California Civil Code. California
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Название: California Civil Code

Автор: California

Издательство: Проспект

Жанр: Юриспруденция, право


isbn: 9785392109821



      (B) The value, as determined by the board of directors of the corporation, of any improvements installed at the expense of the member or a prior member with the prior approval of the board of directors.

      (C) Accumulated simple interest, an inflation allowance at a rate that may be based on a cost-of-living index, an income index, or market-interest index, or compound interest if specified in the articles of incorporation or bylaws. For newly formed corporations, accumulated simple interest shall apply. Any increment pursuant to this paragraph shall not exceed a 10-percent annual increase on the consideration paid for the membership or share by the first occupant of the unit involved.

      (2) (A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), for purposes of a return of transfer value, both of the following are prohibited:

      (I) A board of directors returning transfer value, either full or partial, to a member while he or she still remains a member.

      (II) An existing member accepting the return of his or her transfer value, either full or partial.

      (B) A board of directors may return to an existing member and the existing member may accept return of his or her transfer value in the event that the member moves within the cooperative from a category of unit initially valued at a higher price to a different category of unit valued at a lower price.

      (c) The articles of incorporation or bylaws require the board of directors to sell the stock or membership interest purchased as provided in subdivision (b) to new member-occupants or resident shareholders at a price that does not exceed the “transfer value” paid for the unit.

      (d) The “corporate equity,” that is defined as the excess of the current fair market value of the corporation’s real property over the sum of the current transfer values of all shares or membership interests, reduced by the principal balance of outstanding encumbrances upon the corporate real property as a whole, shall be applied as follows:

      (1) So long as any such encumbrance remains outstanding, the corporate equity shall not be used for distribution to members, but only for the following purposes, and only to the extent authorized by the board, subject to the provisions and limitations of the articles of incorporation and bylaws:

      (A) For the benefit of the corporation or the improvement of the real property.

      (B) For expansion of the corporation by acquisition of additional real property.

      (C) For public benefit or charitable purposes.

      (2) Upon sale of the property, dissolution of the corporation, or occurrence of a condition requiring termination of the trust or reversion of title to the real property, the corporate equity is required by the articles, bylaws, or trust or title conditions to be paid out, or title to the property transferred, subject to outstanding encumbrances and liens, for the transfer value of membership interests or shares, for use for a public or charitable purpose.

      (e) Amendment of the bylaws and articles of incorporation requires the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the resident-owner members or shareholders.

      (Added by Stats. 2009, Ch. 520, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 2010.)

      817.1. (a) A “workforce housing cooperative trust” is an entity organized pursuant to this section that complies with Section 817 and with all of the following:

      (1) Allows the governing board to be composed of two classes of board members. One class is elected by the residents, and one class is appointed by sponsor organizations, including employer and employee organizations, chambers of commerce, government entities, unions, religious organizations, nonprofit organizations, cooperative organizations, and other forms of organizations. Resident members shall elect a majority of the board members. However, sponsor organizations may appoint up to one less than a majority of the board members. The numerical composition and class of the sponsor and resident board members shall be set in the articles of incorporation and in the bylaws.

      (2) Requires the charter board of a workforce housing cooperative trust to be composed of only sponsor board members, to remain in place for one year after the first resident occupancy. One year after the first resident occupancy, the resident members shall elect a single board member. Three years after the first resident occupancy, resident members shall elect a majority of the board members.

      (3) Prohibits the removal of the appointees of sponsor organizations, except for cause.

      (4) Allows for the issuance of separate classes of shares to sponsor organizations or support organizations. These shares shall be denominated as “workforce housing shares” and shall receive a rate of return of no more than 10 percent simple interest pursuant to subparagraph (C) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of Section 817.

      (5) Requires, in order to amend the bylaws or articles of incorporation of a workforce housing cooperative trust, the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the resident-owner members or shareholders and a majority of each class of board members. The rights of the sponsor board members or the sponsors shall not be changed without the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the sponsor board members.

      (b) A workforce housing cooperative trust shall be entitled to operate at multiple locations in order to sponsor limited-equity housing cooperatives. A workforce housing cooperative trust may either own or lease land for the purpose of developing limited-equity housing cooperatives.

      (c) A workforce housing cooperative trust may be created when at least 51 percent of the occupied units in a multifamily property that is in foreclosure support efforts to buy the building or property.

      (Added by Stats. 2009, Ch. 520, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 2010.)

      817.2. The procedure for the dissolution of a limited-equity housing cooperative or workforce housing cooperative trust that receives or has received a public subsidy shall be as follows:

      (a) The city, or the county for any unincorporated area, in which the limited-equity housing cooperative or workforce housing cooperative trust is located, shall hold a public hearing. The cooperative or trust shall pay for all costs associated with the public hearing.

      (b) The city or county shall provide notice to all interested parties. The notice shall be given at least 120 days prior to the date of the hearing. The city or county shall obtain a list of all other limited-equity housing cooperatives and cooperative development organizations in the state from the California Center for Cooperative Development, if the list exists, and provide notice to all of the entities on the list in an effort to create a merger with an existing limited-equity housing cooperative or workforce housing cooperative trust. The notice shall be mailed first class, postage prepaid, in the United States mail.

      (c) If the dissolving limited-equity housing cooperative or workforce housing cooperative trust merges with an existing cooperative or trust, to the extent possible, the merger shall be with the geographically closest cooperative or trust.

      (d) If the dissolving limited-equity housing cooperative or workforce housing cooperative trust does not merge with an existing cooperative or trust, both of the following shall occur:

      (1) Upon completion of the public hearing required pursuant to subdivision (a), the city or county shall adopt a resolution approving of the dissolution and make a finding that the dissolution plan meets the requirements of state and federal law, meets the donative intent standards of the United States Internal Revenue Service, and is free of private inurement, which includes, but is not limited to, a prohibition on any member receiving any payment in excess of the transfer value to which he or she is entitled pursuant to subdivision СКАЧАТЬ