Corporations Act. Australia
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Название: Corporations Act

Автор: Australia

Издательство: Проспект

Жанр: Юриспруденция, право


isbn: 9785392086429



      (a) securities in that class have been issued as consideration for the acquisition or cancellation of securities of another body pursuant to a compromise or arrangement under Part 5.1; and

      (b) securities in that class, or those or any other securities of the other body, were ED securities immediately before securities in that class were first issued pursuant to the compromise or arrangement; and

      (c) after an issue of securities in that class pursuant to the compromise or arrangement, 100 or more persons held securities in that class; and

      (d) securities in that class have been held by 100 or more persons at all times since the issue of securities referred to in paragraph (c).

      111AH When a person holds securities for the purposes of sections 111AF, 111AFA and 111AG

      (1) For the purposes of sections 111AF, 111AFA and 111AG, a person holds securities if, and only if:

      (a) the person is registered as the holder of the securities in a register under section 169, 170, 171 or 601CZB; or

      (b) the person is entitled to be so registered.

      (2) For the purposes of sections 111AF, 111AFA and 111AG, joint holders of securities count as one person.

      111AI Debentures

      Debentures of a borrower are ED securities if:

      (a) section 283AA requires the borrower to appoint a trustee; or

      (b) section 283AA does not apply to the borrower only because the offer of the debentures to which section 283AA would otherwise have applied is a recognised offer.

      111AJ Regulations may declare securities not to be ED securities

      (1) The regulations may declare specified securities of bodies not to be ED securities.

      (2) Regulations in force for the purposes of subsection (1) have effect accordingly, despite anything else in this Division.

      111AK ED securities of a disclosing entity

      For the purposes of this Act, ED securities because of which (having regard to section 111AC) a disclosing entity is such an entity are ED securities of the entity.

      111AL Listed or unlisted disclosing entity

      (1) For the purposes of this Act, a disclosing entity is a listed disclosing entity if all or any ED securities of the entity are quoted ED securities.

      (2) For the purposes of this Act, a disclosing entity that is not a listed disclosing entity is an unlisted disclosing entity.

      111AM Quoted ED securities

      For the purposes of this Act, ED securities are quoted ED securities if they are ED securities because of section 111AE.

      Division 3 — Significance of being a disclosing entity

      111AN Division contains outline of significance of being a disclosing entity

      This Division outlines the significance for this Act of being a disclosing entity.

      111ANA Requirements relating to remuneration recommendations in relation to key management personnel

      There are special requirements in Part 2D.8 for remuneration recommendations in relation to key management personnel for disclosing entities that are companies.

      111AO Accounting requirements

      A disclosing entity incorporated or formed in Australia has to prepare financial statements and reports for half‑years as well as full financial years. These requirements are set out in Chapter 2M.

      111AP Continuous disclosure requirements

      (1) A disclosing entity is subject to the continuous disclosure requirements of sections 674 and 675.

      111AQ Prospectus relief

      Section 713 applies (subject to certain qualifications) to prospectuses for quoted ED securities of disclosing entities. The section’s requirements for the content of prospectuses are less comprehensive than those that apply to other prospectuses under section 710.

      111AQA Product Disclosure Statement relief

      Obligations that apply to disclosing entities can be taken into account in deciding what information should be included in a Product Disclosure Statement — see section 1013FA and paragraph 1013F(2)(d).

      Division 4 — Exemptions and modifications

      111AR Meaning of disclosing entity provisions

      (1) For the purposes of this Division, the disclosing entity provisions are the provisions of the following:

      (a) Chapter 2M as it applies to disclosing entities;

      (d) sections 674 and 675.

      (2) A reference in subsection (1) to a Part, Division or section includes a reference to regulations in force for the purposes of the Part, Division or section.

      111AS Exemptions by regulations

      (1) The regulations may exempt specified persons from all or specified disclosing entity provisions:

      (a) either generally or as otherwise specified; and

      (b) either unconditionally or subject to specified conditions.

      (2) Without limiting subsection (1), an exemption may relate to specified securities.

      111AT Exemptions by ASIC

      (1) ASIC may, by writing, exempt specified persons from all or specified disclosing entity provisions:

      (a) either generally or as otherwise specified; and

      (b) either unconditionally or subject to specified conditions.

      (2) Without limiting subsection (1), an exemption may relate to specified securities.

      (3) ASIC must cause a copy of an exemption to be published in the Gazette.

      111AU Enforcing conditions of exemptions

      (1) A person must not intentionally or recklessly contravene a condition to which an exemption under section 111AS or 111AT is subject.

      (2) If a person contravenes such a condition, the Court СКАЧАТЬ