Омофоны в английском языке. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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СКАЧАТЬ gambol,

      gum (resin), gum (teeth).

      gage, gauge,

      gate, gait.

      gird (encircle), gird (revile).

      guild, gild.

      guilt, gilt.

      glare, glair (white of egg), + glary, glairy.

      gore (pierce), gore (triangle), gore (blood).

      groin, groyne (breakwater).

      great, grate (s.), grate (v.).

      heart, hart.

      high, hie.

      hide (v.), hide (skin), hied.

      hack (hew), hack (hackney).

      hamper (impede), hamper (hanaper).

      hail! hail (snow), hale (adj.), hale (haul).

      helm (of ship), helm (helmet).

      hair, hare.

      heel, heal, he'll.

      here, hear.

      hymn, him.

      hole, whole, + holy, wholly, holey.

      home, holm.

      hoar, whore, haw.

      hoard, horde,

      hawk (bird), hawk (v. of hawker), hawk (hoquet).

      hall, haul.

      halt (v.), halt (adj.).

      horse, hoarse.

      hock (of horse), hock (wine).

      hop (jump), hop (plant).

      hue, hew.

      humorous, humerus.

      even (s.), even (adj.).

      ear, ear (plough), ear (of corn).

      yoke, yolk.

      yew, ewe, you.

      ure, ewer, your.

      card (s.), card (v.).

      cask, casque.

      cast, caste.

      cart, carte, quart (cards and fencing).

      count (s.), count (v.).

      counter (opp.), counter (of shop), counter (in games), &c.

      couch (coucher), couch (grass).

      caddy (lad), caddy (box).

      can (s.), can (v.).

      cannon, canon bis.

      currant, current.

      curry (food), curry (comb).

      colonel, kernel.

      cape (dress), cape (headland).

      caper (skip), caper (plant).

      case (event), case (receptacle).

      cashier (s.), cashier (v.).

      key, quay.

      keen (adj.), keen (v.).

      cue, queue.

      climb, clime.

      cleek, clique.

      coal, cole.

      cope (v.), cope (s.).

      coat, cote.

      core, corps, caw.

      cork, caulk.

      call, caul.

      corn (grain), corn (horny growth).

      course, coarse, corse.

      cobble (to patch), cobble (boat), cobble (-stones).

      cock (s. and v.), cock (of hay).

      cockle (v.), cockle (s. var.).

      creak, creek.

      cricket (insect), cricket (game).

      cruel, crewel.

      cruise, cruse, crews.

      [pg 10]

      coombe (valley), coom (dry measure).

      choir, quire (of paper).

      quiver (v.), quiver (s.).

      queen, quean [obs.].

      last (adj., verb), last (s.)

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