California Labor Code. California
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Название: California Labor Code

Автор: California

Издательство: Проспект

Жанр: Юриспруденция, право


isbn: 9785392105373


СКАЧАТЬ pursuant to Section 139.2.

      (5) Neither the expert reviewer, nor the independent review organization, shall have any material professional, material familial, or material financial affiliation with any of the following:

      (a) The employer, workers’ compensation insurer or claims administrator, or a medical provider network of the insurer or claims administrator, except that an academic medical center under contract to the insurer or claims administrator to provide services to employees may qualify as an independent medical review organization provided it will not provide the service and provided the center is not the developer or manufacturer of the proposed treatment.

      (b) Any officer, director, or management employee of the employer or workers’ compensation insurer or claims administrator.

      (c) The physician, the physician’s medical group, or the independent practice association proposing the treatment.

      (d) The institution at which the treatment would be provided.

      (e) The development or manufacture of the treatment proposed for the employee whose condition is under review.

      (f) The employee or the employee’s immediate family.

      (6) For purposes of this subdivision, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

      (a) “Material familial affiliation” means any relationship as a spouse, child, parent, sibling, spouse’s parent, or child’s spouse.

      (b) “Material financial affiliation” means any financial interest of more than 5 percent of total annual revenue or total annual income of an independent review organization or individual to which this subdivision applies. “Material financial affiliation” does not include payment by the employer to the independent review organization for the services required by the administrative director’s contract with the independent review organization, nor does “material financial affiliation” include an expert’s participation as a contracting medical provider where the expert is affiliated with an academic medical center or a National Cancer Institute-designated clinical cancer research center.

      (c) “Material professional affiliation” means any physician-patient relationship, any partnership or employment relationship, a shareholder or similar ownership interest in a professional corporation, or any independent contractor arrangement that constitutes a material financial affiliation with any expert or any officer or director of the independent review organization. “Material professional affiliation” does not include affiliations that are limited to staff privileges at a health facility.

      (e) The division shall provide, upon the request of any interested person, a copy of all nonproprietary information, as determined by the administrative director, filed with it by an independent review organization under contract pursuant to this section. The division may charge a fee to the interested person for copying the requested information.

      (f) The Legislature finds and declares that the services described in this section are of such a special and unique nature that they must be contracted out pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 19130 of the Government Code. The Legislature further finds and declares that the services described in this section are a new state function pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 19130 of the Government Code.

      (Amended by Stats. 2014, Ch. 71, Sec. 107. Effective January 1, 2015.)

      139.6. (a) The administrative director shall establish and effect within the Division of Workers’ Compensation a continuing program to provide information and assistance concerning the rights, benefits, and obligations of the workers’ compensation law to employees and employers subject thereto. The program shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

      (1) The preparation, publishing, and as necessary, updating, of guides to the California workers’ compensation system for employees and employers. The guides shall detail, in easily understandable language, the rights and obligations of employees and employers, the procedures for obtaining benefits, and the means provided for resolving disputes. Separate guides may be prepared for employees and employers. The appropriate guide shall be provided to all labor and employer organizations known to the administrative director, and to any other person upon request.

      (2) The preparation, publishing, and as necessary, updating, of a pamphlet advising injured workers of their basic rights under workers’ compensation law, and informing them of rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the provisions of the Fair Employment and Housing Act relating to individuals with a disability. The pamphlet shall be written in easily understandable language. The pamphlet shall be available in both English and Spanish, and shall include basic information concerning the circumstances under which injured employees are entitled to the various types of workers’ compensation benefits, the protections against discrimination because of an injury, the procedures for resolving any disputes which arise, and the right to seek information and advice from an information and assistance officer or an attorney.

      (b) In each district office of the division, the administrative director shall appoint an information and assistance officer, and any other deputy information and assistance officers as the work of the district office may require. The administrative director shall provide office facilities and clerical support appropriate to the functions of these information and assistance officers.

      (c) Each information and assistance officer shall be responsible for the performance of the following duties:

      (1) Providing continuing information concerning rights, benefits, and obligations under workers’ compensation laws to injured workers, employers, lien claimants, and other interested parties.

      (2) Upon request by the injured worker, assisting in the prompt resolution of misunderstanding, disputes, and controversies arising out of claims for compensation, without formal proceedings, in order that full and timely compensation benefits shall be furnished. In performing this duty, information and assistance officers shall not be responsible for reviewing applications for adjudication or declarations of readiness to proceed. This function shall be performed by workers’ compensation judges. This function may also be performed by settlement conference referees upon delegation by the appeals board.

      (3) Distributing any information pamphlets in English and Spanish as are prepared and approved by the administrative director to all inquiring injured workers and any other parties that may request copies of these pamphlets.

      (4) Establishing and maintaining liaison with the persons located in the geographic area served by the district office, with other affected state agencies, and with organizations representing employees, employers, insurers, and the medical community.

      (Amended by Stats. 1993, Ch. 121, Sec. 23. Effective July 16, 1993.)

      CHAPTER 6. Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board [140–147.5]

      (Heading of Chapter 6 amended by Stats. 1973, Ch. 993.)

      140. (a) There is in the Department of Industrial Relations, the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board which consists of seven members who shall be appointed by the Governor. Two members shall be from the field of management, two members shall be from the field of labor, one member shall be from the field of occupational health, one member shall be from the field of occupational safety and one member shall be from the general public. Members representing occupational safety and health fields and the public member shall be selected from other than the fields of management or labor.

      (b) Terms of office for members of the Industrial Safety Board shall expire 60 СКАЧАТЬ