Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Bounteous, a. Liberal, bountiful.

      Bountiful, a. Liberal, munificent, beneficent, generous, princely, bounteous.

      Bounty, n. 1. Liberality, munificence, beneficence, generosity.

      2. Present, gift, benefaction.

      3. Premium (for encouragement), reward.

      Bouquet, n. [Fr.] Nosegay, bunch of flowers.

      Bourgeoisie, n. [Fr.] Middle classes (especially such as depend on trade).

      Bourn, n. Bound, limit, confine, border, boundary.

      Bourse, n. [Fr.] Exchange.

      Bout, n. 1. Turn.

      2. [Rare.] Conflict, contest, set to.

      Bow, v. a. 1. Bend, inflect, crook, incurvate, curve, make crooked.

      2. Incline, turn downward.

      3. Depress, sink, cast down, bring down.

      Bow, v. n. 1. Bend, buckle, be inflected, be bent.

      2. Incline (in token of respect, reverence, or submission), make a bow.

      Bow, n. (Naut.) Fore part (of a ship), prow, beak, stem.

      Bowels, n. pl. 1. Intestines, guts, viscera, inwards.

      2. Inside, interior, interior parts.

      3. Compassion, pity, tenderness.

      Bower, n. Arbor, shady recess, shady retreat.

      Bow-hand, n. 1. (Archery.) The left hand.

      2. (Music.) The right hand.

      Bowman, n. Archer, sagittary.

      Bow-window, n. Bay-window.

      Box, n. 1. Case.

      2. Blow, stroke, cuff.

      Box, v. a. 1. Enclose in a box.

      2. Strike (with the hand or fist, as the ears), buffet, cuff.

      Box-berry, n. Wintergreen, tea-berry, partridge-berry, mountain-tea (Gaultheria procumbens).

      Box-elder, n. Ash-leaved maple (Negundium Americanum).

      Box the compass, Name the points of compass in their order.

      Boy, n. Lad, stripling, male child.

      Boy-servant, n. Page, serving boy.

      Brace, v. a. 1. Tighten, draw tight, make tense, strain up.

      2. Strengthen, fortify, support, prop, give strength to.

      Brace, n. 1. Couple, pair.

      2. Prop, support, stay, shore, strut.

      3. Bit-stock.

      Braces, n. pl. 1. Suspenders, gallowses.

      2. Straps (on which a carriage rests).

      Boyish, a. 1. Of boyhood.

      2. Childish, puerile.

      Brachygraphy, n. Stenography, shorthand.

      Bracing, a. Strengthening, invigorating.

      Brackets, n. pl. (Printing.) Crotchets.

      Brackish, a. Saltish, somewhat salt.

      Brag, v. n. Boast, vaunt, gasconade, bluster, vapor, flourish, exalt one's self, magnify one's self, talk big.

      Brag, n. Boast, vaunt, gasconade, bluster, bravado, vaporing, blatherskite, great cry and little wool.

      Braggadocio, n. Boaster, blusterer, vaunter, braggart, blatherskite, gascon, vain-glorious fellow.

      Braggart, n. Boaster, braggadocio.

      Braggart, a. boastful, boasting.

      Brag of, Boast, vaunt, magnify, exalt, make much of.

      Brahma, n. (Hindoo Mythol.) The Creator, God.

      Brahmin, n. [Written also Bramin.] Hindoo Priest.

      Braid, v. n. Plait, plat, intertwine, interweave, interlace, weave together.

      Brain-fever, n. Phrenitis.

      Brain-pan, n. Skull, cranium.

      Brains, n. pl. Understanding, sense, mind, reason, intellect, capacity, intellectual faculties.

      Brake, n. 1. Fern.

      2. Thicket, brushwood, jungle.

      Brake up, Put down the brakes (to stop a railway train).

      Bramah press, Hydraulic press, hydrostatic press.

      Branch, n. 1. Bough, limb, shoot.

      2. Offshoot, ramification, arm, projecting part.

      3. Section, subdivision, part, portion, article, member.

      Branch, v. n. Diverge, ramify, spread in branches, shoot off, branch off.

      Branch off, Ramify, branch.

      Branch out, Expatiate, be diffuse, speak diffusely.

      Branchiæ, n. pl. [L.] Gills.

      Branching, n. Ramification, arborescence.

      Branching, a. Arborescent, arboriform, dendriform, dendroid, dendritic.

      Brand, n. 1. Fire-brand.

      2. Mark (of a hot iron).

      3. Kind, quality.

      4. Stigma, stain, reproach.

      5. [Poetical.] Sword.

      Brand, v. a. 1. Mark (with a hot iron).

      2. Stigmatize, denounce.

      Brand-goose, n. Brant, brent (Anser bernicla).

      Brandish, v. a. Flourish, wave.

      Brand-new, a. Quite new, fire-new, spick and span new, span new.

      Brant, n. Brent, brand-goose.

      Brash, a. 1. Hasty, rash, impetuous.

      2. [Local, U. S.] Brittle, fragile, easily broken.

      Brass, n. 1. Alloy of copper and zinc.

      2. Assurance, boldness, pertness, effrontery, presumption, audacity, forwardness, face, front, cheek.

      Brassy, a. [Colloquial.] Bold, pert, assuming, forward, cheeky, brazen, brazen-faced.

      Brat, СКАЧАТЬ