Personal Property Securities Act. Australia
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Название: Personal Property Securities Act

Автор: Australia

Издательство: Проспект

Жанр: Юриспруденция, право


isbn: 9785392094042



      Deputy Registrar means a Deputy Registrar of Personal Property Securities.

      Note: See Part 5.9 for the office of Deputy Registrar.

      description of personal property (including collateral and proceeds) means:

      (a) in the case of a particular item of personal property — a description that identifies the item, or that identifies a class to which the item belongs; or

      (b) in the case of a class of personal property — a description that identifies the class, including a description that identifies the class by identifying a larger class of personal property that wholly includes the class.

      Example 1: A description that identifies collateral as “sheep” (a type of livestock) is sufficient to identify collateral that is sheep wool (a product of livestock, which is a class of collateral wholly included in the larger class of “sheep”).

      Example 2: A description that identifies collateral as “fruit” is sufficient to identify collateral that is apples.

      document of title means a writing issued by or addressed to a bailee:

      (a) that covers goods in the bailee’s possession that are identified or are fungible portions of an identified mass; and

      (b) in which it is stated that the goods identified in it will be delivered:

      (i) to a named person, or to the transferee of that person; or

      (ii) to the bearer; or

      (iii) to the order of a named person.

      effective: a registration is effective with respect to particular collateral if it is effective with respect to that collateral under Part 5.4.

      enterprise has the meaning given by section 9-20 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.

      evidential burden, in relation to a matter, means the burden of adducing or pointing to evidence that suggests a reasonable possibility that the matter exists or does not exist.

      execution creditor means a creditor who has recovered judgment and issued execution against a grantor.

      expenses, in relation to the enforcement of a security interest in collateral, includes advances, costs and taxes for obtaining possession of, protecting (including insuring), maintaining, preserving or repairing the collateral.

      Example: For collateral that is intellectual property, expenses include the costs of legal proceedings against infringers of the intellectual property.

      Note: Reasonable expenses in relation to the enforcement of a security interest are taken to be secured by a security interest unless the parties agree otherwise (see subsection 18(5)).

      express amendment, of this Act, has the meaning given by section 244.

      Family Court means the Family Court of Australia.

      Federal Court means the Federal Court of Australia.

      financial product:

      (a) for the purposes of the definition of investment instrument in this section — has the meaning given by the Corporations Act 2001; and

      (b) for any other purposes — means any of the following, or an interest in any of the following, other than cash:

      (i) shares;

      (ii) bonds;

      (iii) any other financial instrument;

      (iv) any other financial asset.

      financial property means any of the following personal property:

      (a) chattel paper;

      (b) currency;

      (c) a document of title;

      (d) an investment instrument;

      (e) a negotiable instrument.

      financing change statement means data amending a registered financing statement.

      financing statement means data registered (or that is to be registered) pursuant to an application for registration under subsection 150(1).

      Note: For requirements relating to financing statements, see Part 5.3 (Registration).

      fish means any of the following, while alive:

      (a) marine, estuarine or freshwater fish, or other aquatic animal life, at any stage of their life history;

      (b) oysters and other aquatic molluscs, crustaceans, echinoderms, beachworms and other aquatic polychaetes;

      but does not include any fish prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this definition.

      fixtures means goods, other than crops, that are affixed to land.

      foreign jurisdiction has the meaning given by section 39.

      future advance means:

      (a) an advance secured by a security interest (whether or not made pursuant to an obligation), if the advance is made after the security agreement was made; or

      (b) expenses in relation to the enforcement of a security interest that are secured by the security interest.

      Note: For the meaning of expenses, see the definition elsewhere in this section. Reasonable expenses in relation to the enforcement of a security interest are taken to be secured by the security interest unless the parties agree otherwise (see subsection 18(5)).

      general law means the principles and rules of the common law and equity.

      goods means personal property that is tangible property, including the following:

      (a) crops;

      (b) livestock;

      (c) wool;

      (d) minerals that have been extracted (including hydrocarbons) in any form, whether solid, liquid or gaseous and whether organic or inorganic;

      (e) satellites and other space objects;

      but does not include financial property or an intermediated security.

      grantor means:

      (a) a person who has the interest in the personal property to which a security interest is attached (whether or not the person owes payment or performance of an obligation secured by the security interest); or

      (b) a person who receives goods under a commercial consignment; or

      (c) a lessee under a PPS lease; or

      (d) a transferor of an account or chattel paper; or

      (e) СКАЧАТЬ