Код цивилизации. Что ждет Россию в мире будущего?. В. А. Никонов
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СКАЧАТЬ Макинери. США. История страны. М., 2011. С. 337.


      Eric Foner. Reconstruction. America’s Unfinished Revolution. 1863–1877. N. Y., 1988. P. 602, 604.


      Eric Foner. Forever Free. The Story of Emancipation and Reconstruction. N. Y., 2005. P. 214.


      Роджер Осборн. Цивилизация. Новая история Западного мира. М., 2008. С. 576–577.


      Роджер Осборн. Цивилизация. Новая история Западного мира. М., 2008. С. 580–582.


      James Bryce. The American Commonwealth. 3rd ed. Vol. II. L., 1895. P. 536–537.


      Richard Hofstadter. The American Political Tradition, And the Men Who Made It. N. Y., 1974. P. 219.


      Francis Fukuyama. The Decay of American Political Institutions//The American Interest. Winter (January/February), 2014. P. 7–8, 10, 12.


      Richard Hofstadter. Social Darwinism in American Thought. Boston, 1955. P. 172.


      J. Fiske. American Political Ideas Viewed from the Standpoint of Universal History. N. Y., 1885. P. 143.


      Eric Goldman. Rendezvouz with Destiny. N. Y., 1956. P. 181.


      Игорь Дементьев. Указ. соч. С. 174–176.


      P. Boller. American Thought in Transition: The Impact of Evolutionary Naturalism, 1865–1900. Chicago, 1971. P. 215.


      E. Tompkins. Anti-Imperialism in the United States: The Great Debate, 1890–1920. Philadelphia, 1972. P. 102.


      Richard Hofstadter. The Paranoid Style in American Politics and Other Essays. N. Y., 1965. P. 177.


      The Writings of Theodore Roosevelt/Ed. By W. Harboauch. Indianapolis; N. Y., 1967. P. 77.


      Fun on the Budget//The Economist. February 7, 2015. P. 40.


      Виктор Согрин. Исторический опыт США. М., 2010. С. 325–326.


      Woodrow Wilson. The New Freedom. N. Y., 1961. P. 161.


      S. Freud, W. Bullitt. Thomas Woodrow Wilson. Boston, 1967. P. 287.


      J. Pratt. America and World Leadership 1900–1921. L., 1967. P. 217.


      Роджер Осборн. Цивилизация. Новая история Западного мира. М., 2008. С. 596–597.


      Niall Ferguson. Civilization. The West and the Rest. L., 2011. P. 230–231.


      Leuchtenburg W. The Great Depression//The Comparative Approach to American History. P. 297.


      Herbert Hoover. State Papers and Other Public Writings/Ed. By W. S. Myers. N. Y., 1934. Vol. 2. P. 8–9.


      Charles Alexander. Nationalism in American Thought, 1930–1945. Chicago, 1971. P. 164–172.


      Henry Commager H. The Defeat of America. N. Y., 1974. P. 39–40.


      Henry Luce. The American Century. N. Y., 1941.


      Ричард Саква. Коммунизм в России. Интерпретирующее эссе. М., 2011. С. 79.


      Владимир Печатнов, Александр Маныкин. История внешней политики США. М., 2012. С. 264–265.


      William J. Lynn III. The End of the Military-Industrial Complex//Foreign Affairs. November/December 2014. P. 105–106.


      Henry Kissinger. World Order. Reflections on the Character of Nations and the Course of History. L., 2014. P. 278.


      Самюэль Хантингтон. Столкновение цивилизаций. М., 2011. С. 369.


      Владимир Печатнов, Александр Маныкин. История внешней политики США. М., 2012. С. 292.
