ Weekly Register. Vol. 14. P. 261–263, 288–289 (June 13, 20, 1818) – перепечатано в: National Intelligencer, June 25, 27, 1818. Vol. 15. P. 188–190, 202–205 (November 14, 21, 1818). Выдержки об экспедиции Мины из книги Робинсона: National Intelligencer. June 1, 1820.


      В частности: Hall В. Extracts from a Journal, written on the coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in the years 1820, 1821, 1822. 2 vols. 3rd ed. Edinburgh, 1824; Hall F. Colombia: its present state, in respect of climate, soil, productions, population, government, commerce, revenue, manufactures, arts, literature, manners, education, and inducements to emigration… Philadelphia, 1825; Narrative of a Voyage to the Spanish Main, in the ship

      “Two friends;”… L., 1819.


      В: Once anos en Buenos Aires, 1820–1831. Las cronicas diplomaticas de John Murray Forbes…


      LC. Peter Force Collection – Jeremy Robinson Papers. Reel 62.


      Tayloe E. T. Mexico, 1825–1828: the Journal and Correspondence of Edward Thornton Tayloe / Ed. by C. Harvey Gardiner. Chapel Hill (N.C.), 1959.


      New York Public Library. Samuel Hill Papers.


      New-York Historical Society. Diary of a trip from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico, 1815, taken by Josiah Smith; [Idem]. Diary of a trip from the City of Mexico to Tampico, 1816.


      Harvard University Houghton Library. Documents and letters by C. A. Rodney and others Relating to Argentina, 1818–1824. Конволют составлен одним из первых латино-американистов СКАЧАТЬ