Тесты по английскому языку. Сборник тестов с ключами. Татьяна Олива Моралес
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СКАЧАТЬ you heard, was, the most good

      Had you heard, was, the best

      Have you heard, is, the best

      22. He said that that Mike … … student of our group.

      is, the most bad

      was, the most bed

      had been, the worse

      was, the worst

      23. … in the USA? – Yes, I… there 5 years ago.

      Were you, was

      Had you been, have been

      Have you been, was

      Did you be, had been

      24. He asked if I… in the USA. I answered that I… there 5 years before.

      have ever been, was

      had ever been, had been

      ever was, was

      ever had been, had was

      25. They… everything themselves before the translator ….

      did, had come

      had done, came

      did, came

      have done, came

      Тема 2. Группа времен Continuous

      Переведите предложение на русский язык. Выберите правильный вариант.

      1. I… the piano in the evening.

      will be play

      be playing

      will playing

      will play

      2. She… yet when we… back.

      will not be sleeping, come

      won’t sleep, will come

      will not be sleeping, will have come

      doesn’t sleep, will come

      3. What… by 9 pm tonight?

      will he be doing

      will he have done

      will he do

      will have he done

      4. They… when Fred comes.

      will having supper

      will be having supper

      will supper

      will had supper

      5. What… when your sons arrive?

      will you be doing

      will you done

      you will be doing

      you will doing

      6. My brother… TV from 6 till 7 pm tonight.

      won’t be watching

      won’t watch

      won’t have watched

      won’t has watched

      7. I ….

      am not sit

      am not sitting

      do not sat

      am not sit

      8. I ….

      is read


      am reading

      do reading

      9. We… his articles.

      are reading

      are read

      do reading

      do reads

      10. We… TV now.

      are not watched

      are not watching

      doesn’t watching

      had not watched

      11. Why… your homework?

      aren’t you doing

      aren’t you do

      hadn’t you doing

      you aren’t doing

      12. … or writing?

      Is he read

      Does he reading

      Is he reading

      He is reading

      13. What …?

      are you singing

      are you sing

      are you sang

      has you sang

      14. Какое предложение построено верно?

      Are you eat?

      Are you eating?

      Do you eating?

      You is eat?

      15. Bess… at the window.

      did not sat

      was not sitting

      had not sat

      does not sitting

      16. My sister said that he… a composition.

      was written

      was writing

      is СКАЧАТЬ