Название: Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I
Автор: Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Издательство: Автор
2. Prior to, previous to.
3. In the presence of, face to face with.
4. Near the front of, in front of.
Before, ad. 1. Toward the front.
2. In advance, farther onward.
3. Formerly, in time past, of old.
4. Hitherto, up to that time.
5. Above, in a former part.
Beforehand, ad. Previously, in anticipation, in advance.
Beforehand, a. Forehanded, in comfortable circumstances (as respects property), well off, well to do.
Before the wind, With the wind, in the direction of the wind.
Befoul, v. a. Soil, pollute, daggle, draggle, foul, bemire, dirty.
Befriend, v. a. Favor, encourage, patronize, countenance, assist, help, aid, benefit, act as a friend to, do a good turn for, be kind to.
Beg, v. a. 1. Crave, solicit, beseech, implore, supplicate, conjure, pray for, petition for, seek by petition, ask earnestly.
2. Assume, take for granted, consider as true.
Beg, v. n. Solicit charity, ask alms.
Beget, v. a. 1. Generate, procreate, engender, breed, get, be the father of.
2. Produce, originate, give rise to.
Beggar, n. Mendicant, pauper, starveling, poor or indigent person.
Beggar, v. a. 1. Impoverish, ruin, render poor, reduce to poverty, bring to want.
2. Surpass, exceed, go beyond, be above, put at fault, show to be inadequate.
Beggarly, a. 1. Destitute, indigent, needy, poor.
2. Sorry, mean, abject, base, low, paltry, shabby, vile, scurvy, miserable, contemptible, despicable, pitiful, pitiable, servile, slavish, grovelling, base-minded, low-minded, mean-spirited.
Beggary, n. Poverty, indigence, penury, destitution, want, distress, mendicancy, mendicity.
Begin, v. n. 1. Originate, arise, take rise.
2. Commence, make a beginning, take the first step, break ground, break the ice.
Begin, v. a. Commence, institute, originate, enter upon, set about, set on foot, set in operation.
Beginner, n. Tyro, novice.
Beginning, n. 1. Commencement, outset, opening, start.
2. Origin, source, rise.
Begird, v. a. 1. Gird, bind with a girdle.
2. Surround, encompass, environ, encircle, enclose, engird.
Begone, interj. 1. Depart, go away, haste away, be off, get thee gone.
2. Away, let us go, let us be off.
Begrudge, v. a. Grudge, envy the possession of.
Beguile, v. a. 1. Delude, cheat, deceive, befool.
2. Divert, amuse, entertain, cheer, solace.
Behalf, n. Benefit, advantage, profit, interest, account, behoof.
Be hanged, Come to the gallows.
Behave, v. n. Act, conduct one's self, demean one's self, acquit one's self, behave one's self.
Behave one's self, Behave.
Behavior, n. Deportment (on particular occasions), conduct, bearing, demeanor, carriage, manner, mien, air, port.
Behead, v. a. Decapitate, decollate, deprive of the head.
Beheading, n. Decapitation, decollation.
Behest, n. Command, commandment, mandate, order, precept, injunction, direction, charge, bidding.
Behind, prep. 1. Abaft, at the back of, in the rear of.
2. After, following.
Behind, ad. 1. Backward, back.
2. Abaft, aft, astern, rearward, in the rear, at the back.
Behindhand, a. Backward, late, tardy, after the usual time.
Behind the curtain, Hid, concealed, in concealment.
Behold, v. a. See, observe, view, descry, discern, look upon, set one's eyes on.
Behold, interj. See, look, observe, lo.
Beholden, a. Obliged, indebted, grateful, thankful, under obligation.
Beholder, n. Observer, spectator, looker-on.
Behoof, n. Advantage, benefit, profit, interest, account, behoof.
Behoove, v. a. Become, befit, beseem, be fit for, be proper for, be meet for.
Be in earnest, Be serious, be not jesting.
Being, 1. Existence, subsistence.
2. Creature, substance, thing.
Be in the ascendant, Have superior influence, have commanding influence.
Be in the wrong box, Mistake, err, make a mistake, bark up the wrong tree.
Be it so, 1. Suppose it to be so.
2. Amen, so be it, let it be so.
Belabor, v. a. Thump, beat, strike, knock, lay blows upon.
Belated, a. Retarded, hindered, made late.
Belay, v. a. (Naut.) Fasten, make fast.
Belch, v. a. 1. Eject (as wind from the stomach), discharge.
2. Throw out violently, cast forth.
Belch, v. n. 1. Eructate, eject wind from the stomach.
2. Be ejected violently.
Belching, n. Eructation.
Beldam, n. Hag, Jezebel, virago, vixen, fury, she-monster, ugly old woman.
Beleaguer, v. a. Besiege, invest, beset, lay siege to.
Bel-esprit, n. [Fr. pl. Beaux-esprits.] Wit, man of wit, man of genius.
Belfry, n. Campanile.
Belial, n. Satan, devil, Apollyon, arch-fiend.
Belie, v. a. 1. Falsify, misrepresent, represent falsely.
2. Give the lie to, convict of falsehood, show to be false, charge with falsehood.
Belief, n. 1. Credence, credit, confidence, trust, reliance, persuasion, faith.