Michael’s Ark. Alex Nuller
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Название: Michael’s Ark

Автор: Alex Nuller

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее


isbn: 9785447481940


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      Pay no attention to your idea


      Familiar with difficult words


      Being too friendly when we don’t know each other very well.


      Make sure everybody likes you




      You shouldn’t do it with somebody you don’t know well


      Means that we think we’re friends


      It seems too early


      It makes me happy. 11 Beginning


      The study of how language is used.


      The biggest University in Africa


      With highest honours (Latin)


      A famous scientist that lived 150 years ago.


      I still don’t know everybody that lives here.








      not worry about because it’s not important


      assume that it’s true




      Mammalian – related to mammals, animals that feed their young with milk like camels, horses, moose and many others do.


      Can’t do it.


      Think about it.


      Ability to float


      A little bit of intelligence.


      “Square rigged’ means that the spars make a right angle with the masts. “Gaff rigged’ means the main sail angles away from the main mast.


      Where the sails are square shaped, or rectangular shaped.


      I don’t want to be blamed if there’s a problem.




      A yardarm is a horizontal pole on a mast that the sail hangs from.


      Study of the earth, and how to know where you are by looking at the earth or the sky.


      Tools you use to check the position of the sun, moon and stars.


      How to maneuver sails on a ship to best use the force of the wind.


      Little balls with a strong smell that people put in cupboards to keep moths away.


      The sailors’ name for the devil.


      Different types of rigging on a ship.


      A device to pull things up using ropes that can be opened on the side.


      A big spike used to work lines on a ship.
