Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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СКАЧАТЬ Permanence, identity, persistence, conservation.


      Convertible. Equivalent, interchangeable, identical; reversible.

      Ant. Variant, contrary, incommensurate.


      Convey. Take, transfer, move, change, carry, shift, transmit, transport, remove, consign, relegate.

      Ant. Retain, preserve, hold, cling to, possess.


      Conviction. Belief, assurance, persuasion; confutation, refutation; proof, detection.

      Ant. Doubt, disbelief, misgiving; vindication, justification.


      Convince. Persuade, satisfy, enlighten, indoctrinate, inoculate.

      Ant. Mislead, mystify, perplex, puzzle, unsettle, upset; turn, convert.


      Convivial. Social, festive, hospitable, jovial, jolly, companionable, gay.

      Ant. Inhospitable, unsocial, unneighborly, churlish; abstemious, ascetic, austere.


      Convocation. Convention, congress, assemblage, council, synod.

      Ant. Dispersion, disruption, dismission, dismissal.


      Convolution. Coil, involution, spiral, twist, contortion.

      Ant. Unfolding, evolution, unraveling, explication.


      Convoy. Escort, guard, attendance, protection.

      Ant. Capture, betrayal, onset, onslaught, hold up.


      Convulse. Disturb, shake, agitate.

      Ant. Calm, compose, soothe, assuage.


      Cool. Somewhat cold, chilling, frigid, freezing; unimpassioned, composed, collected, unruffled, self-possessed, sedate, placid, quiet; indifferent, unconcerned, apathetic.

      Ant. Hot, warm, burning, heated, excitable, ardent, eager.


      Coöperate. Assist, abet, help, conspire, concur, co-labor.

      Ant. Oppose, thwart, rival, counteract, conflict, hinder, defeat, frustrate.


      Coördinate. Equal, equivalent, proportionate, commensurate, tantamount, equipollent.

      Ant. Subordinate; disparate, extraneous; inferior, superior.


      Copy. Portraiture, facsimile, duplicate, imitation, likeness, image, transcript, counterfeit.

      Ant. Model, original, pattern, example, prototype, archetype, exemplar.


      Cordial. Earnest, warm, hearty, ardent, affectionate, sincere, invigorating, refreshing, pleasing, grateful.

      Ant. Cool, formal, ceremonious, distant, reserved, disinclined.


      Corner. Angle, bend, crotch, knee; nook, recess, niche, retreat.

      Ant. Abutment, protrusion, prominence, convexity, projection.


      Corollary. Inference, conclusion, deduction, consequence.

      Ant. Problem, proposition.


      Corporal, Corporeal. Fleshly, bodily, material, physical.

      Ant. Spiritual, mental, intellectual, moral, ethereal, immaterial.


      Corps. Body of troops, division of army, squadron, band, company.

      Ant. Aggregate, army, host, mass, force, organization.


      Corpse. Remains, dead body, cadaver, carcass, dust.

      Ant. Soul, spirit, individual, personality, mentality.


      Corpulent. Fat, fleshy, plump, obese, portly, round, stout.

      Ant. Lean, thin, attenuated, emaciated, slight, slender, frail.


      Correct. True, exact, accurate, proper, faultless, right.

      Ant. False, untrue, wrong, inexact, inaccurate, fallacious, defective.


      Corrective. Regulative, preventive, alterative, preservative, rectifying, modifying, improving, reformatory.

      Ant. Confirmative, stimulative, intensitive, provocative, conducive.


      Correlation. Interrelation, correspondence, apposition, interdependence, mutuality, reciprocation, interchange, reciprocity.

      Ant. Contradiction, independence, opposition, inconsistency, incongruity.


      Correspond. Agree, suit, match, fit, tally, harmonize, answer, correlate, stand counter; communicate, write.

      Ant. Vary, disagree, clash, jar; ignore, disregard, neglect.


      Correspondence. Adaptation, agreement, congruity; writing, letter, despatches, communication.

      Ant. Conversation; withdrawal, non-intercourse; incongruity, discord, disagreement.


      Corroborate. Strengthen, establish, sustain, support, confirm.

      Ant. Weaken, confute, rebut, invalidate, shake, enfeeble, overthrow.


      Corrode. Consume, eat away, waste, impair, rust, canker, wear, crumble.

      Ant. Renew, restore.


      Corrupt, v. Defile, pollute, infect, taint, vitiate, demoralize, contaminate, debase, spoil, deteriorate.

      Ant. Cleanse, purify, better, correct, ameliorate.


      Corruption. Decay, decomposition, pollution, defilement, infection, contamination, adulteration; depravity, immorality, laxity, wickedness; dishonesty, bribery.
