In grass, in word, in stone. Victor Gryaznov
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Название: In grass, in word, in stone

Автор: Victor Gryaznov

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9785447486198


СКАЧАТЬ it not to change. I changed only engines and once a transmission. The speedometer didn’t work the last 10 years, and on my estimations, it transversed where 900000 km. The plus-minus – can more. Nearly one million kilometers.

      Countrywide, in districts it is especially noticeable – ruin. The food, overworking enterprises on were closed. Isn’t necessary that that to make, we will buy abroad. And that people lost operation, anything terrible – will worry. Wild capitalism. To the people perished much, poisoned with low-quality alcohol. Prostitution, drug addiction, young little girls it is universal smoke. Undermine immunity of the future children. Presently, if the girl smoked, her treated contemptuously. Whore. Young people had an aspiration to a healthy lifestyle.

      Well that – that incurred me. Anybody anybody violently doesn’t force to drink, smoke, be pricked.

      In winter months as I wrote, we had generally a rest at home, recovered. And that I remember a case, I wake up at daybreak, on the street it is still dark, I look at walls, a ceiling, I can’t understand where I am. I ask Marina: «Where we?». Responds: – «Sleep. We houses».

      Was any meetings much. With different people. Was interesting much, cheerful and sad it is finite. Here I recalled G. F. Ignatyev.

      This is professor, the Dr.Sci. Tech. the winner of the State and Lenin awards. After his director and the chief designer of CDB Geofizika was fired, I gave lectures in State University and Polytechnical institute. It carried away me the idea about a ponderolet, the device which higher than light speed will be able to gather speeds. In due time it was very high in the spheres, was a part of Council of Chief Designers Is rocket – the Space USSR complex. Without its signature in acts of readiness, any rocket in the country didn’t fly up. Here I won’t go into details, it was helped by me from own means some years. On Saturdays I carried it on the bench to the Campus. There we made a cutting torch, for are sharp refractory alloys.

      On development anybody naturally didn’t give money to it therefore to receive that that essential in that laboratory, was simply not possible. Materials were extracted it isn’t known from where who that will get, that and will bring that. There was I at his place quite often. He played many music instruments, especially loved a balalaika. Then our ways dispersed. The truth it nearly tightened me in science. And even there was at me a thought to write the thesis. After all behind shoulders there was the correspondence postgraduate study on nuclear physics. And in due time the candidate minimum is handed over. But salaries in higher education institutions were low, on development of money nobody gave. Generally with such fees not only to the Black Sea you won’t go, and money won’t be enough to the item of Kozulki to reach.

      About G. F. Ignatyev and his development I wrote the scenario scientifically – the popular movie. I started it removing and I stopped. There is no one scene so far and there was a wish to rethink material. I think that over time I will finish…

      After commerce

      When our commercial fever ended, and differently you won’t call this epic. I worked as the teacher at oil institute a little, then we with Marina bleached, colored, glued wall-paper on building. Then I found partners and tendered with them on building on outside engineering networks. I looked for contracts, I had a share in concession. Almost 10 years. I earned money the big. I bought the new car of «Golden eagle», the land plot of 12 hundred parts under a cottage. I spent 300000 rub for arrangement of giving on Guard. This epic ended for a number of reasons. The main that I decided to concentrate on other business and not to be sprayed. Having the quite good income, I started shooting documentaries, R. F. Poluchil two diplomas for the operations, one international festival entered into Alliance of cinematographers. Now I was set up to shoot a feature film (a comedy film «Treasure»). So dear sirs you track advertizing.

      About a family (shortly)

      The marine this year will be 54 years old. Dreams to retire in 55. Shall manage to jump. Pension reform, on increase in a retirement age began. Reformers to reformed the country to full disorder, there will be nobody to work soon.

      Sofya this year will be 30 years old. I graduated from the Technological university. Chemical engineer. Works in «Vankorneft». Two sons – Mishutka and Mark (5 and 3 years respectively). Year already as divorced.

      Victorias will be already 29. Graduates from the oil institute, this year on the diploma. I worked in SFU, now as the operator at gas station. Is going to get married

      To Grigory will be 25. The second time married. Three children – Roma, Katya, Vika.

      Dangles, can’t decide on operation in any way.

      I am 60 years old. I went to pension – 10000 rub the amount small, but also not small. Now to the people works hard without official employment. Pensions therefore are received by the scanty. An order in this sphere

      nobody is going to direct. It is favorable to the state. To pay less. And by and large if the person finished to pension, he shall have everything. We have an apartment, the machine, two seasonal dachas, garage and so on. Fruit and vegetables we accumulate for all winter. It to you not store products – environmentally friendly, without herbicides and pesticides. Plus physical work in the fresh air. Never I thought that I will live up to such age. Though I don’t feel gravity of the lived years, it is full of strength both energy, and creative intentions… Recently performed on me band operation on deleting inguinal hernia. Successfully. I am now recovered and think by spring already I will be in norm. And forward… nearly I told on march. Already you don’t potorgut as in former times, any goods there is a lot of, the market is glutted and at bulk of the people, as always with money badly. If those instruments in which we traded earlier, are demanded now, as well as in the ninetieth dashing years, an eye wouldn’t blink and would go now without thinking to trade, through towns and villages…


      I re-read the manuscript, the description of events for the last 20 years of our life. Generally about operation. It also is clear, she feeds. Very shortly I mentioned the close people, I recalled those who abandoned us forever. As if I communicated to them. It became sad, and then felt better at heart. It is visible to me as it is necessary for the creative person. I will write a thicket, if in a month, then once a year more than once. Because a lot of things are forgotten, erased from memory.

      Also it is necessary to write comprehensively, about a policy, about important events in the country, about everything that excites us now…

      About a dream about our dog Zagri’s St.Bernard.

      «My spouse Marina entered the apartment, holding on a lead a dog. It the large sizes red with white spots. I saw me, joyfully I began to wag a tail. Marina released it from a lead, she ran up to me joyfully jumping up. I iron it on the head, I pat on withers. Then I had a thought. As so, she after all died – it can’t be. Then I think – if it here, I didn’t die, it means is live. Here what happiness. All of us together and it will be always. There is no death. And it will be eternal. From the emotions which enveloped me, I was ready to shout and cried with happiness…»

      When I woke up, and recalled a dream, to me it became so sad that I stayed half a year in terrible grief. I bought vodka, I drank – I remembered a dog. I apologized at it that if, once, offended her. Nothing helped. Then, as the psychologist thought that it at me is possible – age, signs of the approaching sclerosis… Because of these experiences СКАЧАТЬ