White Paws and Brownie. Eva Demoore
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Название: White Paws and Brownie

Автор: Eva Demoore

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее


isbn: 9785447485368


СКАЧАТЬ tops of the piles and jingled. The brownie liked to count money so much, that he almost didn’t get out of the money-box. And the more he counted the more he liked it. He completely forgot about secrecy and started to count money when the whole family was at home. The coins jingled. The cat shuddered. Ervin ran to the money-box. But he couldn’t see anything there, because the brownie covered himself with bonds. Ervin shook the pig and the brownie was shaken together with coins. When Ervin became certain that all the coins were still there, he went back to the kitchen. And the cat stayed in the hall and reminded the brownie about necessity of secrecy. And when he had to do it for the fifth or even for the sixth time, the cat didn’t stand it and moved the brownie to another place. He dragged the brownie out of the money-box and put him into the first suitable place he saw. And that place was a pot on a bookshelf. The pot was red with spots. And though it was meant for preparing food, it was so beautiful that mum kept it on the shelf as an ornament. It had been there for a long time already.

      At first it was empty. But then mum put petals of roses into it. And when the cat put the brownie down into the pot, the brownie lowered down on the rose petals. And he liked that place more than he liked the money-box. That was why since then he lived there. Besides, it was more interesting to live in the living room, than in the hall. There was always somebody there. And in the evening the whole family gathered there together. And the brownie heard everything they talked about. And he also saw everything. He even managed to watch TV. Everyone watched TV and the brownie wanted to watch TV too. He looked out of the pot to see if anyone was looking in his direction. And then he got out of the pot half way, so as he would see everything. Then they agreed with the cat that the cat would make signs for the brownie. If he mewed three times it meant “wait a bit”. And if he mewed five times it meant “everyone is watching TV already and you may get out a little”.

      That helped the brownie to understand the situation in the living-room, and the cat was not nervous that the brownie might suddenly jump out. That is why both White Paws and Brownie were happy, that they found such a wonderful dwelling for Brownie: a pot with petals of roses. Only the family wondered why the cat started to mew so often.

      Chapter 5. Visits to the fridge

      Every night when everybody fell asleep, White Paws and Brownie made their way to the fridge in the kitchen. Of course, they were active there in the day time too, when there was nobody at home. But it was more interesting to visit the fridge at night, because it was dark everywhere, and it was light inside the fridge.

      The cat didn’t take anything for himself, for mum fed him well. But she didn’t feed Brownie. Someone in the family had to take care of that child, for children shouldn’t be left hungry.

      Besides, Brownie couldn’t open the fridge himself, for he was quite tiny, the size of a child’s palm. Only when he ate his fill, his aura stretched a little, but only in the width.

      The cat was always surprised, “How can so much food go into you, Brownie? Here am I, a cat several times bigger than you in size, but I eat much less.”

      “That’s because you are physical, and I am ethereal. And because you are a cat and you eat only cat food. Not much cat food will go into me too. People’s food is quite a different thing. People have invented so much. And one needs to try everything. Look! Here are sausages with cheese, and next to them there are mushrooms in soured cream. And there is pate and cucumbers in a jar behind it. And today we have here a whole saucepan of meat sauce, ham, red caviar and seven jars with jam. Cat, you’d better try something,” suggested Brownie.

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