The Bee Keeper's Daughter. Kingdom of Meridian. Vol 1.. Shian Serei
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СКАЧАТЬ was never stronger. Her parents sacrificed everything for her, and she wanted to deserve the selfless bravery of their deeds, even though she felt responsible for setting those acts in motion.

      «If only I had stayed in the cart» her thoughts tormented. «If I could just go back and change that one decision, my Father would be alive, and we would be on our way to Neva as a family.»

      The remorse and guilt swam around her like a heavy breeze until she could not bear the weight of it. A depressive mood guided her eyes to close as she slept concealed under the cargo tarp as if an invisible hand closed her eyes to sleep, avoiding the pain of her conscious reality.

      Oxana’s Tavern

      «Masha! Wake Up! We have to go!» Dima whispered.

      Maria woke and felt the cold early morning air swirling around her. The ship was tethered to the dock with a town dimly lit in the distance. Dima pulled her to her feet while the crew continued sleeping. She was weak and stiff as she tried to stand after being still for so long.

      «I can’t walk,» she said faintly as she fumbled to stand.

      «You have to!» Dima insisted as he looked around to ensure their stealth. He pulled her by the hand and her feet began to step one by one. Her clothes still packed inside her dress, she shifted and adjusted as best she could to keep up with Dima’s quick pace.

      They made their way down the gangplank and quickly walked toward large stacks of freight, stored at the port.

      «Where are we going?» asked Maria

      «To see a friend,» Dima said mysteriously

      Maria had never been outside of Rostov, and all the new surroundings were curious and strange to her. She read the signs above the shops as they walked, Tobak, Producti, Bar. Reading had never been so useful as now with so much unfamiliar space around her. The two of them wove between freight and piles of fishing nets, avoiding lighted areas. They reached the main street and then walked along an alley until they arrived at a strange looking tavern.

      Dima knocked at the door, it took a while but soon a woman with short blonde hair and brown eyes appeared at the door. She clearly had been sleeping and was groggy but instantly recognized Dima and let them in.

      «Dima? Shto takoe?» She asked in an unpleasant tone as she pointed at Maria.

      Dima placed several coins in the woman’s hand, telling her to hide Maria from everyone until someone came for her later.

      The woman looked at the coins and hesitantly accepted, inviting them inside as she looked up and down the street to see if anyone was watching.

      «This is Oxana, you can trust her, she runs this place and will help you. I have to return to the ship before they see I am gone!» Dima said as he hugged Maria. «My friend will come for you tomorrow and take you to Neva. Kiss my mother for me!» Dima said sweetly.

      «Spacibo Oxana!» Dima said as he kissed Oxana firmly on the lips, surprising her and Maria as he made his way to the door, quickly exiting.

      Oxana watched looking favorably as the sound of Dima’s steps could be heard running down the alley. It was clear that she liked him or knew him well. She closed the door and looked back at Maria. She studied her for a moment, a slim girl covered in dirt, wearing a dress stuffed with clothing, summarizing her predicament and thought Maria must be family or slave on the run.

      Oxana nodded, feeling sympathetic to the fear on Maria’s face. «Idite za mnoy.» She said as she led Maria up the tavern stairs. The tavern had a strange smell, a mix of wine, mead and perfume seemed to permeate the air. As they walked down the hall, sounds came from some of the rooms. A man’s snoring, two women talking, and distant crying.

      «This is my only free room,» Oxana said shortly. «There’re water and towels there, and the sheets are clean. You smell like a sailor, so… wash!» she insisted.

      Maria nodded, «Mda, I’ve been hiding in a cargo net since yesterday! Thank you!» she said

      The door closed as Oxana left, and Maria walked toward the mirror near the window. Her face and hair were filthy. Her hands looked almost black with dirt as she pulled the items from her dress and let it slip off. She reached into the large bowl of water and began to wash away the last few days of suffering and guilt.

      She found a brush and began to pull the tangles from her hair. She remembered the last time she did this; her mother had insisted on helping her so they could braid it. Just moments before her father was leaving to deliver the mead.

      «Why can’t I go back in time?» she agonized.

      She changed into a cleaner dress and slid into the bed after washing, the clean sheets and soft mattress made her gasp. It was such a comfort after so many hours of running in the woods and stowing away on the ship.

      She had hardly pulled the blanket over herself before she fell asleep. For the first time since her father’s death, she felt safe.

      Morning came and went as Maria continued to sleep. Oxana knocked at her door with breakfast but left it by her bed when she saw how tired she was.

      Maria woke up as the sun had just begun to set. She saw the breakfast and ate everything at once. Moments later Oxana returned with dinner and marveled that Maria was awake.

      «Are you one of those vampires that only comes out at night?» Oxana teased. «Still hungry?»

      Maria nodded in agreement as she began to chew on the first thing she touched.

      «The ships are coming in from the Volga now; I expect whoever is coming for you will be here tonight,» Oxana said.

      «Spacibo, Oxana,» Maria said as she swallowed and reached for water. «Spacibo bolshoe.»

      «Well I’ve got work to do, so I’ll leave you to this,» Oxana said as she left the room.

      Maria finished her meal and looked out the window. The sun set over the city, and she wondered if her mother might be somewhere nearby.

      A recurring sound began to resonate from the room next door. It was like the crying she had heard the night before. Maria walked closer to the wall, and could feel a vibration coming from the floor as if someone was jumping or fighting.

      Her curiosity drew her closer and closer until her ear was against the wall. «Was someone in danger?» she thought. As her face pressed against the wall, she could see a small light coming through from the other room. She walked towards it and found a hole just big enough to peek through.

      She leaned in and started to focus her view into the other room. It was similar to her room, but more candles were lit along with a lantern by the bed. The walls were wooden with fabric tapestry hanging across a wooden rod. The bed had a fancy lace blanket, nicer than anything she had seen in Rostov. A young woman with dark red curly hair was sitting on the bed facing a half-dressed man who moved toward her. He began to slide her dress off her shoulders and slid his hands over her bare breasts.

      Maria gasped, she was shocked and intrigued at the same time. She pulled away from the wall, feeling embarrassed by what she had seen. She walked back to her bed and sat there, listening to the woman giggling as the man’s voice lifted and dropped in conversation.