Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Aberrant, a. 1. Deviating, wandering, rambling, diverging, divergent, devious, erratic, out of the way.

      2. Irregular, abnormal, unnatural, unusual, singular, peculiar, anomalous, unconformable, exceptional, strange, anomalistic, eccentric, monstrous, preternatural.

      Aberration, n. 1. Deviation, divergence, wandering, rambling, departure.

      2. Irregularity, eccentricity, singularity, peculiarity, strangeness, unconformity, anomaly, abnormity, monstrosity.

      3. Illusion, delusion, hallucination, monomania, self-deception.

      Abet, v. a. 1. Aid, assist, help, support, succor, second, sustain, uphold, back, co-operate with, take part with, give support to.

      2. Favor, encourage, sanction, countenance, advocate, connive at.

      3. (Law.) Instigate (to commit a crime), stimulate, incite, foment.

      Abettor, n. 1. Assistant, helper, aider, coadjutor, co-operator, ally, auxiliary.

      2. Advocate, adviser, promoter, instigator.

      3. Confederate, accomplice, accessory, particeps criminis, socius criminis.

      Abeyance, n. 1. (Law.) Expectation, prospect, expectancy, waiting, anticipation, calculation, contemplation.

      2. Suspense, reservation, intermission, remission, dormancy, quiescence.

      Abhor, v. a. Hate, abominate, detest, loathe, nauseate, shrink from, recoil from, shudder at, view with horror.

      Abhorrence, n. Abomination, horror, detestation, hatred, loathing, disgust, antipathy, aversion.

      Abhorrent, a. 1. Hating, detesting, abominating, loathing.

      2. Odious, offensive, shocking, repugnant, hateful, loathsome.

      Abide, v. n. 1. Stay, sojourn, tarry, lodge, rest, keep, take up one's quarters, pitch one's tent.

      2. Dwell, reside, live, inhabit, settle, plant one's self, get a footing, get a foothold.

      3. Remain, continue, persist, persevere, subsist, go on, keep on, be steadfast, be constant.

      4. Endure, bear.

      Abide, v. a. 1. Await, attend, wait for, be in readiness for, be in store for.

      2. Endure, tolerate, bear, brook, suffer, bear with, put up with.

      Abide by. Act up to, conform to, persist in.

      Abiding, a. Permanent, lasting, durable, constant, continuing, stable.

      Ability, n. 1. Power (to execute any thing), ableness, force, potency, might, efficiency, efficacy, strength, energy, skill, skilfulness, dexterity, address, cleverness, ingenuity, talent, aptitude, aptness, knack, expertness, facility, quickness, readiness.

      2. Qualification, competency, sufficiency.

      3. Capacity, capability, capableness, faculty, gift, parts, genius, endowment, calibre, forte, turn.

      Abject, a. Base, vile, mean, low, despicable, contemptible, beggarly, paltry, dirty, squalid, grovelling, pitiful, ignoble, degraded, worthless, poor, servile, slavish, menial, sneaking, sordid, shabby, scurvy, miserable, wretched, low-minded, base-minded, earth-born, earth-bred.

      Abjection, n. 1. [Rare.] Humbling, humiliation.

      2. Abasement, abjectness.

      Abjectness, n. Meanness, servility, vileness, baseness, abasement, abjection, contemptibleness.

      Abjuration, 1. Renunciation (upon oath), relinquishment, rejection, abandonment, abnegation.

      2. Recantation, retraction, revocation, repeal, reversal, recall.

      Abjure, v. a. 1. Renounce (upon oath), relinquish, forego, reject, forswear, abandon, abnegate, give up, cast off.

      2. Retract, revoke, recant, recall, withdraw, disavow, take back.

      Able, a. 1. Clever, accomplished, talented, adroit, ingenious, expert, dexterous, apt, quick, skilful, efficient, proficient, good, versed, practical, au fait.

      2. Qualified, fitted, competent.

      3. Capable, gifted, powerful, strong, mighty, highly endowed.

      4. Masterly, effective, telling.

      Ableness, n. Ability.

      Ablution, n. Washing (especially of the body, as a religious rite), lavation, bathing, wash.

      Abnegate, v. a. [Rare.] Deny, reject, renounce, abjure.

      Abnegation, n. Denial, renunciation, rejection, abandonment, abjuration, surrender.

      Abnormal, a. Irregular, anomalous, anomalistic, unusual, unnatural, singular, peculiar, unconformable, exceptional, heteroclite, aberrant, eccentric, erratic, strange, monstrous, preternatural.

      Abnormity, n. Irregularity, unconformity, anomaly, peculiarity, singularity, monstrosity.

      Aboard, ad. On board, in the ship, in the vessel.

      Abode, n. 1. Habitation, dwelling, lodging, domicile, home, house, seat, place, quarters, head-quarters, place of residence.

      2. [Rare.] Continuance (in a place), stay, residence.

      Abolish, v. a. 1. Abrogate, annul, disannul, repeal, rescind, revoke, cancel, nullify, quash, vacate, invalidate, set aside, make void.

      2. Destroy, overthrow, subvert, obliterate, extirpate, eradicate, annihilate, extinguish, suppress, disestablish, do away, put an end to.

      Abolition, n. 1. Abrogation, annulment, annulling, nullification, rescinding, revocation, cancelling, repeal, rescission.

      2. Destruction, overthrow, subversion, obliteration, extirpation, eradication, annihilation, extinction, extinguishment, suppression, disestablishment.

      Abominable, a. 1. Hateful, odious, detestable, horrid, horrible, execrable, nefarious, damnable, cursed, accursed, hellish.

      2. Loathsome, offensive, obnoxious, foul, nauseous, nauseating, disgusting, sickening, repulsive, revolting, shocking.

      3. Vile, wretched, sorry, scurvy, shabby, bad.

      Abominate, v. a. Abhor, detest, execrate, hate, loathe, nauseate, shrink from, recoil from, shudder at, view with horror.

      Abomination, n. 1. Abhorrence, detestation, execration, hatred, loathing, disgust, antipathy.

      2. Contamination, pollution, defilement, taint, uncleanness, impurity, foulness.

      3. Nuisance, annoyance, plague, infliction, torment, curse, great evil, hateful thing.

      Aboriginal, a. Primitive, primeval, primordial, pristine, primary, prime, original, first, native, indigenous, autochthonal.

      Abortion, n. 1. Miscarriage.

      2. Failure, disappointment, want of success, vain effort or attempt.

      Abortive, СКАЧАТЬ