Corporations Act. Australia
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Название: Corporations Act

Автор: Australia

Издательство: Проспект

Жанр: Юриспруденция, право


isbn: 9785392086429


СКАЧАТЬ guaranteed the repayment of the debentures of the borrower; and

      (ii) secured the guarantee by a security interest over all of its property in favour of the trustee.


      (8) The report must:

      (a) be made in accordance with a resolution of the directors; and

      (b) specify the date on which the report is made.

      283BG Exceptions to borrower’s duty to report to trustee and ASIC

      Section 283BF does not apply in respect of:

      (a) a borrower, while:

      (i) it is under external administration; or

      (ii) a receiver, or a receiver and manager, of property of the borrower has been appointed and has not ceased to act under that appointment; or

      (b) a security interest in PPSA retention of title property.

      283BH How debentures may be described

      (1) The borrower may describe or refer to the debentures in:

      (a) any disclosure in relation to the offer of the debentures; or

      (b) any other document constituting or relating to the offer of the debentures; or

      (c) the debentures themselves;

      only in accordance with the following table:

      How debentures may be described



      When description may be used


      mortgage debenture

      only if the circumstances set out in subsection (2) are satisfied



      only if the circumstances set out in subsection (2) or (3) are satisfied


      unsecured note or unsecured deposit note

      in any other case

      (1A) The borrower commits an offence if it intentionally or recklessly contravenes subsection (1).

      When debentures can be called mortgage debentures or debentures

      (2) The borrower may describe or refer to the debentures as:

      (a) mortgage debentures; or

      (b) debentures;


      (c) the repayment of all money that has been, or may be, deposited or lent under the debentures is secured by a first mortgage given to the trustee over land vested in the borrower or in any of the guarantors; and

      (d) the mortgage has been registered, or is a registrable mortgage that has been lodged for registration, in accordance with the law relating to the registration of mortgages of land in the place where the land is situated; and

      (e) the total amount of that money and of all other liabilities (if any) secured by the mortgage of that land ranking equally with the liability to repay that money does not exceed 60 % of the value of the borrower’s or guarantor’s interest in that land as shown in the valuation included in the disclosure document for the debentures.

      When debentures can be called debentures

      (3) The borrower may describe or refer to the debentures as debentures if:

      (a) the repayment of all money that has been, or may be, deposited or lent under the debentures has been secured by a security interest in favour of the trustee over the whole or any part of the tangible property of the borrower or of any of the guarantors; and

      (b) the tangible property that constitutes the security for the security interest is sufficient and is reasonably likely to be sufficient to meet the liability for the repayment of all such money and all other liabilities that:

      (i) have been or may be incurred; and

      (ii) rank in priority to, or equally with, that liability.

      283BI Offences for failure to comply with statutory duties

      The borrower commits an offence if it intentionally or recklessly contravenes section 283BB, 283BC, 283BD, 283BE, 283BF or 283EA.

      Part 2L.3 — Duties of guarantor

      283CA Duties of guarantor

      If a borrower is required to enter into a trust deed under section 283AA in relation to debentures, a guarantor in respect of the debentures has the duties imposed by this Part.

      283CB General duties

      The guarantor must:

      (a) carry on and conduct its business in a proper and efficient manner; and

      (b) make all of its financial and other records available for inspection by:

      (i) the trustee; or

      (ii) an officer or employee of the trustee authorised by the trustee to carry out the inspection; or

      (iii) a registered company auditor appointed by the trustee to carry out the inspection;

      and give them any information, explanations or other assistance that they require about matters relating to those records.

      283CC Duty to inform trustee about security interests

      If the guarantor creates a security interest, it must:

      (a) give the trustee written details of the security interest within 21 days after it is created; and

      (b) if the total amount to be advanced on the security of the security interest is indeterminate, give the trustee written details of:

      (i) the amount of each advance made within 7 days after it is made; or

      (ii) where the advances are merged in a current account with bankers, trade creditors or anyone else — the net amount outstanding on the advances at the end of every 3 months.

      283CD Exceptions to guarantor’s duty to inform trustee

      Section 283CC does not apply СКАЧАТЬ