A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act. Australia
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Название: A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act

Автор: Australia

Издательство: Проспект

Жанр: Юриспруденция, право


isbn: 9785392081721




      Valuation of re-imported goods

      Division 117


      Valuation of taxable supplies of goods in bond

      Division 108



      Division 100

      Chapter 3—The exemptions

      Part 3–1—Supplies that are not taxable supplies

      Division 38—GST-free supplies

      Table of Subdivisions

      38-A Food

      38-B Health

      38-C Education

      38-D Child care

      38-E Exports and other supplies that are for consumption outside Australia

      38-F Religious services

      38-G Activities of charitable institutions etc.

      38-I Water and sewerage

      38-J Supplies of going concerns

      38-K Transport and related matters

      38-L Precious metals

      38-M Supplies through inwards duty free shops

      38-N Grants of land by governments

      38-O Farm land

      38-P Cars for use by disabled people

      38-Q International Mail

      38-R Telecommunication supplies made under arrangements for global roaming in Australia

      38-1 What this Division is about

      This Division sets out the supplies that are GST-free. If a supply is GST-free, then:

      •no GST is payable on the supply;

      •an entitlement to an input tax credit for anything acquired or imported to make the supply is not affected.

      For the basic rules about supplies that are GST-free, see sections 9-30 and 9-80.

      Subdivision 38-A — Food

      38-2 Food

      A supply of *food is GST-free.

      38-3 Food that is not GST-free

      (1) A supply is not GST-free under section 38-2 if it is a supply of:

      (a) *food for consumption on the *premises from which it is supplied; or

      (b) hot food for consumption away from those premises; or

      (c) food of a kind specified in the third column of the table in clause 1 of Schedule 1, or food that is a combination of one or more foods at least one of which is food of such a kind; or

      (d) a *beverage (or an ingredient for a beverage), other than a beverage (or ingredient) of a kind specified in the third column of the table in clause 1 of Schedule 2; or

      (e) food of a kind specified in regulations madefor the purposes of this subsection.

      (2) However, this section does not apply to a supply of *food of a kind specified in regulations madefor the purposes of this subsection.

      (3) The items in the table in clause 1 of Schedule 1 or 2 are to be interpreted subject to the other clauses of Schedule 1 or 2, as the case requires.

      38-4 Meaning of food

      (1) Food means any of these, or any combination of any of these:

      (a) food for human consumption (whether or not requiring processing or treatment);

      (b) ingredients for food for human consumption;

      (c) *beverages for human consumption;

      (d) ingredients for beverages for human consumption;

      (e) goods to be mixed with or added to food for human consumption (including condiments, spices, seasonings, sweetening agents or flavourings);

      (f) fats and oils marketed for culinary purposes;

      but does not include:

      (g) live animals (other than crustaceans or molluscs); or

      (ga) unprocessed cow’s milk; or

      (h) any grain, cereal or sugar cane that has not been subject to any process or treatment resulting in an alteration of its form, nature or condition; or

      (i) plants under cultivation that can be consumed (without being subject to further process or treatment) as food for human consumption.

      (2) Beverage includes water.

      38-5 Premises used in supplying food

      Premises, in relation to a supply of *food, includes:

      (a) the place where the supply takes place; or

      (b) the grounds surrounding a cafe or public house, or other outlet for the supply; or

      (c) the whole of any enclosed space such as a football ground, garden, showground, amusement park or similar area where there is a clear boundary or limit;

      but does not include any part of a public thoroughfare unless it is an area designated for use in connection with supplies of food from an outlet for the supply of food.

      38-6 Packaging of food

      (1) A supply of the packaging in which *food is supplied is GST-free if the supply of the food is GST-free.

      (2) However, the supply of the packaging is GST-free under this section only to the extent that the packaging:

      (a) is necessary for the supply of the food; and

      (b) is packaging of a kind in which food of that kind is normally supplied.

      Subdivision 38-B — Health

      38-7 Medical services

      (1) A supply of a *medical service is GST-free.

      (2) СКАЧАТЬ