The Picture of Dorian Gray. B1 / Портрет Дориана Грея. Оскар Уайльд
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СКАЧАТЬ [self] – n личность

      silence ['saɪləns] – n тишина

      strike (struck, struck) [straɪk] – v приходить в голову, осенять

      take (sb) aback [teɪk ə'bæk] – v ошеломлять, застать врасплох

      temptation [temp'teɪʃ(ə)n] – n соблазн, искушение

      trust [trʌst] – n доверие

      wrinkle ['rɪŋkl] – n морщина

      Chapter III

      The next day, at half past noon, Lord Henry Wotton walked to Albany to visit his uncle, Lord Fermor. Lord Fermor was an old bachelor. Most people believed he was selfish, but his social circle appreciated his generosity. His father had been an ambassador in Madrid but retired early. Lord Fermor, who was his secretary, retired too, and focused on the aristocratic art of doing nothing. He had two houses but lived in chambers and ate at his club. He was involved in politics, but criticised his own party. He was a hero for his valet, and a terror for his relatives.

      When Lord Henry entered the room, his uncle was reading the newspaper. Lord Fermor believed Lord Henry had come to him for money, and they both laughed. Lord Henry revealed he, in fact, wanted information about a young man named Dorian Gray, or his mother, Lady Margaret Devereux. Lord Fermor reminisced about Lady Margaret's life: she was a beautiful girl who ran away with a penniless soldier. Their marriage soon ended tragically, as her husband died in a duel. There were many rumours suggesting this duel was arranged by Margaret's father. Margaret died shortly after, leaving behind her son, Dorian.

      Lord Henry left for lunch at Aunt Agatha's. Lord Fermor asked him to remind Agatha not to send him any more charity cheques. “I'll try,” Lord Henry promised, “but you know, gene-rous people have no humanity in them.”

      On his way to Aunt Agatha's house, Lord Henry couldn't stop thinking about Dorian's tragic past. He arrived late, finding Dorian among the guests. Apart from him, there were gentlemen, duchesses, members of the Parliament and many other friends of Aunt Agatha's, who were all discussing America and Americans. Lord Henry let himself make a few jokes, which other guests did not enjoy, reprimanding him in front of his aunt.

      “How mean you are!” Aunt Agatha exclaimed, tired of their lengthy arguments, “Harry, why don't you persuade Mr. Dorian Gray to continue playing music?”

      The guests continued their discussions. They spoke about the weather in England, science, and their responsibilities. One of the duchesses blushed, and felt embarrassed about it.

      “A blush is very becoming,” Lord Henry comforted her.

      “Only when you are young,” the duchess concluded, and Lord Henry continued expressing his philosophicalviews, entertaining the guests. He charmed all his listeners. Dorian Gray's gaze was fixed on him. He sat at the table, motionless, as if he was under a spell. His smile grew wider and his eyes got darker.

      Mr. Erskine, a cultured old gentleman, invited Lord Henry to visit his home for further discussions, intrigued by his views on life and pleasure. The lunch came to an end with the ladies departing and Mr. Erskine once again inviting Lord Henry, promising engaging conversations.

      As Lord Henry was leaving Aunt Agatha's house to go to the park, Dorian Gray appeared next to him, touching him on his arm. “Can I come with you?” He asked. Lord Henry did not mind. However, he remembered that Dorian had already promised to visit Basil.

      “I feel I must come with you,” Dorian stated.


      ambassador [æm'bæsədə(r)] – n посол

      apart from [ə'pɑ:t frɒm] – adv кроме, помимо

      aristocratic [,arɪstə'kratɪk] – adj аристократический

      bachelor ['bætʃ(ə)lə(r)] – n холостяк

      becoming [bɪ'kʌmɪŋ] – adj подобающий, идущий к лицу

      blush [blʌʃ] – v краснеть

      chamber ['tʃeɪmbə(r)] – n палата, зал

      charm [tʃɑ:m] – v очаровывать

      cheque [tʃek] – n чек

      conclude [kən'klu:d] – v заканчивать, делать вывод

      criticise ['krɪtɪsaɪz] – v критиковать

      cultured ['kʌltʃəd] – adj культурный

      duchess ['dʌtʃɪs] – n герцогиня

      embarrassed [ɪm'bærəst] – adj смущенный

      engaging [ɪn'ɡeɪdʒɪŋ] – adj располагающий, увлекательный

      entertain [,entə'teɪn] – v развлекать

      gaze [ɡeɪz] – n пристальный взгляд

      generosity [,dʒenə'rɒsəti] – n щедрость

      humanity [hju:'mænəti] – n человечность

      lengthy ['leŋθi] – adj длительный

      motionless ['məʊʃ(ə)nləs] – adj неподвижный

      penniless ['peniləs] – adj нищий, без гроша

      persuade [pə'sweɪd] – v уговаривать, убеждать

      philosophical [,fɪlə'sɒfɪk(ə)l] – adj философский

      promise ['prɒmɪs] – v обещать

      relative СКАЧАТЬ